Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: PDM Start to Start Relationship

PDM Start to Start Relationship

Understanding PDM Start-to-Start Relationships in Oil & Gas Projects

In the complex world of oil & gas projects, precise project management is paramount. One crucial concept used in project scheduling is the PDM (Precedence Diagramming Method) Start-to-Start relationship. This relationship dictates that a successor activity can only begin after a specific duration has elapsed following the commencement of the preceding activity.

Delving Deeper:

Imagine a scenario where you need to install a new pipeline (Activity B) after preparing the ground (Activity A). A simple start-to-start relationship would mean Activity B cannot start before Activity A begins. However, a PDM Start-to-Start relationship with a specified duration adds another layer of complexity. For instance, you may need to allow a 2-day buffer period between the completion of ground preparation and the start of pipeline installation. This ensures sufficient time for any potential delays or unforeseen circumstances.

Benefits of PDM Start-to-Start Relationships:

  • Improved Project Planning: This relationship fosters a more accurate and realistic project schedule by factoring in necessary lead times between activities.
  • Resource Optimization: It ensures that resources are allocated effectively, preventing unnecessary idle time or overlapping activities.
  • Reduced Risk of Delays: The inclusion of lead time helps mitigate potential delays by providing a safety buffer between activities.
  • Enhanced Communication: By clearly outlining dependencies and lead times, this relationship enhances communication and collaboration between project teams.

Practical Applications in Oil & Gas:

  • Drilling Operations: Before commencing drilling operations, preparatory activities like site preparation and rig mobilization need to be completed. A start-to-start relationship with a specified duration ensures sufficient time for these activities.
  • Pipeline Construction: Laying pipelines requires specific preparation, including clearing land and preparing trenches. A PDM Start-to-Start relationship ensures that pipeline laying starts only after these preparatory activities are completed, considering necessary lead time.
  • Facility Construction: The construction of oil & gas facilities involves a series of interdependent activities. Each activity may require a lead time before the subsequent one can begin, ensuring a smooth and efficient construction process.


PDM Start-to-Start relationships with specified durations play a critical role in ensuring efficient and timely completion of oil & gas projects. They allow for a more realistic and robust project schedule, minimizing the risk of delays and maximizing resource utilization. By incorporating this relationship into their planning, project managers can enhance project success and deliver projects safely and effectively.

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