Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: PDM Start to Finish Relationship

PDM Start to Finish Relationship

Understanding PDM's "Start to Finish Relationship" in Oil & Gas

In the world of Oil & Gas project management, precision and coordination are paramount. Delays in one activity can cascade and cripple the entire project. This is where Primavera P6's "Start to Finish" relationship, a powerful constraint type, comes into play.

What is a "Start to Finish" Relationship?

The "Start to Finish" relationship defines a dependency where the finish of a particular work activity (successor activity) is delayed until a specific duration following the start of another work activity (predecessor activity).

How it works:

Imagine you need to install a new pump (successor activity) but require the existing pump to be operational (predecessor activity) for a certain period to ensure a smooth transition. This is where the "Start to Finish" relationship comes in.

By defining this relationship in P6, you can specify that the new pump installation cannot begin until the old pump has been running for a designated duration (e.g., 24 hours). This ensures the old pump is functioning properly before decommissioning, mitigating potential downtime and unforeseen issues.

Key Advantages:

  • Reduced Risk of Downtime: Ensures sufficient overlap between activities, minimizing the risk of critical equipment being offline.
  • Enhanced Project Planning: Provides a clear timeline for activity dependencies, enabling efficient resource allocation and scheduling.
  • Improved Communication: Clearly communicates dependencies between activities to all stakeholders, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Example in Oil & Gas:

  • Rig Move: A new well drilling operation (successor activity) cannot start until the rig has been moved to the new location (predecessor activity) and fully set up (duration defined).
  • Pipeline Construction: A welding operation (successor activity) cannot start until the pipe has been laid (predecessor activity) and inspected (duration defined) to ensure proper alignment and quality.

Beyond P6:

The concept of a "Start to Finish" relationship is not unique to P6. It is a fundamental scheduling principle used in various project management software and methods. Understanding this relationship is essential for any project manager, particularly in the complex and high-stakes world of Oil & Gas.


The "Start to Finish" relationship within P6 and other project management tools is a vital tool for mitigating risks and ensuring smooth project execution in the Oil & Gas industry. By utilizing this dependency type effectively, project managers can optimize resource allocation, minimize downtime, and ultimately achieve successful project completion.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding PDM's "Start to Finish" Relationship

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does a "Start to Finish" relationship define in project management?

a) The start of an activity must occur before the end of another activity. b) The end of an activity must occur before the start of another activity. c) The end of an activity must occur a certain duration after the start of another activity. d) The start of an activity must occur a certain duration before the end of another activity.


c) The end of an activity must occur a certain duration after the start of another activity.

2. In a "Start to Finish" relationship, what is the "predecessor activity"?

a) The activity that must be completed before the successor activity can start. b) The activity that must be completed before the successor activity can end. c) The activity that depends on the completion of the successor activity. d) The activity that starts at the same time as the successor activity.


a) The activity that must be completed before the successor activity can start.

3. Which of the following is NOT a key advantage of using a "Start to Finish" relationship?

a) Increased risk of downtime due to overlapping activities. b) Enhanced project planning with clear dependency timelines. c) Improved communication about activity dependencies among stakeholders. d) Efficient resource allocation based on activity dependencies.


a) Increased risk of downtime due to overlapping activities.

4. In an Oil & Gas scenario, which of the following exemplifies a "Start to Finish" relationship?

a) A new pipeline welding operation can only begin after the pipe has been laid. b) A well drilling operation must start before the rig is moved to a new location. c) A new pump installation cannot begin until the old pump has been running for 24 hours. d) A pipeline inspection must be completed before the pipeline is laid.


c) A new pump installation cannot begin until the old pump has been running for 24 hours.

5. The "Start to Finish" relationship is a concept unique to Primavera P6.

a) True b) False


b) False

Exercise: "Start to Finish" Relationship in Action

Scenario: You are managing the construction of a new oil platform. One of the critical tasks is installing a new generator (successor activity). The existing generator must remain operational during the installation (predecessor activity) to ensure power supply for the platform.


  1. Identify the "predecessor activity" and the "successor activity" in this scenario.
  2. Describe how you would use a "Start to Finish" relationship to define this dependency in your project management software.
  3. Explain why this relationship is important for the project's success.

Exercice Correction

**1. Predecessor Activity:** Keeping the existing generator operational. **Successor Activity:** Installing the new generator.

**2.** You would define a "Start to Finish" relationship between the two activities in your project management software. This would specify that the new generator installation cannot start until the existing generator has been running for a specific duration (e.g., 24 hours). This duration would be defined based on the time required for a smooth transition and ensures that the platform has uninterrupted power supply.

**3.** This relationship is important because it ensures a smooth transition from the old generator to the new one, preventing any downtime or disruption in the platform's power supply. It also reduces the risk of any unforeseen issues during the generator installation, which could potentially impact other critical activities on the platform.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Seventh Edition. PMI. This comprehensive resource covers project scheduling, including dependency relationships, and is a standard reference for project managers.


  • "Understanding Dependency Relationships in Project Management" by This article provides a clear and concise explanation of different dependency relationships, including "Start to Finish," and their implications.
  • "Primavera P6: Start to Finish Relationship Explained" by Project Management Guru: This article specifically focuses on the "Start to Finish" relationship within Primavera P6 and its application in project management.
  • "Dependency Relationships in Project Management" by ProjectSmart: This article discusses the importance of dependency relationships in project scheduling and provides examples of how to use them effectively.

Online Resources

  • Primavera P6 User Guide: The official documentation for Primavera P6 includes detailed explanations of various constraint types, including the "Start to Finish" relationship.
  • Oracle Primavera P6 Tutorials: Numerous online tutorials and videos are available that provide step-by-step guidance on using Primavera P6, including how to define and utilize dependency relationships.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) website: The PMI website offers a wealth of information on project management, including articles, webinars, and resources on scheduling and dependency relationships.

Search Tips

  • "Start to Finish Relationship Primavera P6": This search will provide relevant results specific to using this constraint type within Primavera P6.
  • "Dependency Relationships Project Management": This broader search will return articles and resources about dependency relationships in general, including their types and applications.
  • "Project Management Software Dependency Relationships": This search will help you find information about how different project management software handles dependency relationships.
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