Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: PBS


PBS: A Foundation for Oil & Gas Project Success

In the intricate world of Oil & Gas projects, a clear and well-defined structure is crucial to ensure efficient planning, execution, and ultimately, successful project delivery. This is where the Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) comes into play.

What is PBS?

PBS is a hierarchical representation of all the physical deliverables and work products required for a specific oil and gas project. It essentially breaks down the project scope into manageable components, each with its own unique specifications and characteristics.

Why is PBS important in Oil & Gas?

  • Clarity and Focus: PBS provides a clear and concise visual representation of the project scope, ensuring everyone involved understands what needs to be delivered.
  • Effective Planning: By breaking down the project into manageable components, PBS facilitates better planning, resource allocation, and scheduling.
  • Cost Control: PBS helps in identifying and estimating the cost of each deliverable, allowing for better cost management and control.
  • Risk Management: By breaking down the project into smaller components, risks can be identified and mitigated more effectively at each level.
  • Communication and Collaboration: PBS serves as a common language for all stakeholders involved, promoting effective communication and collaboration.

Key elements of PBS in Oil & Gas:

  • Project Objectives: Clearly defines the overall goals and outcomes of the project.
  • Deliverables: Lists all the physical items and services that need to be produced and delivered.
  • Work Packages: Defines smaller, manageable tasks within each deliverable, each with its own budget, schedule, and resources.
  • Responsibility Matrix: Assigns specific roles and responsibilities for each work package to ensure clear accountability.

Examples of PBS elements in Oil & Gas projects:

  • Exploration and Appraisal: Seismic surveys, drilling wells, well testing, data analysis
  • Field Development: Pipeline construction, platform installation, well completion
  • Production and Processing: Extraction, transportation, refining, and distribution of oil and gas

Benefits of using PBS in Oil & Gas:

  • Improved project efficiency and productivity
  • Enhanced cost control and budget management
  • Improved risk management and mitigation
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration among stakeholders
  • Improved project quality and delivery


A well-defined PBS is an indispensable tool for oil and gas companies looking to achieve project success. By providing a clear, structured framework for planning, execution, and management, PBS empowers organizations to navigate the complexities of oil and gas projects with greater confidence and efficiency.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: PBS - A Foundation for Oil & Gas Project Success

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) in an Oil & Gas project?

a) To track the project budget. b) To outline the project schedule. c) To define the project scope and deliverables in a hierarchical manner. d) To identify potential risks and mitigation strategies.


c) To define the project scope and deliverables in a hierarchical manner.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key element of a PBS?

a) Project Objectives b) Deliverables c) Resource Allocation d) Work Packages


c) Resource Allocation

3. How does a PBS contribute to effective risk management in Oil & Gas projects?

a) By identifying potential risks at each level of the breakdown. b) By assigning responsibility for risk mitigation to specific stakeholders. c) By providing a framework for developing risk management plans. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. Which of the following is an example of a deliverable within an Oil & Gas project's PBS?

a) Completing a safety training course. b) Conducting a feasibility study. c) Constructing a pipeline. d) Hiring a new project manager.


c) Constructing a pipeline.

5. How does a PBS benefit communication and collaboration among project stakeholders?

a) By providing a common language and understanding of the project scope. b) By clarifying roles and responsibilities for each deliverable. c) By facilitating the sharing of project information and updates. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Creating a Simplified PBS

Instructions: Imagine you are managing a small Oil & Gas project focused on developing a new well site. Develop a simplified PBS for this project, outlining the main deliverables and work packages. Include a brief description of each.


Deliverable: Well Site Preparation

Work Packages:

  • Clearing and Grading: Prepare the site by clearing vegetation, removing topsoil, and grading the area.
  • Foundation Construction: Construct the foundation for the drilling rig and other equipment.
  • Utility Installation: Install power lines, water lines, and other necessary utilities.

Remember to consider the different stages of a well site development project, from initial preparation to production.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible simplified PBS for a well site development project:

Deliverable: Well Site Development

Work Package: Site Selection and Preparation

  • Site Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of potential well sites, considering factors like environmental impact, access, and infrastructure.
  • Land Acquisition: Secure the necessary permits and land rights for the chosen site.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: Complete an environmental impact study and mitigate potential risks.
  • Site Clearing and Grading: Prepare the site for construction by clearing vegetation, removing topsoil, and grading the area.

Work Package: Well Construction

  • Drilling Rig Installation: Install the drilling rig and related equipment on the prepared site.
  • Well Drilling: Drill the well to the specified depth, following safety protocols and geological plans.
  • Well Completion: Complete the well by installing casing, tubing, and other equipment to enable production.

Work Package: Facility Construction

  • Production Facility Construction: Construct the necessary production facilities, including separators, tanks, and pipelines.
  • Pipeline Installation: Install pipelines to transport oil and gas from the well to the production facility.

Work Package: Production and Monitoring

  • Production Commencement: Begin oil and gas production, following established safety and operational procedures.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Continuously monitor well performance, conduct regular maintenance, and ensure operational efficiency.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Monitor the environmental impact of the well site and implement corrective measures as needed.

This is a simplified example, and a real-world PBS would likely be more comprehensive and detailed. However, it provides a basic framework for understanding the key elements and hierarchical structure of a PBS in an Oil & Gas project.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). PMI. - Provides comprehensive guidance on project management principles, including work breakdown structures (PBS), applicable to various industries including oil and gas.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2018). Project Management: A Managerial Approach (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. - Covers project planning and control, including a detailed explanation of work breakdown structures and their importance in project management.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (12th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. - Offers a thorough understanding of project management methodologies, with dedicated sections on the creation and utilization of work breakdown structures.
  • Cleland, D. I., & Ireland, L. R. (2015). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. - Emphasizes the strategic importance of project management, including the use of PBS in defining project scope and managing resources.


  • "Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A Project Management Essential" by - A comprehensive guide explaining the concept and benefits of WBS (PBS) in project management, with practical examples.
  • "Building a Successful Oil and Gas Project: The Importance of a Detailed Work Breakdown Structure" by Energy Global - Focuses specifically on the importance of PBS in oil and gas projects, highlighting its benefits in risk management and cost control.
  • "How to Develop a Work Breakdown Structure for a Large-Scale Oil and Gas Project" by The Project Management Institute - Offers practical steps and best practices for creating a robust PBS for complex oil and gas projects.

Online Resources

  • - A comprehensive resource with articles, guides, and templates for various project management topics, including work breakdown structures.
  • PMI (Project Management Institute) - Offers resources, certifications, and training on project management, including detailed information on work breakdown structures.
  • Energy Global - Provides news, insights, and analysis on the oil and gas industry, with articles and reports on project management and the use of PBS.
  • Oil & Gas iQ - An online platform focused on oil and gas industry news, trends, and technology, with articles and resources related to project management and PBS.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "PBS in oil and gas project management," "work breakdown structure oil and gas," "PBS examples for oil and gas projects."
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms: "PBS and risk management oil and gas," "PBS and cost control oil and gas," "PBS templates for oil and gas projects."
  • Use quotation marks: "Product Breakdown Structure" to find exact matches for the term.
  • Filter results: Use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by date, source, and other criteria.
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