Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Parametric Estimating

Parametric Estimating

Parametric Estimating: A Powerful Tool for Oil & Gas Projects

In the fast-paced world of Oil & Gas, accurate cost estimations are critical for successful project planning and execution. Parametric Estimating emerges as a powerful tool for achieving this accuracy. This technique leverages historical data and statistical relationships to generate reliable project cost estimates.

What is Parametric Estimating?

Parametric Estimating utilizes a statistical relationship between historical data and specific variables to arrive at an estimate. These variables can be anything from square footage in construction projects to lines of code in software development. For Oil & Gas projects, parameters can include:

  • Well depth: The deeper the well, the higher the drilling costs.
  • Reservoir characteristics: Complex reservoir formations require more advanced drilling techniques and equipment, increasing costs.
  • Production capacity: Higher production rates necessitate larger pipelines and processing facilities, escalating project expenses.

How Does Parametric Estimating Work?

  1. Data Gathering: Historical data from similar projects is gathered, including project costs and relevant parameters.
  2. Statistical Analysis: Statistical relationships between the parameters and project costs are analyzed. This could involve linear regression, correlation analysis, or other statistical methods.
  3. Estimate Calculation: The derived statistical relationship is applied to the parameters of the current project to calculate a cost estimate.

Advantages of Parametric Estimating in Oil & Gas:

  • Speed and Efficiency: This technique provides quick and efficient estimates, especially in the early stages of project planning when detailed information is limited.
  • Accuracy: When applied with sufficient historical data and appropriate statistical analysis, Parametric Estimating can produce highly accurate estimates.
  • Cost-effectiveness: By leveraging existing data, it significantly reduces the need for extensive data collection and analysis, saving time and resources.
  • Standardization: The use of historical data and statistical relationships promotes consistency and standardization across different projects.

Challenges of Parametric Estimating:

  • Data availability: Accurate and comprehensive historical data is essential for reliable estimates.
  • Accuracy of data: Inaccurate or incomplete historical data can lead to flawed estimates.
  • Project complexity: Parametric Estimating is most effective for projects with a strong similarity to previous projects. Highly complex or unique projects might require adjustments or additional techniques.

Best Practices for Effective Parametric Estimating:

  • Use high-quality data: Ensure the accuracy and completeness of historical data.
  • Choose appropriate parameters: Select parameters that are strongly correlated with project costs.
  • Validate the model: Test the statistical relationship against known project data to ensure accuracy.
  • Consider project specifics: Adjust estimates based on unique project characteristics not captured by the historical data.


Parametric Estimating is a valuable tool for cost estimation in the Oil & Gas industry. By leveraging historical data and statistical relationships, it provides quick, accurate, and cost-effective estimates for project planning and execution. However, it is crucial to use this technique judiciously, considering data quality and project complexity to ensure reliable results.

Test Your Knowledge

Parametric Estimating Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the core principle behind Parametric Estimating?

a) Utilizing expert opinions to determine project costs. b) Breaking down projects into smaller tasks and estimating each one.


c) Leveraging statistical relationships between historical data and project parameters.

c) Leveraging statistical relationships between historical data and project parameters. d) Using cost databases to find similar projects and their costs.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common parameter used in Oil & Gas Parametric Estimating?

a) Well depth b) Reservoir characteristics c) Project management experience


d) Production capacity

d) Production capacity

3. What is a key advantage of Parametric Estimating?

a) It eliminates the need for any historical data. b) It provides highly accurate estimates for all projects, regardless of complexity.


c) It offers fast and efficient cost estimations in the early project phases.

c) It offers fast and efficient cost estimations in the early project phases. d) It guarantees the most accurate estimates possible.

4. Which of the following is a potential challenge of Parametric Estimating?

a) Lack of available historical data b) Inability to handle projects with unique characteristics


c) Both a and b

c) Both a and b d) None of the above

5. What is a crucial step in ensuring effective Parametric Estimating?

a) Using a complex statistical analysis method. b) Choosing the most expensive historical data for analysis.


c) Validating the statistical model against known project data.

c) Validating the statistical model against known project data. d) Avoiding any adjustments to the initial estimate.

Parametric Estimating Exercise

Scenario: You are working on an oil & gas project involving drilling a new well. You have historical data from three similar projects:

| Project | Well Depth (meters) | Cost (Millions $) | |---|---|---| | A | 1500 | 10 | | B | 2000 | 14 | | C | 2500 | 18 |

Your project's well depth is 1800 meters. Using Parametric Estimating, calculate an initial cost estimate for your project.

Exercice Correction

1. **Identify the Parameter:** Well depth is the key parameter in this case. 2. **Analyze the Data:** We can observe a linear relationship between well depth and cost. For every 500 meter increase in depth, the cost increases by $4 million. 3. **Apply the Relationship:** Your project has a well depth of 1800 meters, which is 300 meters deeper than Project B (2000 meters). Since the cost increases by $4 million for every 500 meter increase, the additional cost for 300 meters would be $2.4 million (300 / 500 * $4 million). 4. **Calculate the Estimate:** Project B had a cost of $14 million. Adding the additional cost of $2.4 million for the extra depth gives us an initial cost estimate of $16.4 million for your project.


  • Cost Engineering: Principles and Practice by Clifford F. Greiner: A comprehensive guide to cost engineering principles, including a dedicated chapter on parametric estimating.
  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This book covers various project management methodologies, with a section on parametric cost estimating.
  • Estimating and Cost Control in Engineering and Construction by Peter P. J. D’Arcy: Provides insights into cost estimating techniques, focusing on parametric estimating methods.
  • Oil and Gas Project Management: Planning, Execution, and Control by David L. Cooper: This book includes a chapter dedicated to cost estimation in Oil & Gas projects, touching upon parametric techniques.


  • Parametric Cost Estimating: A Powerful Tool for Oil & Gas Projects by [Your Name/Company]: This article should contain the content you provided, diving deeper into specific examples and applications in the Oil & Gas context.
  • Parametric Cost Estimating for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Projects by [Author/Organization]: Search for articles specifically focused on applying parametric estimating to exploration and production projects.
  • The Role of Cost Estimation in Oil & Gas Project Planning by [Author/Organization]: Articles discussing the overall significance of cost estimation in Oil & Gas projects, highlighting the importance of parametric methods.
  • Using Parametric Cost Estimating to Improve Accuracy and Efficiency in Oil & Gas Projects by [Author/Organization]: Look for articles that analyze the benefits of implementing parametric estimating in Oil & Gas projects.

Online Resources

  • AACE International: This organization offers resources on cost estimating, including parametric estimating techniques. Visit their website for articles, training materials, and publications.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI): Check PMI's resources for information on cost estimation and project management methodologies, including parametric estimating.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE publications and resources are likely to include articles and research related to cost estimation in Oil & Gas projects.
  • Industry Journals (Oil & Gas): Browse industry journals like Oil & Gas Journal, Journal of Petroleum Technology, and Petroleum Technology Quarterly for articles discussing parametric estimating and cost control.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "parametric estimating" with "oil and gas," "exploration," "production," "cost control," "project management," and "case study."
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use "" to search only AACE International's website, or "filetype:pdf" to find PDF documents.
  • Explore related terms: Search for alternative terms like "statistical estimating," "analogous estimating," or "bottom-up estimating" to uncover relevant information.
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