Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Non-Excusable Delays

Non-Excusable Delays

Non-Excusable Delays in Oil & Gas: When the Contractor Bears the Burden

In the fast-paced and complex world of oil and gas projects, delays are an unfortunate reality. However, not all delays are created equal. Some are deemed excusable, meaning the contractor is not held responsible and may be entitled to a time extension or even compensation. Others, however, are considered non-excusable, placing the burden squarely on the contractor's shoulders.

Non-excusable delays are those caused by the contractor's own actions or inactions, or those of its subcontractors. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Failure to properly plan and schedule the project. This can involve inadequate resource allocation, unrealistic timelines, or a lack of clear communication within the contractor's team.
  • Insufficient or incompetent workforce. A shortage of skilled personnel or a lack of proper training can lead to delays in critical tasks.
  • Inefficient equipment operation. Malfunctioning equipment, poor maintenance practices, or inadequate equipment selection can all contribute to delays.
  • Breach of contract terms. Failure to meet contractual obligations, such as failing to provide required documentation or adhering to safety protocols, can also result in non-excusable delays.
  • Subcontractor failures. Delays caused by the contractor's subcontractors, even if beyond the contractor's direct control, are generally considered non-excusable. The contractor is ultimately responsible for ensuring their subcontractors perform to the agreed-upon standards.

Consequences of Non-Excusable Delays:

When a delay is deemed non-excusable, the contractor faces several consequences:

  • No time extension: The contractor is not entitled to any extension of the project deadline. The project must be completed within the original timeframe.
  • Potential financial penalties: The owner may be entitled to liquidated damages, a pre-determined sum for each day of delay, or other financial penalties outlined in the contract.
  • Loss of reputation: A history of non-excusable delays can damage the contractor's reputation and make it difficult to secure future projects.

Distinguishing Non-Excusable Delays from Excusable Delays:

It's crucial to understand the distinction between non-excusable and excusable delays. Excusable delays are typically caused by factors beyond the contractor's control, such as:

  • Acts of God: Natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, etc.
  • Government regulations: Unforeseen changes or delays in permits, approvals, or regulations.
  • Force majeure events: Unforeseeable and uncontrollable events like war, terrorism, or pandemics.

Importance of Clear Contract Language:

The contract between the owner and the contractor should clearly define what constitutes an excusable and non-excusable delay. This helps prevent disputes and ensures both parties understand their rights and obligations.


Non-excusable delays are a significant concern in the oil and gas industry. They can lead to financial penalties, project delays, and reputational damage. By understanding the factors that contribute to non-excusable delays, contractors can proactively take steps to avoid them and ensure project success.

Note: It's important to consult with legal professionals specializing in oil and gas contracts to understand the specific nuances and applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

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