Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Network Planning

Network Planning

Mapping the Path to Success: Network Planning in Project Management

Effective project management hinges on a clear understanding of the tasks involved, their dependencies, and the time required to complete them. This is where network planning comes into play – a vital technique that provides a visual roadmap for project success.

The Essence of Network Planning:

At its core, network planning involves graphically representing the logical sequence, timing, and interrelationships of project activities. This visual representation, often referred to as a network diagram, serves as the foundation for:

  • Planning and Scheduling: Determining the optimal order and timing of tasks to ensure efficient resource allocation and timely project completion.
  • Monitoring and Controlling: Tracking progress against the planned schedule and identifying potential delays or bottlenecks for proactive intervention.

Two Popular Notations:

Two primary methods are widely employed for creating network diagrams:

  1. Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM): This traditional method uses arrows to represent activities and nodes to represent events (start or finish points). Each arrow depicts a task, with its length representing the duration. This approach excels in highlighting dependencies and critical paths.

  2. Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM): This modern approach utilizes boxes or nodes to represent activities, with arrows showing the logical relationships between them. PDM offers flexibility in representing complex relationships and is often favored for its simplicity and ease of understanding.

Benefits of Network Planning:

  • Clarity and Communication: Provides a visual and structured framework for understanding project scope and dependencies.
  • Efficient Scheduling: Facilitates the identification and prioritization of critical tasks, enabling resource allocation and scheduling with precision.
  • Improved Risk Management: Highlights potential bottlenecks and critical paths, allowing for proactive risk mitigation strategies.
  • Enhanced Monitoring and Control: Enables effective tracking of progress, identification of deviations, and timely adjustments for course correction.
  • Facilitation of Collaboration: Creates a shared understanding of the project plan amongst stakeholders, promoting effective communication and coordination.

Application in Project Management:

Network planning finds application in diverse project settings, including:

  • Construction projects: Planning the sequence of activities, managing dependencies, and tracking progress.
  • Software development: Visualizing development stages, dependencies between modules, and potential delays.
  • Event planning: Mapping the timeline of activities, resource allocation, and event flow.


Network planning serves as a powerful tool in project management, offering a visual and comprehensive approach to planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling projects. By leveraging this technique, project managers can effectively navigate complexities, optimize resource allocation, and ensure timely completion of objectives. Whether utilizing ADM or PDM, the key lies in creating a clear and accurate representation of the project's logical flow, allowing for informed decision-making and efficient execution.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Mapping the Path to Success: Network Planning in Project Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of network planning in project management?

a) To create a detailed budget for the project. b) To assign specific tasks to individual team members. c) To visually represent the sequence and dependencies of project activities. d) To analyze the risks associated with each project task.


c) To visually represent the sequence and dependencies of project activities.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of network planning?

a) Improved communication and collaboration. b) Enhanced risk management capabilities. c) Easier budgeting and cost control. d) More efficient scheduling and resource allocation.


c) Easier budgeting and cost control.

3. What is the key difference between Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM) and Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)?

a) ADM uses nodes to represent activities, while PDM uses arrows. b) PDM is more suitable for complex projects with multiple dependencies. c) ADM is more visually appealing and easier to understand. d) PDM allows for more flexibility in representing relationships between activities.


d) PDM allows for more flexibility in representing relationships between activities.

4. In a network diagram, what does a "critical path" represent?

a) The most time-consuming task in the project. b) The sequence of tasks that cannot be delayed without impacting the project deadline. c) The path with the highest risk of encountering problems. d) The tasks that are most important to the overall project success.


b) The sequence of tasks that cannot be delayed without impacting the project deadline.

5. Which of the following project scenarios would benefit most from network planning?

a) A simple marketing campaign with a short timeline. b) A complex software development project with multiple teams and dependencies. c) A small-scale event with minimal planning requirements. d) A research project focused on data analysis.


b) A complex software development project with multiple teams and dependencies.

Exercise: Planning a Birthday Party

Instructions: Imagine you are planning a birthday party for your friend. You need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Send out invitations.
  2. Order and pick up the cake.
  3. Decorate the party space.
  4. Buy party supplies (food, drinks, etc.).
  5. Prepare food and drinks.
  6. Set up the party space.

Create a network diagram using either ADM or PDM to represent the logical sequence of these tasks and their dependencies.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible network diagram using PDM: **Tasks:** * T1: Send out invitations * T2: Order cake * T3: Pick up cake * T4: Decorate party space * T5: Buy party supplies * T6: Prepare food and drinks * T7: Set up party space **Dependencies:** * T2 must be completed before T3 * T1, T3, T4, and T5 must be completed before T6 * T6 and T7 must be completed before the party starts **Network Diagram:**

      T2 -> T3
       |    |
       |    V
       |    T4
       |     \
       |      V
       V      T5 
      T6 -> T7
       \   /
      Party Start
**Explanation:** * The diagram shows the order in which tasks must be completed. * T1, T2, T3, and T4 can be done concurrently. * T5 can be started after T4, but it must be completed before T6. * T6 and T7 can be done concurrently, but both must be finished before the party starts.


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: A comprehensive guide covering various aspects of project management, including network planning.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by the Project Management Institute: The industry standard for project management practices, with dedicated sections on scheduling and network diagrams.
  • Critical Chain Project Management: The New Critical Path Method for Managing Resources and Time by Eliyahu M. Goldratt: An alternative approach to traditional project management emphasizing critical chain and buffer management.
  • The Lean Product Playbook: How to Build Products Customers Love by Dan Olsen: A practical guide for product managers, incorporating lean principles and network planning for product development.


  • Network Planning: A Powerful Tool for Project Management by An overview of network planning, its benefits, and practical applications.
  • The Difference Between Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM) and Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) by A clear explanation of the two primary methods for network diagrams.
  • Network Diagram: Definition, Advantages, and Examples by Indeed: A detailed description of network diagrams, their uses, and real-world examples.
  • Critical Path Analysis: A Guide to Finding the Longest Path in Your Project by A guide to critical path analysis, a key component of network planning.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): - The leading organization for project management professionals, providing resources, certifications, and research.
  • - A website dedicated to project management tools, articles, and resources, including information on network planning.
  • Indeed: - A job search website that offers various articles on project management topics, including network planning and diagrams.
  • - A project management software platform with articles and guides on project management techniques like network planning.

Search Tips

  • Use keywords like "network planning project management", "project scheduling techniques", "critical path analysis", "arrow diagramming method", "precedence diagramming method".
  • Combine keywords with specific industries or project types, e.g., "network planning software development", "network planning construction projects".
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, e.g., "critical chain project management".
  • Explore related topics like "project risk management", "resource allocation", and "project scheduling tools".
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