Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Latest Finish Time

Latest Finish Time

Latest Finish Time: A Key Concept in Project Scheduling

In project planning and scheduling, the Latest Finish Time (LF) for an activity is the absolute latest point in time an activity can be completed without delaying the project's overall completion date. It's a crucial concept that helps determine the available slack or float for each activity, ultimately contributing to efficient project management.

Understanding Latest Finish Time:

Imagine you're building a house. The final step, moving in, can't be completed until the entire house is built. The Latest Finish Time for moving in is the project's overall deadline. Now, consider an activity like painting the bedrooms. It doesn't need to be completed right before moving in, but it can't be left until after. The Latest Finish Time for painting the bedrooms is determined by the dependencies it has with other activities (like completing the drywall) and the overall project deadline.

Calculating Latest Finish Time:

The calculation of Latest Finish Time is done backward through the project network, starting from the project's end date and moving towards the beginning. Here's a simplified approach:

  1. Identify the project's overall deadline. This is the starting point.
  2. For each activity, determine the latest point it can be finished without delaying the project. This is done by considering its dependencies and the Latest Finish Time of the activities it precedes.
  3. Calculate the Latest Finish Time by subtracting the activity's duration from the latest point it can be completed.

Relationship with Late Finish:

The terms Late Finish and Latest Finish Time are often used interchangeably, although there's a subtle difference.

  • Latest Finish Time refers to the absolute latest a task can finish without delaying the project.
  • Late Finish is a more general term that can refer to the latest a task can finish, taking into account various factors such as resource availability or external constraints.

Benefits of Using Latest Finish Time:

  • Identifying Slack: By comparing the Latest Finish Time with the Earliest Finish Time (EF), we can calculate the slack or float available for an activity. This helps in prioritizing tasks and allocating resources effectively.
  • Determining Critical Path: The activities with zero slack form the critical path. This is the chain of activities that determines the project's overall completion time. Identifying the critical path allows us to focus on these activities for timely project completion.
  • Effective Resource Allocation: Understanding the Latest Finish Time for each activity helps optimize resource allocation by ensuring tasks are completed within their deadlines.
  • Managing Risks: Knowing the Latest Finish Time helps in identifying potential risks and developing contingency plans to mitigate them.


The Latest Finish Time is a crucial concept in project planning and scheduling. It allows project managers to assess activity dependencies, determine critical paths, and allocate resources effectively. By understanding and applying this concept, project teams can achieve project success and avoid unnecessary delays.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Latest Finish Time

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Latest Finish Time (LF) represent in project scheduling?

a) The earliest time an activity can be completed.


Incorrect. The earliest time an activity can be completed is represented by the Earliest Finish Time (EF).

b) The absolute latest time an activity can be completed without delaying the project's overall completion date.

Correct! This is the definition of Latest Finish Time.

c) The time allocated for completing an activity.

Incorrect. This refers to the activity's duration.

d) The time remaining for completing an activity.

Incorrect. This refers to the activity's remaining time or slack.

2. How is the Latest Finish Time calculated?

a) By adding the activity's duration to the project's start date.


Incorrect. This calculation would result in the Earliest Finish Time.

b) By subtracting the activity's duration from the latest point it can be completed.

Correct! This is the correct way to calculate the Latest Finish Time.

c) By multiplying the activity's duration with the project's overall deadline.

Incorrect. This is not a valid method for calculating Latest Finish Time.

d) By dividing the project's overall deadline by the number of activities.

Incorrect. This would not consider activity dependencies and wouldn't be a reliable way to determine the Latest Finish Time.

3. What is the relationship between Latest Finish Time and Slack?

a) Latest Finish Time determines the amount of Slack available.


Correct! By comparing Latest Finish Time (LF) with Earliest Finish Time (EF), we can calculate the Slack (LF - EF).

b) Slack determines the Latest Finish Time.

Incorrect. Slack is calculated based on the difference between Latest Finish Time and Earliest Finish Time.

c) Latest Finish Time and Slack are independent concepts.

Incorrect. Latest Finish Time is directly related to Slack calculation.

d) Latest Finish Time is always greater than Slack.

Incorrect. Slack is calculated as the difference between Latest Finish Time and Earliest Finish Time, which could be a positive, negative, or zero value.

4. What is the significance of activities with zero slack in project scheduling?

a) They represent activities with the most available time.


Incorrect. Activities with zero slack have no room for delay.

b) They form the critical path of the project.

Correct! Activities with zero slack are part of the critical path, which dictates the project's overall completion time.

c) They can be delayed without affecting the project's deadline.

Incorrect. Any delay in critical path activities would delay the entire project.

d) They have the least impact on the project's overall completion time.

Incorrect. Critical path activities have the most impact on the project's completion time.

5. How does understanding Latest Finish Time contribute to effective project management?

a) It helps in allocating resources efficiently.


Correct! Knowing the Latest Finish Time helps prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively.

b) It allows for unlimited delays in non-critical path activities.

Incorrect. While non-critical path activities have some slack, they still have deadlines that need to be met to avoid delays in the overall project.

c) It eliminates the need for contingency plans.

Incorrect. Understanding Latest Finish Time helps identify potential risks, leading to better contingency planning.

d) It eliminates the need for project deadlines.

Incorrect. Deadlines are essential for project success, and Latest Finish Time helps ensure these deadlines are met.

Exercise: Latest Finish Time Calculation

Scenario: You are managing a construction project with the following activities:

| Activity | Description | Duration (days) | Dependencies | |---|---|---|---| | A | Site Preparation | 5 | None | | B | Foundation Construction | 10 | A | | C | Framing | 8 | B | | D | Electrical Wiring | 6 | C | | E | Plumbing | 5 | C | | F | Roofing | 7 | C, E | | G | Interior Finishing | 12 | D, F | | H | Painting | 4 | G | | I | Landscaping | 3 | G |


Calculate the Latest Finish Time for each activity, assuming the project's overall deadline is 35 days.

Note: You can use a backward pass approach starting from the project's deadline and working backward through the dependencies.

Exercice Correction

Here's the solution with the calculated Latest Finish Times:

| Activity | Latest Finish Time (LF) | |---|---| | A | 5 | | B | 15 | | C | 23 | | D | 29 | | E | 23 | | F | 30 | | G | 34 | | H | 38 | | I | 38 |


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - 6th Edition. Project Management Institute. - This comprehensive guide covers the fundamentals of project management, including scheduling and the Latest Finish Time.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2017). Project Management: A Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons. - This textbook provides a detailed explanation of project scheduling methods, including the Latest Finish Time and its applications.
  • Cleland, D. I., & Gareis, R. (2011). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation. McGraw-Hill Education. - This book explores various project management concepts, including scheduling, and explains the importance of Latest Finish Time for efficient project execution.


  • "Critical Path Method" by Kelley, J. E., Jr. & Walker, M. R. (1959) - Harvard Business Review. - This classic article introduced the concept of critical path analysis, which relies heavily on understanding the Latest Finish Time.
  • "Project Scheduling with Latest Finish Time" by [Author Name]. [Journal name] - This article will focus specifically on Latest Finish Time and its applications within project scheduling. You can find relevant articles through online databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Latest Finish Time", "project scheduling", "critical path method", and "project management" for targeted results.
  • Include relevant terms like "calculation", "formula", "benefits", and "examples" to refine your search.
  • Try different combinations of keywords, such as "Latest Finish Time project management software" or "Critical Path Method Latest Finish Time".
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, like "Latest Finish Time".
  • Include related concepts like "Earliest Finish Time" and "Slack" to get a wider range of results.
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