Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Late Start

Late Start

Late Start: A Vital Tool for Project Success

In the world of project planning and scheduling, the concept of "Late Start" plays a crucial role in ensuring timely project completion. It's not about being tardy, but rather a strategic approach to maximizing efficiency and minimizing delays.

What is Late Start?

Late Start refers to the latest possible date an activity can begin without jeopardizing the project's overall deadline. It's essentially a safety net, allowing for flexibility within the project schedule while maintaining the desired completion date.

How is Late Start Calculated?

Late Start dates are typically calculated using a backward pass technique. This involves starting from the project's end date and working backward through the schedule, determining the latest possible start date for each activity based on its duration and dependencies.

Project Management Software & Late Start

Many project management software packages automatically calculate Late Start dates, simplifying the process for project managers. These tools often use a critical path analysis to identify the activities that are most critical to meeting the project deadline. Activities on the critical path have no slack (or float), meaning any delay will directly impact the project's overall completion date.

Benefits of Using Late Start Dates:

  • Flexibility: Allows for adjustments in activity scheduling without impacting the project deadline.
  • Resource Optimization: Helps identify activities with slack, enabling resources to be allocated more effectively.
  • Risk Mitigation: Provides a buffer for potential delays or unforeseen circumstances.
  • Improved Communication: Clearly defines the latest acceptable start date for each activity, promoting better collaboration among team members.

Late Start in Action:

Imagine a project with a deadline of June 1st. One activity, "Develop Marketing Materials," has a duration of 2 weeks and is dependent on "Finalize Design Concepts," which takes 1 week. The Late Start for "Develop Marketing Materials" would be May 15th, ensuring it's completed by June 1st.


Late Start is a powerful tool for project managers to ensure project success. By utilizing the latest possible start dates for activities, projects can stay on track, optimize resource allocation, and mitigate potential delays. Project management software packages make calculating Late Start dates easy, providing a valuable advantage to any project team.

Test Your Knowledge

Late Start Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of Late Start in project management? a) To ensure all activities begin on time. b) To prioritize urgent tasks. c) To maximize flexibility within the project schedule while maintaining the deadline. d) To prevent unnecessary delays.


c) To maximize flexibility within the project schedule while maintaining the deadline.

2. How is Late Start typically calculated? a) Using a forward pass technique. b) Using a backward pass technique. c) By analyzing the project's budget. d) By consulting with project stakeholders.


b) Using a backward pass technique.

3. What is the relationship between Late Start and critical path analysis? a) Late Start identifies critical path activities. b) Critical path analysis determines the Late Start for each activity. c) They are unrelated concepts. d) Late Start is used to prioritize activities on the critical path.


b) Critical path analysis determines the Late Start for each activity.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Late Start dates? a) Improved resource allocation. b) Increased project duration. c) Better communication among team members. d) Risk mitigation.


b) Increased project duration.

5. What is the Late Start for an activity that has a duration of 3 weeks and is dependent on another activity that takes 2 weeks, if the project deadline is July 15th? a) July 8th b) July 1st c) June 22nd d) June 15th


c) June 22nd

Late Start Exercise


You are managing a website redesign project with a deadline of November 1st. You have two activities:

  • Activity A: Design Website: Duration: 3 weeks, Dependent on: None
  • Activity B: Develop Content: Duration: 2 weeks, Dependent on: Activity A


  1. Using the Late Start concept, determine the latest possible start date for each activity to ensure the project is completed by November 1st.

2. Explain how you arrived at your answer.

Exercice Correction

1. Late Start Dates: * Activity B: Develop Content - Latest Start Date: October 10th * Activity A: Design Website - Latest Start Date: October 24th 2. Explanation: * **Activity B:** To complete by November 1st, Activity B needs to start at least 2 weeks before, which is October 10th. * **Activity A:** Activity A must be completed before Activity B can begin. Since Activity A takes 3 weeks, its Latest Start Date would be October 24th, allowing it to be completed by October 10th, the start date of Activity B.


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide): This comprehensive guide published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) is the industry standard for project management practices, including scheduling and critical path analysis. It covers Late Start in detail within the "Schedule Management" knowledge area.
  • Project Management: The Managerial Process: This book by Harold Kerzner is a popular textbook that covers various project management concepts, including scheduling techniques. It provides explanations of Late Start and its application in project planning.
  • Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme: This book by Gary Cokins explores different project management methodologies, including traditional methods that utilize Late Start.


Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website offers resources, certifications, and training related to project management, including information on scheduling techniques like Late Start.
  • This website provides a variety of project management resources, including articles, tutorials, and tools. Their content on Late Start and related topics can be helpful.
  • Asana: Asana is a project management software platform with a knowledge base that includes articles and guides on project planning, including Late Start calculations and Critical Path Analysis.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "late start project management," "critical path analysis late start," or "float in project scheduling" to find relevant articles and resources.
  • Combine keywords with your project management software: Include the name of your project management software (e.g., "Microsoft Project late start") to find relevant guides and tutorials.
  • Look for resources from reputable organizations: Limit your search results by specifying sources like PMI, universities, or respected project management blogs.
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