Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Training & Competency Development: Labor Turnover

Labor Turnover

Understanding Labor Turnover in the Oil & Gas Industry: A Vital Metric for Success

The oil and gas industry is inherently volatile, characterized by fluctuating commodity prices, global political events, and demanding working conditions. This inherent instability directly impacts the workforce, making labor turnover a crucial metric for industry leaders.

Defining Labor Turnover:

Labor turnover, also known as employee turnover, measures the rate at which employees leave a company, voluntarily or involuntarily. It's a key indicator of workforce stability and reveals valuable insights into employee satisfaction, retention strategies, and overall organizational health.

Calculating Labor Turnover:

The calculation is straightforward:

  • Number of Employees Separating during a specific period (e.g., a year)
  • Divided by the Average Number of Employees during that same period.

Why is Labor Turnover Significant in Oil & Gas?

  • Costly Implications: High turnover translates to significant financial burdens, including:

    • Recruitment and Training Costs: Replacing departing employees requires attracting and training new hires, which is expensive, especially in specialized roles.
    • Loss of Expertise and Productivity: Experienced employees departing take valuable knowledge and skills with them, impacting project timelines and efficiency.
    • Negative Impact on Team Dynamics and Morale: High turnover can disrupt team cohesion and create uncertainty among remaining staff.
  • Industry-Specific Challenges:

    • Remote and Challenging Work Environments: Oil and gas projects often take place in remote locations with demanding working conditions. This can lead to higher turnover rates due to factors like isolation, safety concerns, and work-life balance issues.
    • Fluctuating Demand and Market Volatility: Booms and busts in the oil and gas market create fluctuating employment needs, leading to layoffs or hiring freezes. This can impact employee morale and contribute to turnover.

Addressing High Labor Turnover:

  • Investing in Employee Retention:

    • Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Offering competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits packages, and performance-based incentives can make a company more attractive to employees.
    • Employee Development and Training: Providing opportunities for professional development and skill enhancement demonstrates investment in employees and fosters loyalty.
    • Positive Work Culture: Creating a respectful, inclusive, and supportive work environment encourages employees to stay.
    • Flexible Work Arrangements: Offering flexible work schedules, remote work options, and work-life balance initiatives can improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover.
  • Understanding the Underlying Causes:

    • Conduct Exit Interviews: Gather feedback from departing employees to understand their reasons for leaving. This data can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement.
    • Employee Surveys: Regular employee surveys gauge satisfaction and identify potential issues before they contribute to turnover.


Labor turnover is a complex issue in the oil and gas industry, but it's one that requires careful attention. By understanding the factors driving turnover and implementing effective retention strategies, companies can minimize the financial and operational impacts of employee departures and create a more stable and productive workforce.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Labor Turnover in the Oil & Gas Industry

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary reason why labor turnover is a crucial metric in the oil and gas industry? a) It helps determine the profitability of oil and gas projects. b) It measures the efficiency of production processes. c) It reflects the overall health and stability of the workforce. d) It indicates the effectiveness of marketing and sales strategies.


c) It reflects the overall health and stability of the workforce.

2. Which of the following is NOT a cost associated with high labor turnover? a) Recruitment and training costs b) Loss of expertise and productivity c) Increased revenue from new hires d) Negative impact on team dynamics and morale


c) Increased revenue from new hires

3. Which industry-specific challenge contributes significantly to high labor turnover in the oil and gas sector? a) Lack of access to advanced technology. b) Limited opportunities for career advancement. c) Remote and challenging work environments. d) Low demand for specialized skills.


c) Remote and challenging work environments.

4. Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for addressing high labor turnover? a) Implementing a strict disciplinary system. b) Offering competitive compensation and benefits. c) Investing in employee development and training. d) Fostering a positive work culture.


a) Implementing a strict disciplinary system.

5. What is the most valuable source of information for understanding the underlying causes of labor turnover? a) Analyzing market trends. b) Monitoring social media conversations. c) Conducting exit interviews. d) Reviewing employee performance reviews.


c) Conducting exit interviews.


Scenario: You are the HR Manager for an oil and gas company experiencing high labor turnover in a remote drilling operation. Your team has identified several contributing factors:

  • Low morale due to long shifts and isolation.
  • Limited access to entertainment and leisure activities.
  • Lack of communication and transparency regarding project updates.

Task: Develop a plan outlining specific actions you can take to address these issues and improve employee retention in this remote location. Your plan should include:

  • A strategy for improving communication and transparency.
  • Initiatives to boost morale and improve work-life balance.
  • Ways to address the lack of entertainment and leisure options.

Exercice Correction

Here is a sample plan addressing the outlined issues:

1. Improve Communication & Transparency:

  • Regular Team Meetings: Conduct weekly meetings to discuss project updates, challenges, and upcoming plans. Encourage open discussion and feedback.
  • Dedicated Communication Channels: Implement a dedicated communication platform for the remote team, enabling easier access to information and sharing of updates.
  • Transparency on Company Performance: Share key performance indicators and project progress with the team, fostering a sense of ownership and shared responsibility.

2. Boost Morale & Work-Life Balance:

  • Flexible Scheduling: Offer flexible work schedules whenever possible, allowing for personal time during periods of lower activity.
  • Mental Health Support: Provide access to mental health resources and encourage open conversations about stress and well-being.
  • Regular Breaks and Recreation: Organize team outings and activities during downtime to promote camaraderie and stress relief.

3. Address Lack of Entertainment & Leisure Options:

  • On-site Amenities: Explore the possibility of adding recreational facilities like gyms, games rooms, or social spaces.
  • Off-site Excursions: Organize regular outings to nearby towns or attractions to offer employees a change of scenery.
  • Technology & Connectivity: Ensure strong internet connectivity and access to entertainment options like streaming services.

Note: This is a sample plan; the specific actions should be tailored to the company's specific context and resources.


  • Human Resource Management in the Oil and Gas Industry: This book by Idowu, O. A. provides a comprehensive overview of HR challenges and solutions in the sector, including labor turnover.
  • Managing Human Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: By A. S. Al-Faraj, this book offers insights into best practices for managing the workforce in this demanding industry, addressing turnover and retention.
  • Oil and Gas Human Resources: A Practical Guide: This practical guide by J. A. A. M. van der Zee covers various aspects of managing human capital in oil and gas, including strategies for tackling turnover.


  • "Managing Labor Turnover in the Oil and Gas Industry" (Journal of Petroleum Technology): This article explores the causes of high turnover in the oil and gas industry and outlines strategies for improvement.
  • "The Impact of Labor Turnover on Oil and Gas Company Performance" (Energy Policy): This research article investigates the link between employee turnover and financial performance in the oil and gas sector.
  • "Employee Retention Strategies in the Oil and Gas Industry" (Journal of Human Resource Management): This article examines effective strategies for retaining employees in the oil and gas industry, focusing on factors like work-life balance and development opportunities.

Online Resources

  • SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management): Offers resources on labor turnover, including research reports, articles, and best practice guides, with a specific focus on the oil and gas industry.
  • Oil & Gas HR (OGHR): This website provides industry-specific news, articles, and events related to human resources in the oil and gas sector, including insights on employee retention and turnover management.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): Offers resources and publications relevant to the oil and gas drilling sector, including information on workforce management and tackling labor turnover.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "labor turnover," "employee turnover," "oil & gas industry," "retention strategies," "workforce management" for more relevant results.
  • Use advanced operators: Use "site:" operator to limit search to specific websites (e.g., " labor turnover oil and gas").
  • Explore academic databases: Utilize databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar for peer-reviewed research articles on the topic.
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