Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Key Performance Indicators ("KPI")

Key Performance Indicators ("KPI")

Drilling Down on Success: Key Performance Indicators in Oil & Gas

In the high-stakes world of oil and gas, success hinges on meticulous planning, efficient execution, and a laser focus on key objectives. To ensure these critical elements are met and monitored, the industry relies heavily on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These measurable indicators serve as vital signposts, providing a clear and concise snapshot of project progress and overall performance.

Understanding the Essence of KPIs in Oil & Gas

Unlike generic business metrics, KPIs in oil and gas are specifically tailored to reflect the unique challenges and opportunities within the industry. They are meticulously chosen to represent the critical success factors of each project, whether it's exploration, production, refining, or transportation.

Here's a breakdown of the core characteristics of oil and gas KPIs:

  • Measurable: KPIs must be quantifiable, allowing for objective and data-driven assessments. This eliminates ambiguity and ensures clear insights into project performance.
  • Relevant: They should directly align with the project's specific goals and objectives, providing actionable information that drives decision-making.
  • Timely: Timely data collection and reporting are crucial for enabling swift adjustments and ensuring projects remain on track.
  • Specific: KPIs are focused on individual aspects of the project, offering a detailed understanding of key areas needing attention.

Examples of KPIs in the Oil & Gas Industry

The specific KPIs used will vary depending on the project stage and its objectives. However, some common examples across the industry include:

  • Exploration: Well success rate, drilling time, exploration cost per barrel of oil equivalent (BOE)
  • Production: Production volume, well productivity, operating costs per BOE, reservoir pressure, water cut
  • Refining: Refining margin, operational efficiency, yield, product quality, safety incidents
  • Transportation: Pipeline throughput, transportation cost per BOE, pipeline integrity, safety incidents

Benefits of Implementing Effective KPIs

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: KPIs provide a data-driven foundation for informed decisions, enabling efficient resource allocation and risk mitigation.
  • Increased Efficiency: By tracking key metrics, companies can identify bottlenecks and optimize processes, leading to improved productivity and cost savings.
  • Improved Accountability: Clear KPIs define expectations and hold teams accountable for delivering on specific performance targets.
  • Better Communication: Standardized KPIs facilitate seamless communication across teams and stakeholders, promoting transparency and alignment on project goals.


In the dynamic oil and gas landscape, the strategic use of KPIs is crucial for achieving project success and maximizing returns. By diligently tracking and analyzing these vital metrics, companies can navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and ultimately drive sustainable growth in the industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Drilling Down on Success: Key Performance Indicators in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a core characteristic of oil and gas KPIs?

a. Measurable b. Relevant c. Timely d. Profitable


d. Profitable

2. What KPI would be most relevant to track during the exploration stage of an oil and gas project?

a. Production volume b. Well success rate c. Refining margin d. Pipeline throughput


b. Well success rate

3. Which of the following benefits is NOT directly associated with implementing effective KPIs in the oil and gas industry?

a. Improved safety standards b. Enhanced decision-making c. Increased efficiency d. Better communication


a. Improved safety standards

4. What does "BOE" stand for in the context of oil and gas KPIs?

a. Barrel of Energy b. Barrel of Oil Equivalent c. British Oil Equivalent d. Barrel of Oil Extract


b. Barrel of Oil Equivalent

5. How can KPIs contribute to a more sustainable future in the oil and gas industry?

a. By focusing solely on profit maximization. b. By tracking environmental impacts and promoting efficiency. c. By neglecting the importance of safety regulations. d. By disregarding the needs of local communities.


b. By tracking environmental impacts and promoting efficiency.

Exercise: Building Your Own KPI Dashboard


Imagine you are a project manager for a new oil and gas exploration venture. You need to develop a simple KPI dashboard to monitor key aspects of the project.

  1. Identify three crucial KPIs that you would track in the exploration phase.
  2. Explain why you chose these specific KPIs.
  3. Describe the type of data you would need to collect for each KPI.
  4. Suggest how you would visualize this data on your KPI dashboard.

Exercice Correction

**1. Three crucial KPIs for exploration:** * **Well Success Rate:** This measures the percentage of drilled wells that successfully find commercially viable reserves. * **Drilling Time:** This tracks the duration of each well drilling operation, indicating efficiency and cost effectiveness. * **Exploration Cost per Barrel of Oil Equivalent (BOE):** This metric calculates the cost incurred for each barrel of oil or gas equivalent discovered, providing insights into the economic feasibility of the exploration effort. **2. Reasons for choosing these KPIs:** * **Well Success Rate:** This KPI directly reflects the success of the exploration effort and its potential for future production. * **Drilling Time:** Efficient drilling operations contribute to reduced costs and environmental impact, impacting project profitability. * **Exploration Cost per BOE:** This KPI is crucial for assessing the economic viability of the project, considering factors like resource availability and market conditions. **3. Data collection for each KPI:** * **Well Success Rate:** Collect data on the number of wells drilled and the number of wells that produce commercially viable reserves. * **Drilling Time:** Track the start and end times of each well drilling operation. * **Exploration Cost per BOE:** Gather data on total exploration costs and the estimated volume of oil and gas reserves discovered. **4. Visualizing the data on a KPI dashboard:** * **Well Success Rate:** Use a bar chart or line graph to track changes in success rate over time. * **Drilling Time:** Employ a scatter plot to compare drilling times across different wells, identifying any trends or outliers. * **Exploration Cost per BOE:** Display the cost per BOE as a numerical value with a visual indicator (e.g., color-coded gauge) to represent its deviation from target goals. This KPI dashboard will provide a visual representation of the project's performance in the exploration phase, allowing for informed decision-making and adjustments to optimize results.


  • "The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action" by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton: A classic text on performance management that introduces the Balanced Scorecard framework, which can be adapted for oil & gas companies.
  • "Oil and Gas Management: A Guide to Best Practices" by John A. Wise: Covers a broad range of management aspects in oil & gas, including KPIs and performance measurement.
  • "Oil and Gas Operations Management: A Practical Approach" by David J. Wise: Provides a practical overview of oil & gas operations with a focus on efficiency and optimization, emphasizing the importance of KPIs.
  • "Upstream Oil and Gas Production Operations: A Practical Guide" by B.H. Branch: Offers in-depth insights into upstream operations, including key performance indicators specific to exploration and production.


  • "Key Performance Indicators for the Oil & Gas Industry" by Oil & Gas 360: This article provides a comprehensive overview of KPIs in oil & gas, with examples and best practices.
  • "The Importance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the Oil and Gas Industry" by Energy XPRT: Explores the significance of KPIs in oil and gas, emphasizing their role in informed decision-making and improved efficiency.
  • "Developing a KPI Framework for the Oil & Gas Industry" by McKinsey & Company: This article offers a framework for developing a robust KPI system tailored to the specific needs of the oil & gas industry.

Online Resources

  • KPI Institute: This website offers a wealth of information on KPIs, including industry-specific guides, templates, and resources.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This reputable industry publication regularly features articles and reports on KPIs and other performance management topics.
  • World Oil: Another leading industry journal, World Oil offers insights into KPI trends and best practices in oil and gas.
  • The US Department of Energy website provides valuable resources on energy efficiency, technology, and regulations relevant to oil and gas operations, including information on KPIs.

Search Tips

  • "Key Performance Indicators Oil and Gas"
  • "KPI Framework for Oil and Gas"
  • "Best Practices KPIs Oil and Gas"
  • "KPI Examples Oil and Gas"
  • "Oil and Gas Industry Performance Measurement"
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