Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Interest-During-Construction ("IDC")

Interest-During-Construction ("IDC")

Interest During Construction (IDC): Financing the Path to Completion

In the realm of construction, projects often take time, sometimes years, to reach completion. This necessitates substantial upfront investments, often financed through loans. Interest During Construction (IDC) represents the cost of borrowing money to fund these project construction expenditures. It encompasses the interest accrued on construction loans from the commencement of the project until the point of substantial completion.

Understanding the Nuances of IDC:

IDC is a crucial element in project financing, impacting the overall project budget and profitability. Here's a breakdown of its key aspects:

  • Accrual: Interest accrues on the outstanding loan balance throughout the construction period. This means the longer the construction timeline, the higher the accumulated IDC.
  • Interest Rates: IDC is determined by the prevailing interest rates on construction loans. These rates are influenced by factors such as the borrower's creditworthiness, the project's risk profile, and overall market conditions.
  • Capitalization: IDC is typically capitalized as part of the project's cost. This means it is added to the project's total cost basis, impacting the project's profitability and ultimately, the return on investment.

Why IDC Matters:

  • Financial Planning: Accurately estimating IDC is essential for effective financial planning. It ensures adequate provision for interest payments, ensuring the project's financial stability.
  • Project Viability: High IDC can significantly affect a project's financial feasibility, particularly for long-term construction projects.
  • Profitability: Capitalizing IDC impacts the project's overall cost and, subsequently, its profitability. Understanding its impact is crucial for accurate cost estimations and return on investment calculations.

Managing IDC Costs:

  • Shorten Construction Time: Minimizing construction duration reduces the interest accrual period, lowering IDC.
  • Secure Competitive Loan Rates: Negotiating favorable interest rates on construction loans can significantly reduce IDC.
  • Optimize Project Financing: Exploring different financing options, such as bridge loans or mezzanine financing, may offer lower interest rates and minimize IDC.


IDC is an integral aspect of construction project financing. Understanding its intricacies and effectively managing its costs is crucial for ensuring project success, maximizing profitability, and ensuring financial stability. By proactively addressing IDC during project planning and execution, developers and contractors can optimize their projects' financial outcomes.

Test Your Knowledge

Interest During Construction (IDC) Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does IDC stand for?

a) Interest During Construction b) Investment During Completion c) Initial Development Cost d) Interest on Debt Capital


a) Interest During Construction

2. When does IDC accrue?

a) From the project's inception to its completion b) Only during the construction phase c) From the commencement of construction until substantial completion d) From the moment a loan is secured


c) From the commencement of construction until substantial completion

3. What factor(s) influence IDC rates?

a) The borrower's creditworthiness b) The project's risk profile c) Overall market conditions d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. How is IDC typically treated in project accounting?

a) It is considered an operating expense b) It is capitalized as part of the project's cost c) It is deducted from the project's revenue d) It is ignored in financial calculations


b) It is capitalized as part of the project's cost

5. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for managing IDC costs?

a) Shorten construction time b) Secure competitive loan rates c) Increase the scope of the project d) Optimize project financing


c) Increase the scope of the project

Interest During Construction (IDC) Exercise


A construction project has a total estimated cost of $10 million, with a construction period of 24 months. The developer secures a construction loan at an annual interest rate of 6%. Assume interest is calculated on a simple interest basis.


Calculate the total IDC for this project.

Exercice Correction

Here's how to calculate the total IDC: 1. **Calculate the annual interest cost:** $10,000,000 x 6% = $600,000 2. **Calculate the total interest cost for the construction period:** $600,000 x 2 = $1,200,000 **Therefore, the total IDC for this project is $1,200,000.**


  • Real Estate Finance and Investments by Brueggeman & Fisher: A comprehensive text covering various aspects of real estate finance, including construction financing and IDC.
  • Construction Project Management by Cleland & Gareis: This book provides insights into project management, including financial aspects like IDC.


  • Interest During Construction (IDC): What It Is and How to Manage It by Construction Dive: A practical guide explaining IDC and offering strategies for managing its costs.
  • How to Calculate Interest During Construction (IDC) by Construction Manager Magazine: A step-by-step guide to calculating IDC, including examples and considerations.
  • Interest During Construction: A Comprehensive Guide by Project Finance Institute: A detailed overview of IDC, including its implications for project profitability and financial viability.

Online Resources

  • Construction Finance: Interest During Construction (IDC) by Investopedia: A user-friendly explanation of IDC, its impact on projects, and how it's calculated.
  • Interest During Construction (IDC): An Overview by Construction Loan Advisor: An informative website dedicated to construction financing, providing insights into IDC and its management.
  • IDC: A Guide to Managing Interest During Construction by Financial Planning Solutions: A resource for developers and contractors, offering strategies for mitigating IDC and optimizing project finance.

Search Tips

  • "Interest During Construction"
  • "IDC Construction Finance"
  • "Calculate Interest During Construction"
  • "IDC Project Financing"
  • "Managing Interest During Construction Costs"
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