Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Input Restraints

Input Restraints

Input Restraints in Oil & Gas: Managing External Influences on Project Schedules

In the complex world of oil and gas project management, project schedules are often influenced by factors beyond the control of the project team. These external influences, termed input restraints, significantly impact project planning and execution.

Understanding Input Restraints

Input restraints are imposed external constraints that dictate specific dates or timelines for project activities. These restraints typically arise from:

  • External dependencies: A project might rely on deliverables from other teams, vendors, or regulatory bodies. These external parties dictate specific dates for providing inputs, thus creating restraints on the project's schedule.
  • Target dates: The project might be required to meet specific target dates set by stakeholders or clients. These dates, while not necessarily tied to specific inputs, act as a guiding framework, imposing pressure to complete tasks within those timelines.

Key Elements of Input Restraints

  1. Dates: Input restraints are primarily characterized by specific dates. These can include:
    • Input Dates: These reflect the date when an external party is expected to provide a necessary input.
    • Target Dates: These are the desired completion dates for specific project phases or deliverables, often set by stakeholders.
  2. Float Allocation: Float refers to the amount of time available to complete a task before it impacts the project's overall schedule. Input restraints often limit the available float, forcing project teams to carefully manage their time and resources.
  3. Constraints: Input restraints can impose specific constraints on project activities. These constraints might involve:
    • Resource limitations: A shortage of skilled personnel or equipment might restrict the pace of certain activities.
    • Material availability: Delays in material delivery due to external factors can significantly impact project timelines.

Impact on Project Management

Input restraints pose challenges for project managers:

  • Limited Control: Project teams have less control over activities influenced by external factors.
  • Schedule Uncertainty: Uncertainties in input availability can make it difficult to accurately predict project completion dates.
  • Increased Complexity: Managing multiple input restraints and their interactions with each other requires careful planning and coordination.

Managing Input Restraints

To effectively manage input restraints, project managers should:

  • Proactively identify: Identify potential input restraints early in the project planning phase.
  • Communicate effectively: Establish clear communication channels with external parties to ensure timely delivery of inputs.
  • Build contingency plans: Develop alternative plans in case of delays or disruptions caused by external factors.
  • Utilize scheduling tools: Employ specialized software for project management that can effectively track and manage input restraints.
  • Maintain flexibility: Be prepared to adjust the project schedule and resource allocation based on changing input restraints.


Input restraints are a crucial aspect of oil and gas project management, requiring careful consideration and proactive management. By understanding the nature of these restraints and adopting effective management strategies, project teams can mitigate their impact and ensure successful project delivery.

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