Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Informal Review

Informal Review

The Informal Review: A Lightweight Approach to Quality Assurance

In the world of software development and project management, quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) play a crucial role in ensuring a product meets specific standards. While formal reviews are often employed for comprehensive assessments, informal reviews offer a lighter, more agile approach to quality evaluation.

What is an Informal Review?

Informal reviews, as the name suggests, are less structured and formal than their formal counterparts. They are typically short, quick, and focused on specific aspects of the project or product. Informal reviews can take various forms, including:

  • Pair Programming: Two developers work on the same code, reviewing each other's work in real-time.
  • Code Walkthroughs: Developers present their code to a small group, inviting feedback and suggestions.
  • Informal Feedback Sessions: Team members share their thoughts and concerns about the project's progress.
  • Quick Checks: A brief look at a document or piece of code to identify any obvious issues.

Benefits of Informal Reviews:

  • Early Issue Detection: Informal reviews allow for early detection of bugs and inconsistencies, preventing them from escalating into major problems.
  • Improved Collaboration: Encouraging regular communication and feedback fosters a collaborative environment.
  • Increased Efficiency: Quick checks and short sessions reduce the time and effort required for formal reviews.
  • Enhanced Quality: By catching errors early on, informal reviews contribute to higher quality products and projects.

When to Use Informal Reviews:

  • During the Development Process: Informal reviews are most effective when integrated into the development cycle, providing regular quality checkpoints.
  • For Specific Tasks or Features: They are ideal for focusing on specific areas of the project, such as a particular code module or design element.
  • When Formal Reviews Are Not Feasible: In situations where time constraints or resource limitations prevent formal reviews, informal reviews offer a valuable alternative.

Considerations for Informal Reviews:

  • Clear Objectives: Establish clear goals and focus areas for the review.
  • Active Participation: Encourage all participants to contribute their insights and suggestions.
  • Constructive Feedback: Foster a positive environment where feedback is given and received constructively.
  • Follow-up: Ensure that issues identified during informal reviews are addressed and resolved.

In conclusion, informal reviews are a valuable tool in the QA/QC toolbox. They provide a lightweight and agile approach to quality evaluation, fostering collaboration, promoting early error detection, and ultimately contributing to a higher-quality product or project.

Test Your Knowledge

Informal Review Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of informal reviews?

a. Early issue detection b. Improved collaboration c. Increased documentation d. Enhanced quality


c. Increased documentation

2. What is a key characteristic of informal reviews?

a. Highly structured and formal b. Time-consuming and resource-intensive c. Short, quick, and focused d. Comprehensive and detailed


c. Short, quick, and focused

3. Which of the following is NOT a common form of informal review?

a. Pair programming b. Code walkthroughs c. Formal inspections d. Quick checks


c. Formal inspections

4. When are informal reviews most effective?

a. After the product is released to the market b. During the design and planning phases c. Integrated into the development cycle d. Only when formal reviews are not possible


c. Integrated into the development cycle

5. What is an important consideration for informal reviews?

a. Using a standardized review checklist b. Creating detailed reports for each review c. Encouraging constructive feedback d. Assigning a dedicated reviewer for each session


c. Encouraging constructive feedback

Informal Review Exercise

Scenario: You are a developer working on a new feature for a web application. You have completed coding the feature and are ready to test it.

Task: Describe how you could use an informal review to improve the quality of your code before moving it to testing. Identify the specific form of informal review you would use, the participants involved, and the key focus areas for the review.

Exercice Correction

One approach could be to use a **code walkthrough** as an informal review. This would involve:

  • Participants: You, another developer on the team, and possibly a team lead or a QA specialist.
  • Focus areas:
    • Code clarity and readability
    • Potential bugs or logical errors
    • Compliance with coding standards
    • Security considerations
  • Process: You would present your code to the group, explaining the logic behind your implementation. The other participants would ask questions, provide feedback, and suggest improvements. This allows for a collaborative approach to identify issues early on and make necessary changes before moving to formal testing.


  • "Agile Estimating and Planning" by Mike Cohn: Chapter 8 discusses "Pair Programming" and its benefits.
  • "The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master" by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas: This book discusses "Code Reviews" and how to make them effective.
  • "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" by Steve McConnell: Contains a chapter on "Peer Reviews" and their importance in software development.


  • "Informal Code Reviews: A Lightweight Approach to Improving Code Quality" by Stack Overflow: A comprehensive overview of informal code reviews with practical tips.
  • "The Benefits of Informal Quality Assurance" by Quality Digest: Explores the advantages of informal QA practices, including improved collaboration and early bug detection.
  • "Informal Review: A Powerful Tool for Continuous Improvement" by Agile Alliance: Discusses the use of informal reviews in agile development and how they contribute to continuous improvement.

Online Resources

  • "Informal Code Review" by Atlassian: Provides a detailed explanation of informal code reviews and how to implement them.
  • "How to Conduct an Informal Code Review" by GitHub: Offers a step-by-step guide to conducting informal code reviews on GitHub.
  • "Informal Feedback Sessions: A Guide for Effective Collaboration" by Harvard Business Review: Explores the importance of informal feedback sessions and how to make them successful.

Search Tips

  • "Informal Review + Software Development"
  • "Lightweight Code Review Techniques"
  • "Agile Quality Assurance Techniques"
  • "Benefits of Pair Programming"
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