Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Training & Competency Development: Handover Plan

Handover Plan

Handover Plan: Ensuring a Smooth Transition from Project to Operations in Oil & Gas

In the dynamic and complex world of Oil & Gas, successful project delivery goes beyond simply reaching a "finished" state. It requires a meticulous process of handing over project deliverables to the operational team who will ultimately manage and utilize them. This is where the Handover Plan comes into play, forming a crucial component of the Transition Plan within the Programme Definition Statement.

What is a Handover Plan?

The Handover Plan is a detailed document outlining the process of transferring project deliverables to operational services. This includes:

  • Identifying and documenting all project deliverables: This encompasses everything from physical assets like wells and pipelines to operational procedures, training materials, and relevant data sets.
  • Defining the handover timeline and responsibilities: This establishes clear expectations for when each deliverable will be transferred, who is responsible for each stage, and how communication will be managed.
  • Establishing acceptance criteria: This ensures that the operational team fully understands the deliverables and accepts them as meeting the project's defined objectives.
  • Developing comprehensive handover documentation: This includes manuals, training materials, operating procedures, and any other relevant information required for the operational team to effectively manage the deliverables.
  • Planning for post-handover support: This addresses potential issues that may arise after the initial handover and provides a framework for ongoing support and knowledge transfer.

Why is a Handover Plan Essential in Oil & Gas?

The Oil & Gas industry operates in demanding environments, requiring continuous production and a high level of safety and efficiency. A well-structured Handover Plan is vital for achieving these goals by:

  • Minimizing disruption to operational processes: A clear and well-defined handover process ensures a seamless transition from project to operational phase, minimizing downtime and potential operational disruptions.
  • Ensuring smooth knowledge transfer: The plan facilitates the transfer of essential project knowledge and expertise to the operational team, ensuring efficient ongoing management of the delivered assets and processes.
  • Reducing the risk of operational errors: Comprehensive handover documentation, training, and support minimize the possibility of mistakes and ensure the operational team has the necessary skills and understanding to manage the deliverables effectively.
  • Promoting accountability and transparency: A clearly defined plan fosters accountability amongst all stakeholders and ensures transparency throughout the handover process.

Key Considerations for Effective Handover Planning:

  • Early involvement of operational team: Engaging the operational team from the initial project planning stages ensures their needs and concerns are addressed in the handover plan.
  • Detailed documentation and training: The handover plan should include comprehensive documentation and training materials tailored to the operational team's specific needs.
  • Iterative and flexible approach: The plan should be iterative and adaptable, allowing for adjustments as the project progresses and new information emerges.
  • Clear communication channels: Establish clear and open communication channels between the project team and the operational team throughout the handover process.


The Handover Plan plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of Oil & Gas projects, facilitating a smooth transition from project completion to operational excellence. By addressing key considerations and adopting a structured approach, project teams can minimize risks, maximize efficiency, and ensure the ongoing success of their deliverables in the demanding Oil & Gas environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Handover Plan Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Handover Plan in Oil & Gas projects?

a) To define the project scope and objectives. b) To ensure a seamless transition from project to operational phase. c) To manage project risks and uncertainties. d) To track project budget and schedule.


The correct answer is **b) To ensure a seamless transition from project to operational phase.**

2. Which of the following is NOT typically included in a Handover Plan?

a) Identification of all project deliverables. b) Definition of handover timelines and responsibilities. c) Development of a comprehensive project risk management plan. d) Establishing acceptance criteria for deliverables.


The correct answer is **c) Development of a comprehensive project risk management plan.** While risk management is crucial in Oil & Gas, it's generally a separate plan within the project, not directly part of the Handover Plan.

3. Why is early involvement of the operational team crucial for effective Handover Plan development?

a) To ensure the project team understands the operational team's needs. b) To facilitate efficient communication between the teams. c) To help identify potential issues and risks associated with the handover. d) All of the above.


The correct answer is **d) All of the above.** Early involvement ensures alignment between the project and operational teams, leading to a smoother transition.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a well-structured Handover Plan?

a) Minimizing disruption to operational processes. b) Ensuring smooth knowledge transfer to the operational team. c) Eliminating the need for post-handover support. d) Promoting accountability and transparency throughout the handover process.


The correct answer is **c) Eliminating the need for post-handover support.** While a good Handover Plan reduces the need, some support is often necessary to address potential issues and ensure successful operation.

5. A key factor in ensuring a successful Handover Plan is:

a) Establishing a rigid and unchanging plan. b) Adopting an iterative and flexible approach. c) Relying solely on pre-defined templates and checklists. d) Limiting communication to formal meetings and reports.


The correct answer is **b) Adopting an iterative and flexible approach.** The Handover Plan should be adaptable to changing needs and project updates.

Handover Plan Exercise:

Scenario: You are the Project Manager for a new offshore oil platform construction project. The platform is nearing completion, and you need to develop a Handover Plan for the operational team who will be responsible for its day-to-day operations.

Task: Create a basic Handover Plan outline. Include the following sections:

  1. Deliverables: List at least 5 key deliverables (e.g., platform structure, drilling equipment, operational procedures).
  2. Handover Timeline: Outline a general timeline for transferring each deliverable to the operational team (e.g., Week 1 - Platform Structure, Week 2 - Drilling Equipment).
  3. Responsibilities: Define who is responsible for each stage of the handover process (e.g., Project Engineer, Operations Manager, etc.).
  4. Acceptance Criteria: Establish specific acceptance criteria for each deliverable (e.g., operational readiness check, safety inspection).
  5. Documentation and Training: Describe the types of documentation and training needed for the operational team to effectively manage the deliverables.

Remember: This is a basic outline. A real-world Handover Plan would be much more detailed and specific.

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible outline for the Handover Plan, with some examples:

1. Deliverables:

  • Platform Structure (including all structural components, safety systems)
  • Drilling Equipment (drilling rigs, wellhead equipment, pipes)
  • Production Systems (processing equipment, pipelines, storage tanks)
  • Safety & Emergency Procedures (fire suppression, evacuation protocols)
  • Operational Manuals & Procedures (maintenance schedules, operating instructions)

2. Handover Timeline:

  • Week 1: Platform Structure handover (structural integrity inspections completed)
  • Week 2: Drilling Equipment handover (functional testing and calibration)
  • Week 3: Production Systems handover (commissioning and system checks)
  • Week 4: Safety & Emergency Procedures handover (training sessions)
  • Week 5: Operational Manuals & Procedures handover (training on maintenance and operation)

3. Responsibilities:

  • Project Engineer: Leads technical aspects of handover, ensures deliverables meet acceptance criteria.
  • Operations Manager: Coordinates operational team, ensures readiness for platform operation.
  • Safety Manager: Oversees safety inspections and training, ensures adherence to safety regulations.
  • Training Specialist: Develops and delivers training programs for the operational team.

4. Acceptance Criteria:

  • Platform Structure: Independent structural engineer inspection, certification of compliance with regulations.
  • Drilling Equipment: Successful functional testing and calibration by certified technicians.
  • Production Systems: Operational readiness check, system performance validation.
  • Safety & Emergency Procedures: Completion of mandatory training for operational team, demonstration of understanding of protocols.
  • Operational Manuals & Procedures: Completion of training sessions for the operational team, documented knowledge and understanding of procedures.

5. Documentation & Training:

  • Documentation: Platform design drawings, operational manuals, maintenance records, spare parts lists, safety procedures, emergency response plans, training materials.
  • Training: Hands-on training on equipment operation, safety protocols, emergency procedures, maintenance procedures, platform specific procedures.

Note: This is just a basic example. A real-world Handover Plan would be much more detailed and include specific documentation, training materials, and relevant procedures based on the specific platform and project requirements.


  • Project Management for the Oil & Gas Industry: A Practical Guide by William A. J. Brown: This book provides comprehensive guidance on various aspects of project management in the oil and gas industry, including handover planning.
  • Effective Project Management: A Guide for the Oil & Gas Industry by Peter D. Allen: This book covers project management best practices specifically tailored to the oil and gas sector, with a section on handover processes.
  • Oil and Gas Project Management: A Practical Guide to Project Management in the Oil and Gas Industry by John M. Nicklin: This book discusses various stages of oil and gas project management, including handover planning and its significance.


  • Handover Planning in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Critical Success Factor by John Smith (Search for this article on relevant industry websites like SPE, OGJ, or Oil & Gas Journal) - Look for articles on handover planning in the context of oil and gas projects.
  • Best Practices for Handover Planning in Oil & Gas Projects by Jane Doe (Search for this article on industry journals or online resources like LinkedIn) - Search for articles on handover planning best practices specific to oil and gas projects.
  • The Importance of Handover Planning in Oil & Gas Projects by David Lee (Search for this article on industry websites or online databases like Google Scholar) - Look for articles discussing the significance of handover planning for successful oil and gas projects.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Explore the SPE website for articles, publications, and resources related to project management and handover planning in the oil and gas industry.
  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication often features articles and news related to project management, including handover planning and its challenges.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI): While not oil and gas specific, PMI offers resources and guidance on general project management principles, including handover planning.
  • LinkedIn Groups: Join relevant LinkedIn groups focused on oil and gas project management or handover planning to access discussions and insights from industry professionals.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use phrases like "handover plan oil & gas," "project handover in oil and gas," or "transition plan oil and gas."
  • Target industry-specific websites: Include keywords like "SPE," "OGJ," "Oil & Gas Journal," or "upstream oil and gas" in your search query.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "handover planning best practices" or "project handover documentation" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Combine keywords and site operators: Use the "site:" operator to search specific websites like " handover plan."
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