Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Regulatory Compliance: Feasibility


Feasibility in Oil & Gas: A Crucial First Step to Success

In the oil and gas industry, success hinges on feasibility. This term encompasses more than just "possibility" - it's a multifaceted assessment that determines if a project can be completed successfully, within budget, and on schedule. Feasibility studies are critical for any oil and gas venture, from exploratory drilling to full-scale production, and represent the first crucial step towards a profitable endeavor.

Key Aspects of Feasibility in Oil & Gas:

  • Technical Feasibility: This evaluates the technical viability of the project. It considers the availability of appropriate technology, expertise, and infrastructure to extract, process, and transport the oil and gas. Can the project be engineered and executed given existing technology and expertise?
  • Economic Feasibility: This examines the financial viability of the project. It assesses potential costs, revenues, and profitability. Will the project generate sufficient returns to justify the investment and potential risks?
  • Environmental Feasibility: This analyzes the environmental impacts of the project. It considers potential pollution, habitat disruption, and compliance with environmental regulations. Can the project be undertaken with minimal environmental damage and meet regulatory standards?
  • Social Feasibility: This evaluates the social impacts of the project. It considers potential impacts on local communities, including employment opportunities, social disruption, and cultural heritage. Will the project be accepted by the local community and contribute to their well-being?
  • Legal & Regulatory Feasibility: This assesses the compliance of the project with all relevant laws, regulations, and permits. Are the required licenses and permits obtainable, and will the project adhere to all legal requirements?

Why Feasibility Studies Are Crucial:

  • Reduces Risk: A thorough feasibility study helps identify and mitigate potential risks associated with the project, saving time, money, and resources in the long run.
  • Informs Decision-Making: Feasibility studies provide valuable insights that help stakeholders make informed decisions about the project's viability.
  • Attracts Investment: A well-structured feasibility study demonstrating a project's potential can attract investors and secure necessary funding.
  • Streamlines Operations: By identifying potential challenges early, feasibility studies help streamline project execution, ensuring a smoother and more efficient process.

The Role of Expertise:

Conducting a comprehensive feasibility study requires specialized expertise. Geologists, engineers, financial analysts, environmental specialists, and legal professionals all contribute their unique skills to provide a holistic assessment.


Feasibility is not just a box to check; it's a critical foundation for successful oil and gas ventures. By considering all aspects of feasibility, stakeholders can ensure projects are well-planned, minimize risks, and maximize their chances of success in an increasingly complex and competitive industry.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Adams & Malik: This comprehensive text provides detailed information on various aspects of oil and gas exploration, production, and reservoir engineering, including feasibility studies.
  • "The Oil & Gas Industry: A Global Perspective" by I.G. Paterson: This book offers a broad overview of the industry, including chapters on project development, feasibility assessment, and economic considerations.
  • "Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry" by D.K. Ahuja: This book covers the complete project management lifecycle, emphasizing the importance of feasibility analysis in the initial stages.


  • "Feasibility Studies in Oil and Gas Exploration" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This article discusses the different aspects of feasibility studies, their importance, and best practices for conducting them.
  • "The Importance of Feasibility Studies in the Oil & Gas Industry" by Oil & Gas Journal: This article highlights the crucial role of feasibility studies in mitigating risks and informing decision-making in the industry.
  • "How to Conduct a Successful Feasibility Study for an Oil and Gas Project" by Energy Today: This article provides practical steps and considerations for conducting a thorough and effective feasibility analysis.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, research papers, and industry insights related to oil and gas exploration, development, and production, including feasibility studies.
  • World Bank: The World Bank's website provides information on best practices for feasibility studies, including guidelines and case studies relevant to the oil and gas sector.
  • National Petroleum Council (NPC): The NPC website offers reports, studies, and analysis on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including project feasibility and economic evaluation.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This online publication provides industry news, analysis, and technical insights related to feasibility studies and other aspects of the oil and gas sector.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "oil and gas feasibility study," "feasibility analysis in oil and gas," "economic feasibility in upstream oil and gas"
  • Include relevant industry terms: "upstream," "downstream," "exploration," "production," "reservoir engineering," "environmental impact assessment"
  • Add location specifics: "feasibility study in North Sea," "oil and gas feasibility studies in Canada," "oil and gas projects in the Middle East"
  • Explore academic sources: Use keywords like "feasibility study pdf," "oil and gas feasibility study research," "feasibility analysis dissertation"
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