Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Expectancy


Expectancy: A Key Term in Oil & Gas, Beyond Just Hope

In the world of oil and gas, "expectancy" is more than just a hopeful feeling. It carries a weighty significance, influencing crucial decisions and driving exploration efforts. While the definition - "anticipation of a happening upon which hopes are founded" - holds true, in the O&G context, expectancy goes deeper, incorporating concrete data, calculations, and a scientific understanding of the subsurface.

Here's how expectancy plays out in the O&G industry:

1. Exploration & Appraisal:

  • Prospect Evaluation: When oil and gas companies identify a potential reservoir, they use geological and geophysical data to assess the expectancy of finding hydrocarbons. This involves analyzing seismic data, studying rock formations, and understanding the geological history of the area.
  • Probability of Success: The expectancy of finding oil or gas is often expressed as a probability of success (PoS). This is a numerical representation of the likelihood of a successful discovery based on available data. The PoS, often derived from sophisticated modeling and statistical analysis, directly influences investment decisions.

2. Production & Reservoir Management:

  • Production Forecasting: The expectancy of future production from a field is critical for planning and budgeting. This involves analyzing historical production data, reservoir characteristics, and applying reservoir simulation models to forecast future output.
  • Reserve Estimation: The expectancy of recoverable resources within a reservoir is directly linked to the reserves estimation process. This involves evaluating the volume of hydrocarbons present, considering recovery factors and production constraints.

3. Investment Decisions:

  • Risk Assessment: The expectancy of success or failure is a key element in evaluating the risk associated with a specific project. This informs the decision-making process for exploration and development activities.
  • Project Viability: The expectancy of achieving a positive return on investment plays a crucial role in determining the viability of a project. Companies carefully weigh the potential rewards against the inherent risks and the likelihood of success, guided by the expectancy of the project.

The Importance of Data & Expertise:

It's essential to understand that expectancy in the O&G sector is not based on mere speculation or wishful thinking. It relies heavily on scientific expertise, detailed data analysis, and sophisticated modeling tools. By leveraging these resources, the industry can turn the concept of expectancy into a powerful driver of informed decisions and responsible resource management.

Looking Ahead:

As the energy landscape evolves, the role of expectancy in O&G remains crucial. New technologies and data-driven approaches are constantly improving our ability to accurately assess the potential of oil and gas resources. This, in turn, leads to more informed decisions, optimized production, and a more sustainable energy future.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Expectancy in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a key factor influencing "expectancy" in the oil & gas industry?

a) Geological and geophysical data b) Historical production data c) Current market prices for oil and gas d) Probability of success (PoS)


c) Current market prices for oil and gas

2. How is "expectancy" expressed when evaluating a potential oil or gas reservoir?

a) A qualitative assessment of the potential b) A numerical value representing the likelihood of success c) A subjective opinion based on experience d) A projection of future oil and gas prices


b) A numerical value representing the likelihood of success

3. What is the primary purpose of using reservoir simulation models in the context of "expectancy"?

a) To estimate the total volume of oil and gas in a reservoir b) To predict future production from a field c) To identify potential drilling locations d) To analyze the geological history of the area


b) To predict future production from a field

4. How does "expectancy" influence investment decisions in the oil & gas industry?

a) By determining the potential return on investment b) By assessing the risk associated with a project c) By providing a basis for budgeting and planning d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. Why is "expectancy" in the oil & gas industry considered more than just hopeful speculation?

a) It is based on the experience of industry professionals b) It is driven by the desire for profit c) It relies heavily on scientific data and analysis d) It is influenced by political factors


c) It relies heavily on scientific data and analysis

Exercise: Assessing Expectancy

Scenario: You are evaluating a potential oil and gas exploration site. You have the following information:

  • Seismic data: Indicates a large potential reservoir structure
  • Geological analysis: Suggests good rock quality and potential for hydrocarbon traps
  • Probability of Success (PoS): Estimated at 40% based on similar discoveries in the region
  • Projected production: Estimated at 10 million barrels of oil equivalent over 10 years


  1. Based on the available data, what is your overall assessment of the "expectancy" of success at this site?
  2. Considering the PoS, would you recommend investing in further exploration at this site? Justify your answer.

Exercice Correction

1. **Overall Assessment:** The available data suggests a moderately high "expectancy" of success. While a 40% PoS is not exceptionally high, it is a positive indication, especially given the positive seismic data and geological analysis. 2. **Investment Recommendation:** It would be reasonable to recommend further exploration, given the potential for a significant discovery (10 million barrels) and the moderately high PoS. However, it is crucial to weigh this potential against the risks and costs associated with further exploration. The decision should also factor in the company's risk tolerance and overall portfolio strategy.


  • Petroleum Geology: This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the geological processes involved in hydrocarbon formation and accumulation, which directly impacts the expectancy of finding oil and gas.
  • Reservoir Engineering: This book delves into the technical aspects of reservoir characterization, production forecasting, and reserve estimation, which are fundamental to understanding the expectancy of a reservoir.
  • Risk Analysis in the Petroleum Industry: This book explores the various methods used for assessing risk in oil and gas projects, including the role of expectancy in evaluating project viability.
  • Petroleum Exploration: A Practical Guide: This book provides a detailed guide to exploration techniques and data analysis, which are essential for evaluating the expectancy of hydrocarbon discoveries.


  • "Probability of Success in Oil and Gas Exploration" by J.M. Brown and L.E. Rose (AAPG Bulletin, 1996): This article discusses the application of probability of success (PoS) calculations in oil and gas exploration, a key aspect of determining expectancy.
  • "Reservoir Simulation: A Powerful Tool for Production Forecasting" by K. Aziz and A. Settari (SPE Journal, 1979): This article explores the use of reservoir simulation models for forecasting production, which is crucial for understanding the long-term expectancy of a reservoir.
  • "Risk Management in Oil and Gas Projects" by G.R. North (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1995): This article discusses the importance of risk assessment and mitigation in oil and gas projects, highlighting the role of expectancy in project evaluation.
  • "The Future of Oil and Gas Exploration" by B.J. Cooper (The Leading Edge, 2010): This article explores the evolving landscape of oil and gas exploration, including the growing importance of data-driven approaches to assessing expectancy.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This professional organization offers a vast collection of resources on oil and gas engineering, including articles, technical papers, and conference presentations.
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): This organization provides a wealth of information on petroleum geology, including data, research papers, and educational materials.
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA): This US government agency provides extensive data and analysis on energy production, consumption, and prices, which is relevant to understanding the broader context of oil and gas expectancy.
  • Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication provides news, analysis, and technical articles on all aspects of the oil and gas industry, including exploration, production, and market trends.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "expectancy," "oil and gas," "exploration," "production," "reserves," "risk assessment," and "probability of success" to refine your searches.
  • Utilize Boolean operators: Use "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to narrow down your results and find relevant information. For example, "expectancy AND oil AND gas" or "probability of success NOT exploration."
  • Search within specific websites: Use "" or "" to search within the websites of professional organizations.
  • Explore advanced search options: Utilize Google's advanced search features (e.g., file type, date range) to further refine your searches.
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