Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Excusable Non-compensable Delays

Excusable Non-compensable Delays

Excusable Non-Compensable Delays in Oil & Gas Projects: A Balancing Act

In the fast-paced and complex world of oil & gas projects, delays are inevitable. However, navigating the legal landscape of delay claims and understanding their different classifications is crucial for both contractors and owners. One such classification, "Excusable Non-Compensable Delays," stands out as a nuanced area requiring careful consideration.

Excusable Non-Compensable Delays refer to delays that are neither the contractor's nor the owner's fault. These delays arise from unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of either party, such as:

  • Acts of God: Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, or other natural disasters that disrupt project activities.
  • Acts of War: War, civil unrest, or acts of terrorism that significantly impact operations.
  • Government Regulations: Unexpected changes in regulations, permits, or approvals that delay project progress.
  • Unforeseen Site Conditions: Discovering unknown geological formations, environmental hazards, or other unexpected site conditions that require modification of the project plan.

Key Feature: While these delays are considered excusable, meaning the contractor is not at fault and may be entitled to a time extension, they are non-compensable. This means the contractor cannot claim financial compensation for the additional costs incurred due to the delay.

Why Non-Compensable? The rationale behind this distinction lies in the inherent nature of these delays. They are fundamentally unpredictable and outside the realm of either party's control. Therefore, assigning financial responsibility becomes impractical.


  • Hurricane Delay: A hurricane forces a temporary shutdown of offshore drilling operations, causing a delay in the project timeline. The contractor is not at fault, but the owner is not obligated to compensate for the additional costs incurred during the shutdown.
  • Unforeseen Groundwater: During excavation, unexpected groundwater is discovered, necessitating additional engineering solutions and delaying the project. While the delay is excusable, the contractor cannot claim compensation for the added costs related to the groundwater mitigation.

Importance of Contractual Provisions:

The specific terms and conditions governing excusable non-compensable delays are crucial. Project contracts should clearly define the types of events that qualify for this classification and the procedures for claiming time extensions.


Excusable Non-Compensable Delays represent a balancing act in oil & gas projects. While recognizing the contractor's right to a time extension for unforeseen circumstances, it avoids burdening the owner with responsibility for events outside their control. Understanding this distinction and meticulously defining contractual provisions is essential for mitigating risk and ensuring a fair and transparent project environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Excusable Non-Compensable Delays

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is an example of an Excusable Non-Compensable Delay?

a) A contractor's failure to meet a project deadline due to poor planning.


Incorrect. This is a delay caused by the contractor's negligence, not an excusable non-compensable delay.

b) A government regulation change requiring additional safety protocols that delay the project.


Correct. This is a delay caused by an external factor beyond the control of both the contractor and the owner.

c) A contractor's equipment breakdown due to lack of proper maintenance.


Incorrect. This is a delay caused by the contractor's negligence and is not excusable.

d) A delay caused by the owner's failure to provide timely materials.


Incorrect. This is a delay caused by the owner's negligence and is not excusable.

2. What is the main reason why Excusable Non-Compensable Delays are not compensated?

a) The contractor is always at fault for delays.


Incorrect. Excusable Non-Compensable Delays are specifically defined as situations where the contractor is *not* at fault.

b) The owner is not responsible for any unforeseen circumstances.


Incorrect. While the owner is not responsible for these specific unforeseen circumstances, they are still accountable for other aspects of the project.

c) These delays are unpredictable and outside the control of both parties.


Correct. The unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of these delays makes assigning financial responsibility impractical.

d) The contractor should have anticipated and planned for these events.


Incorrect. It's often impossible for contractors to anticipate or fully plan for events like natural disasters or government regulation changes.

3. Which of the following is NOT a typical example of an Excusable Non-Compensable Delay?

a) A strike by workers at the construction site.


Correct. This is a delay caused by labor disputes, which is generally considered the responsibility of the contractor.

b) A volcanic eruption that disrupts access to the project site.


Incorrect. This is a natural disaster and an example of an Excusable Non-Compensable Delay.

c) A change in government regulations requiring additional environmental impact assessments.


Incorrect. This is an example of an Excusable Non-Compensable Delay due to unforeseen government regulations.

d) An earthquake that damages critical infrastructure at the project site.


Incorrect. This is a natural disaster and an example of an Excusable Non-Compensable Delay.

4. Why is it crucial to define Excusable Non-Compensable Delays in project contracts?

a) To ensure that the contractor is always held responsible for delays.


Incorrect. Defining these delays aims to create a fair system that accounts for unforeseen circumstances.

b) To ensure that the owner is not held responsible for delays beyond their control.


Correct. Clearly defining these delays helps protect the owner from unwarranted claims.

c) To ensure that the project is completed as quickly as possible, regardless of unforeseen events.


Incorrect. While timely completion is desirable, it's not the primary purpose of defining these delays.

d) To ensure that the contractor is always compensated for delays.


Incorrect. These delays are specifically defined as non-compensable.

5. What does it mean for a delay to be "excusable" but "non-compensable"?

a) The contractor is not at fault for the delay, but they are not entitled to any compensation for the added costs.


Correct. This accurately describes the nature of Excusable Non-Compensable Delays.

b) The contractor is at fault for the delay, but they are not entitled to any compensation.


Incorrect. This is not the definition of Excusable Non-Compensable Delays.

c) The owner is at fault for the delay, but they are not required to pay any compensation.


Incorrect. This is not the definition of Excusable Non-Compensable Delays.

d) The contractor is at fault for the delay, but they are entitled to a time extension.


Incorrect. This is not the definition of Excusable Non-Compensable Delays.



An oil & gas exploration project is underway in a remote location. During the construction phase, an unexpected earthquake strikes the region, causing significant damage to the drilling rig and disrupting access to the site. While the earthquake is considered an "Act of God," the contractor claims financial compensation for the downtime and repairs, arguing that the delay is a result of an unforeseen circumstance.


Based on the information about Excusable Non-Compensable Delays, analyze the situation and explain whether the contractor is entitled to compensation. Justify your answer using the key points discussed in the provided text.

Exercice Correction

The contractor is not likely to be entitled to compensation. Here's why:

  • The earthquake is an "Act of God" and falls under the definition of Excusable Non-Compensable Delays. These delays are caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of both the contractor and the owner.
  • While the delay is excusable, meaning the contractor is not at fault, it's also non-compensable. This means the contractor cannot claim financial compensation for the additional costs incurred due to the earthquake.
  • The rationale for non-compensation lies in the unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of these events. It's impractical to assign financial responsibility for events like earthquakes, which are impossible to anticipate and plan for.

To avoid disputes, project contracts should clearly define the types of events that qualify as Excusable Non-Compensable Delays and the procedures for claiming time extensions. This helps mitigate risks and ensures a fair and transparent project environment.


  • Construction Contracts: Law and Practice by Edward J. Imwinkelried, Richard A. Lord, and David H. K. Han (Provides comprehensive coverage of delay analysis, excusable delays, and compensation issues in construction projects)
  • Oil and Gas Law and Regulation by Thomas W. Merrill and Henry N. Butler (Focuses on the legal aspects of oil and gas operations, including contractual agreements and delay management)
  • The Engineer's Guide to Contract Law by David J. Flanagan (A practical guide for engineers, including sections on contract interpretation, delay analysis, and dispute resolution)


  • Excusable Delay: A Contractor's Perspective by American Bar Association (Provides a legal perspective on excusable delays and their impact on contractor rights)
  • Navigating the Maze of Delay Claims in Oil & Gas Projects by Project Finance International (Discusses the challenges of managing delay claims and the role of contract provisions)
  • Excusable Delay and the Impact of Force Majeure Clauses by Society of Petroleum Engineers (Explores the implications of force majeure clauses on excusable delays in oil and gas projects)

Online Resources

  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): (Offers resources and publications on construction law, including delay analysis and dispute resolution)
  • Construction Industry Institute (CII): (Provides research and best practices for construction management, including delay prevention and mitigation)
  • Oil & Gas Journal: (A leading industry publication with articles and analysis on oil and gas operations, including legal and contractual aspects)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "excusable delay," "non-compensable delay," "oil and gas," "construction contract," "force majeure"
  • Combine keywords with operators: "excusable delay AND oil and gas," "non-compensable delay OR force majeure"
  • Include site limitations: "excusable delay" (to restrict results to a specific website)
  • Explore advanced search options: Use the "tools" option in Google Search to filter by date, file type, etc.
  • Use quotation marks for exact phrases: "excusable non-compensable delays" to find exact matches.
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