Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Event


Events: The Cornerstones of Project Planning and Scheduling

In the world of project management, events serve as the building blocks of a successful plan. They act as signposts, marking specific moments in time when certain conditions are met, signifying progress and guiding the project towards its completion.

Defining an Event:

An event, in the context of project planning and scheduling, is a point in time when specific criteria have been fulfilled. These criteria can be the start or completion of a task, the delivery of a deliverable, or the achievement of a particular milestone. Events provide tangible markers, allowing project managers to track progress, assess performance, and adjust plans accordingly.

Types of Events:

  • Start Events: These mark the initiation of an activity or task. For example, the "start date" of a project can be considered a start event.
  • Finish Events: These signify the completion of an activity or task, marking a milestone reached. The "completion date" of a deliverable is a prime example.
  • Milestone Events: These mark significant achievements in the project lifecycle, often associated with major deliverables or key decision points.

The Role of Events in Project Planning and Scheduling:

  • Clear Timeline Visualization: Events help to break down the project timeline into manageable chunks, providing a clear visual representation of the project's progress.
  • Resource Allocation and Management: Events allow for accurate resource allocation based on the specific needs of each stage. By knowing when certain tasks will start and finish, resources can be efficiently utilized.
  • Risk Management: Identifying potential risks associated with specific events helps in developing mitigation plans and ensures proactive risk management.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Events provide a common reference point for communication between stakeholders. By referencing specific events, project managers can effectively communicate project status and any necessary updates.
  • Performance Monitoring and Evaluation: Events enable the assessment of project performance by tracking progress against planned timelines and milestones. This data is crucial for identifying areas for improvement and ensuring the project remains on track.

Example of Event Usage:

Consider a website development project. The following events could be defined:

  • Start Event: Project Kickoff Meeting
  • Milestone Event: Design Completion
  • Finish Event: Website Launch

By defining these events, the project manager can track progress, manage resources, and communicate effectively with the team, ensuring the successful delivery of the website within the defined timeline.

In Conclusion:

Events are an essential element of project planning and scheduling. They act as signposts that guide the project, allowing for efficient resource management, risk mitigation, and effective communication. By accurately defining and tracking events, project managers can effectively manage the project lifecycle, ensuring successful completion within the defined timeframe and budget.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Events in Project Planning and Scheduling

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is an event in project management? a) A spontaneous occurrence that disrupts project plans. b) A point in time when specific criteria are met, signifying progress. c) A group meeting to discuss project updates. d) A tool for creating project schedules.


b) A point in time when specific criteria are met, signifying progress.

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of event? a) Start Event b) Finish Event c) Milestone Event d) Risk Event


d) Risk Event

3. What is the primary benefit of using events in project planning? a) To make the project more exciting. b) To provide a clear timeline visualization and track progress. c) To ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page. d) To identify potential risks.


b) To provide a clear timeline visualization and track progress.

4. How do events help with resource allocation? a) By assigning resources to specific events. b) By ensuring resources are used efficiently based on event timelines. c) By allocating resources according to risk levels. d) By creating a resource pool for the entire project.


b) By ensuring resources are used efficiently based on event timelines.

5. Which of the following is an example of a milestone event in a software development project? a) First line of code written. b) Completion of the user interface design. c) Meeting with the client to discuss requirements. d) Deployment of the software to production.


b) Completion of the user interface design.

Exercise: Event Planning for a Book Launch

Scenario: You are the project manager for a book launch event. You need to create a timeline of events leading up to the launch day.


  1. Identify at least 5 key events that will be essential for the successful launch of the book.
  2. Categorize each event as a Start Event, Finish Event, or Milestone Event.
  3. Provide a brief description of what each event entails.


  • Event: Book Cover Design Completion
  • Type: Milestone Event
  • Description: The final design of the book cover is approved and ready for printing.

Provide your event timeline with descriptions in the box below.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible event timeline for a book launch:

  • Event: Project Kickoff Meeting
  • Type: Start Event
  • Description: Meeting to discuss project goals, timelines, and roles & responsibilities.

  • Event: Manuscript Completion

  • Type: Milestone Event
  • Description: The final manuscript is submitted for editing and proofreading.

  • Event: Book Cover Design Completion

  • Type: Milestone Event
  • Description: The final design of the book cover is approved and ready for printing.

  • Event: Book Printing Completed

  • Type: Milestone Event
  • Description: The printed books are delivered and ready for distribution.

  • Event: Marketing Campaign Launch

  • Type: Start Event
  • Description: The marketing campaign is launched to generate pre-launch buzz and promote the book.

  • Event: Book Launch Event

  • Type: Finish Event
  • Description: The book launch event takes place, including author readings, book signings, and refreshments.

  • Event: Book Sales Begin

  • Type: Start Event
  • Description: The book is available for purchase online and in stores.


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide): This is the definitive guide to project management, published by the Project Management Institute (PMI). It covers various aspects of project management, including planning, scheduling, and risk management.
  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: A comprehensive resource that covers project management methodologies and techniques, including the role of events in project planning.
  • The Effective Project Manager by Elizabeth Harrin: This book focuses on practical strategies and techniques for effective project management, including managing project timelines and milestones (events).


  • "The Importance of Events in Project Management" by [Author Name] - This article can provide a more focused discussion on the role of events in project planning and scheduling. Search for relevant articles on websites like,, and Harvard Business Review.
  • "Project Scheduling Techniques: Critical Path Method (CPM)" - Explore articles discussing the Critical Path Method (CPM), a scheduling technique that heavily relies on defining events and their dependencies.
  • "Project Risk Management: Identifying and Managing Risks" - Find articles that discuss how events can be used to identify and mitigate potential risks throughout the project lifecycle.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website offers resources, articles, and training materials related to project management best practices.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Global Standards (for paid members): Access comprehensive guidance on various aspects of project management, including event-driven project planning and scheduling.
  • Microsoft Project: This project management software tool provides features for defining, scheduling, and tracking events in projects.

Search Tips

  • "Events in Project Management": This will return general results on the topic.
  • "Critical Path Method (CPM) Events": This will help you understand how events are used in CPM scheduling.
  • "Project Timeline Examples": Look for examples of project timelines that use events to mark milestones and deliverables.
  • "Project Management Software Features": Explore the features offered by various project management software solutions regarding event management and scheduling.
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