Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Human Resources Management: Evaluation


Evaluation in Oil & Gas: A Critical Lens on Value and Potential

In the world of oil and gas, "evaluation" carries immense weight. It's not just about assessing something; it's about understanding its true worth, potential, and viability. This crucial process underpins every stage of the oil and gas lifecycle, from exploration to production and beyond.

Here's a breakdown of how evaluation plays a vital role in different aspects of the industry:


  • Geological Evaluation: Geologists use various techniques, including seismic surveys and core analysis, to evaluate the potential of subsurface formations for oil and gas accumulation. This evaluation helps determine the likelihood of finding hydrocarbons in a specific location.
  • Economic Evaluation: This stage focuses on assessing the profitability of an exploration project. Factors like estimated reserves, production costs, and market prices are considered to determine if the exploration venture is economically viable.


  • Reservoir Evaluation: After discovering hydrocarbons, engineers conduct reservoir evaluation to understand the characteristics of the reservoir, including its size, permeability, and pressure. This information guides the development of efficient production strategies.
  • Facility Evaluation: This involves evaluating the design and capacity of production facilities, pipelines, and storage tanks to ensure they can handle the expected volumes of oil and gas.
  • Environmental Evaluation: Companies conduct thorough environmental impact assessments to determine the potential risks and mitigation measures associated with development activities. This ensures compliance with regulations and minimizes environmental damage.


  • Production Performance Evaluation: Ongoing monitoring of production rates, well performance, and reservoir pressure helps evaluate the efficiency of production operations and identify potential issues that need to be addressed.
  • Economic Evaluation: This involves analyzing production costs, market prices, and revenue to assess the profitability of ongoing operations and identify potential areas for cost optimization.

Beyond Production:

  • Asset Evaluation: Companies regularly evaluate the value of their oil and gas assets, considering factors like reserves, production rates, and market conditions. This helps inform decisions regarding asset divestment or acquisition.
  • Technology Evaluation: The industry constantly evolves with new technologies. Companies evaluate new technologies for their potential to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance environmental performance.

The Importance of Evaluation:

  • Informed Decision-making: Evaluation provides essential data and insights that inform key decisions throughout the oil and gas lifecycle.
  • Risk Mitigation: By identifying potential risks and challenges early on, evaluation helps companies mitigate these risks and ensure the success of their projects.
  • Efficiency and Profitability: Evaluation drives efficiency by optimizing production processes, reducing costs, and maximizing profitability.
  • Sustainable Development: Environmental evaluation promotes sustainable practices and minimizes the environmental impact of oil and gas operations.

In Conclusion:

Evaluation is an integral part of the oil and gas industry, ensuring informed decision-making, risk mitigation, and sustainable operations. By thoroughly appraising the value and potential of resources, technologies, and options, companies can navigate the complexities of this industry with greater success and efficiency.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Evaluation in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a key aspect of evaluation in the exploration stage of oil and gas?

a) Geological evaluation b) Economic evaluation c) Production performance evaluation d) Environmental evaluation


c) Production performance evaluation

2. Reservoir evaluation primarily focuses on understanding the:

a) Size and shape of the reservoir b) Economic viability of the project c) Environmental impact of production d) Performance of production facilities


a) Size and shape of the reservoir

3. What is the main purpose of facility evaluation in the development stage?

a) Assess the potential for oil and gas accumulation b) Ensure production facilities can handle expected volumes c) Analyze the environmental impact of operations d) Determine the profitability of the project


b) Ensure production facilities can handle expected volumes

4. Which of these benefits does evaluation NOT provide in the oil and gas industry?

a) Improved environmental performance b) Increased operational costs c) Informed decision-making d) Risk mitigation


b) Increased operational costs

5. What is the main goal of asset evaluation?

a) Assess the environmental impact of assets b) Determine the value of oil and gas assets c) Analyze the performance of production facilities d) Evaluate new technologies for the industry


b) Determine the value of oil and gas assets

Exercise: Evaluating a Potential Oil & Gas Project

Scenario: You are a junior analyst for an oil and gas company. Your team is evaluating a potential exploration project in a new region. The project involves drilling two exploratory wells.


  1. Identify 3 key factors you would consider in evaluating the geological potential of the project.
  2. Outline 2 key aspects of the economic evaluation you would perform.
  3. Explain one environmental concern you would investigate before proceeding with the project.

Instructions: Provide a brief explanation for each point, demonstrating your understanding of evaluation in the oil & gas context.

Exercise Correction

Here are some possible answers:

**1. Geological Potential Factors:**

  • Presence of Source Rock: Investigating the presence of source rocks capable of generating hydrocarbons in the target area.
  • Reservoir Rock Characteristics: Analyzing the properties of potential reservoir rocks (e.g., permeability, porosity) to determine their ability to hold and release oil or gas.
  • Structural Traps: Evaluating the presence of geological structures that could trap hydrocarbons (e.g., faults, folds) and their potential to contain a viable oil or gas deposit.

**2. Economic Evaluation Aspects:**

  • Estimated Reserves: Assessing the potential volume of hydrocarbons (oil or gas) that could be recovered from the project based on geological data and exploration results.
  • Capital and Operating Costs: Calculating the costs associated with drilling, completing the wells, constructing infrastructure, and producing hydrocarbons to determine the project's economic viability.

**3. Environmental Concern:**

  • Potential Impact on Water Resources: Assessing the potential risk of contamination to groundwater sources from drilling activities and waste disposal. This might involve studying the local hydrogeology and evaluating the environmental management plan for the project.


  • "Petroleum Evaluation" by John C. Higgins - Provides a comprehensive overview of the evaluation process in the oil and gas industry. Covers various topics like reservoir characterization, economic evaluation, and risk analysis.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by John D. Fanchi - A classic textbook offering a deep dive into reservoir engineering and production techniques. Covers evaluation techniques related to reservoir characterization and production optimization.
  • "The Economics of Oil and Gas" by Michael E. Porter - Provides a thorough understanding of the economic factors driving the oil and gas industry, including cost analysis, pricing strategies, and valuation methodologies.


  • "Evaluating Oil and Gas Projects: A Guide to the Basics" by SPE - A concise article published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers that covers the key steps and considerations in evaluating oil and gas projects.
  • "Beyond Reserves: Integrating Value and Risk in Oil and Gas Asset Evaluation" by IHS Markit - Explores the need for a holistic approach to asset evaluation, considering factors beyond just reserves.
  • "The Role of Technology in Oil and Gas Evaluation" by Energy Institute - Discusses the impact of emerging technologies on evaluation processes, including data analytics, artificial intelligence, and remote sensing.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - The website provides access to technical papers, industry news, and resources related to oil and gas evaluation.
  • Energy Institute - Offers publications, events, and information on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including evaluation methods and best practices.
  • IHS Markit - A leading provider of energy data and analysis, their website provides insights and reports on the oil and gas market, including evaluation methodologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "oil and gas," "evaluation," "economic evaluation," "reservoir evaluation," "asset evaluation," and "production performance evaluation" to refine your search.
  • Specify time period: Add "2023" or "recent" to find articles and reports on current trends and innovations.
  • Search for specific publications: Use "" or "" to narrow down your search to specific organizations.
  • Use advanced search operators: Employ operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to combine keywords and refine your search results.
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