Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Early Finish

Early Finish

Understanding Early Finish: A Key Element in Project Planning & Scheduling

In the world of project management, meticulous planning and scheduling are essential for success. One crucial concept in this process is the Early Finish date, which represents the earliest possible date an activity can be completed. Understanding this concept and how it's calculated is vital for ensuring projects stay on track and deliver on time.

What is Early Finish?

The Early Finish date is a calculated date based on two key factors:

  • Early Start: This is the earliest possible date an activity can begin, considering the completion of any preceding activities and the activity's duration.
  • Activity Duration: This is the estimated time required to complete the activity.

In essence, the Early Finish date is the sum of the Early Start date and the activity duration.

How is Early Finish Calculated?

Most project management software utilizes a forward pass method to determine Early Finish dates. This process involves moving forward through the project schedule, starting from the beginning and working towards the end.

  1. Start with the first activity: The Early Start date of the first activity is usually the project start date.
  2. Calculate Early Finish: Add the activity duration to the Early Start date to determine the Early Finish date.
  3. Move to the next activity: The Early Start date of the subsequent activity is dependent on the Early Finish date of the preceding activity. If there are multiple preceding activities, the latest Early Finish date among them becomes the Early Start date of the next activity.
  4. Repeat: Continue this process for all activities in the project, moving forward from the beginning to the end.

Why is Early Finish Important?

Understanding the Early Finish date for each activity offers several benefits:

  • Realistic Scheduling: It helps create a realistic project schedule by taking into account the dependencies between activities and their durations.
  • Identifying Bottlenecks: Activities with late Early Finish dates might indicate potential bottlenecks that could delay the overall project.
  • Resource Allocation: Knowing the Early Finish dates allows for efficient resource allocation by ensuring resources are available when needed.
  • Progress Tracking: It provides a benchmark for tracking progress against the planned schedule, enabling timely intervention if necessary.


Imagine a project with three activities:

  • Activity A: Duration = 3 days
  • Activity B: Duration = 2 days (dependent on Activity A)
  • Activity C: Duration = 4 days (dependent on Activity B)

If the project starts on January 1st, the Early Finish dates would be:

  • Activity A: Early Finish = January 1st + 3 days = January 4th
  • Activity B: Early Finish = January 4th + 2 days = January 6th
  • Activity C: Early Finish = January 6th + 4 days = January 10th


The Early Finish date is a crucial component of project planning and scheduling. By understanding this concept and the method of its calculation, project managers can create realistic schedules, identify potential bottlenecks, and track progress effectively, ultimately increasing the likelihood of project success.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Early Finish

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the Early Finish date based on?

a) Only the activity duration. b) Only the Early Start date. c) The sum of the Early Start date and the activity duration. d) The latest possible date an activity can be completed.


c) The sum of the Early Start date and the activity duration.

2. Which method is used to determine Early Finish dates in project management software?

a) Backward pass b) Forward pass c) Critical path method d) Gantt chart analysis


b) Forward pass

3. What is a benefit of understanding Early Finish dates?

a) Identifying potential risks. b) Calculating the project budget. c) Determining the project scope. d) Identifying potential bottlenecks.


d) Identifying potential bottlenecks.

4. If Activity A has an Early Start date of March 1st and a duration of 5 days, what is its Early Finish date?

a) March 5th b) March 6th c) March 7th d) March 8th


b) March 6th

5. Why is the Early Finish date important for resource allocation?

a) It helps determine the availability of resources for the project. b) It helps identify which resources are the most expensive. c) It helps determine the project budget. d) It helps identify the project risks.


a) It helps determine the availability of resources for the project.

Exercise: Early Finish Calculation


You are managing a project with the following activities and their dependencies:

  • Activity A: Duration = 2 days (Start of project)
  • Activity B: Duration = 3 days (Dependent on Activity A)
  • Activity C: Duration = 4 days (Dependent on Activity B)
  • Activity D: Duration = 1 day (Dependent on Activity C)

The project starts on May 1st.

Task: Calculate the Early Finish dates for each activity.

Exercice Correction

Here are the Early Finish dates for each activity:

  • Activity A: Early Finish = May 1st + 2 days = May 3rd
  • Activity B: Early Finish = May 3rd + 3 days = May 6th
  • Activity C: Early Finish = May 6th + 4 days = May 10th
  • Activity D: Early Finish = May 10th + 1 day = May 11th


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). Project Management Institute. - This is the foundational text for project management professionals. Chapter 6 focuses on scheduling and includes detailed information about Early Finish dates.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2019). Project Management: A Managerial Approach (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. - This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of project management topics, including scheduling techniques that utilize Early Finish calculations.
  • Cleland, D. I., & Ireland, L. R. (2016). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation. McGraw-Hill Education. - This book provides in-depth coverage of project management principles, including a thorough explanation of scheduling methodologies and the concept of Early Finish.


  • "Critical Path Method (CPM): A Simple Guide to Project Scheduling" by Project Management Institute. - This article delves into the Critical Path Method (CPM), a scheduling technique that heavily relies on Early Finish calculations.
  • "Understanding Early Finish and Late Finish in Project Management" by GanttPRO. - This article provides a concise overview of Early Finish and Late Finish concepts, their significance, and how they are used in project management.
  • "Early Finish Date: Understanding its Importance in Project Management" by - This article highlights the importance of Early Finish dates in project planning and their role in resource allocation and progress tracking.

Online Resources

  • - This website offers a wealth of information on project management, including comprehensive articles and guides on various topics, including scheduling and Early Finish calculations.
  • GanttPRO - This website provides helpful resources and guides on project management, including information on project scheduling techniques, such as CPM, and the concept of Early Finish.
  • - The official website of the Project Management Institute offers resources, training materials, and certification information related to project management principles, including scheduling and Early Finish calculations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Early Finish project management," "Early Finish calculation," "Critical Path Method Early Finish."
  • Combine keywords: "Early Finish + CPM," "Early Finish + Gantt chart," "Early Finish + resource allocation."
  • Use advanced operators: "Early Finish" or "Early Finish filetype:pdf" to narrow down your search.
  • Utilize quotation marks: "Early Finish date" will only return results containing that exact phrase.
  • Filter by date: Use "published after:2020" to find more recent articles and resources.
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