Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Communication & Reporting: Earliest Start

Earliest Start

Earliest Start: Unlocking the Secrets of Efficient Project Scheduling

In the realm of project planning and scheduling, navigating the complexities of timelines and dependencies is crucial for success. One of the key concepts that helps project managers effectively manage their projects is the "Earliest Start" time. This article delves into the significance of Earliest Start, explaining its role in network diagrams and its impact on project efficiency.

Understanding Earliest Start

Simply put, the Earliest Start time represents the absolute earliest point in time at which an activity can begin without causing any delays to subsequent activities. It is determined by considering the predecessor activities and their respective durations.

Network Diagrams: Visualizing Timelines

Network diagrams, also known as Activity-on-Node (AON) diagrams, are visual representations of project schedules. They depict activities as nodes and dependencies between them as arrows. Each node contains information about the activity's duration and its Earliest Start and Earliest Finish times.

Calculating Earliest Start

Determining the Earliest Start for an activity involves a simple but effective calculation:

  • For activities with no predecessors: The Earliest Start is simply the project start date.
  • For activities with predecessors: The Earliest Start is the latest Earliest Finish time of its predecessor activities.

Significance of Earliest Start

  • Optimizing Project Schedule: Earliest Start helps identify the earliest possible time to initiate each activity, ensuring efficient utilization of project resources and minimizing idle time.
  • Identifying Bottlenecks: By analyzing the Earliest Start times, project managers can quickly identify critical activities that have the potential to delay the project if not completed on time.
  • Facilitating Resource Allocation: Knowing the Earliest Start allows for effective planning of resource allocation, ensuring that the right resources are available at the right time.
  • Improving Communication and Collaboration: Clear understanding of Earliest Start times enhances communication between project stakeholders, promoting transparency and alignment on project timelines.


Consider a simple project with three activities: A, B, and C. Activity A has no predecessors and takes 3 days. Activity B depends on A and takes 2 days. Activity C depends on B and takes 4 days.

  • Earliest Start for Activity A: Project start date (Day 1).
  • Earliest Start for Activity B: Earliest Finish of Activity A (Day 4).
  • Earliest Start for Activity C: Earliest Finish of Activity B (Day 6).


Earliest Start is a fundamental concept in project planning and scheduling that provides a valuable framework for optimizing project timelines and ensuring efficient resource allocation. By understanding and utilizing this concept, project managers can navigate the complexities of project execution, enhance communication, and ultimately achieve project goals within the desired timeframe.

Test Your Knowledge

Earliest Start Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "Earliest Start" represent in project scheduling?

(a) The latest possible time an activity can begin without delaying the project. (b) The absolute earliest point in time an activity can begin without causing delays to subsequent activities. (c) The duration of an activity. (d) The amount of resources needed for an activity.


(b) The absolute earliest point in time an activity can begin without causing delays to subsequent activities.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Earliest Start in project planning?

(a) Optimizing project schedule (b) Identifying project risks (c) Facilitating resource allocation (d) Improving communication and collaboration


(b) Identifying project risks

3. What is the Earliest Start time for an activity with no predecessors?

(a) The project finish date (b) The project start date (c) The latest Earliest Finish time of its predecessor activities (d) The duration of the activity


(b) The project start date

4. In a network diagram, what does an arrow represent?

(a) An activity (b) A resource (c) A dependency between activities (d) The Earliest Start time of an activity


(c) A dependency between activities

5. How is the Earliest Start time for an activity with predecessors determined?

(a) By adding the duration of the activity to the project start date. (b) By subtracting the duration of the activity from the project finish date. (c) By calculating the latest Earliest Finish time of its predecessor activities. (d) By averaging the durations of all predecessor activities.


(c) By calculating the latest Earliest Finish time of its predecessor activities.

Earliest Start Exercise


You are managing a project with four activities:

  • Activity A: No predecessors, duration 5 days.
  • Activity B: Depends on A, duration 3 days.
  • Activity C: Depends on A, duration 4 days.
  • Activity D: Depends on B and C, duration 2 days.


Calculate the Earliest Start time for each activity, assuming the project start date is Day 1.

Exercise Correction

Here are the calculated Earliest Start times:

  • Activity A: Day 1 (No predecessors)
  • Activity B: Day 6 (Earliest Finish of A: Day 5 + 1 day)
  • Activity C: Day 6 (Earliest Finish of A: Day 5 + 1 day)
  • Activity D: Day 10 (Latest Earliest Finish of B and C: Day 9 + 1 day)


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamentals of project management, including critical path analysis and the concept of Earliest Start.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by the Project Management Institute (PMI): This standard guide for project management professionals explains various project management methodologies, including network diagrams and the calculation of Earliest Start times.
  • Project Scheduling: Principles and Practices by James P. Lewis: This book delves into the intricacies of project scheduling, including the use of network diagrams, critical path analysis, and the importance of Earliest Start times.


  • "Critical Path Method: A Project Management Technique" by Dr. John A. Page, Project Management Institute: This article provides an in-depth explanation of the critical path method, which heavily relies on the concept of Earliest Start and Earliest Finish times.
  • "Project Scheduling Techniques: A Guide for Beginners" by This introductory article offers a comprehensive overview of project scheduling techniques, including a basic introduction to the Earliest Start calculation.
  • "Understanding Earliest Start and Latest Finish Times" by Smartsheet: This blog post specifically focuses on the concept of Earliest Start and Latest Finish times, offering practical examples and explanations.

Online Resources

  • This website offers a vast collection of resources on project management, including articles, tutorials, and tools that can help you learn more about project scheduling and the concept of Earliest Start.
  • PMI (Project Management Institute): PMI's website provides a wealth of information about project management best practices, including resources on critical path analysis and Earliest Start times.
  • Smartsheet: Smartsheet offers a comprehensive project management platform that includes built-in tools for project scheduling and critical path analysis, which utilizes the Earliest Start concept.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Earliest Start" + "project scheduling" + "critical path analysis" + "network diagrams"
  • Include specific project management methodologies: "Earliest Start" + "PERT" + "CPM"
  • Add specific software or tools: "Earliest Start" + "Microsoft Project" + "Smartsheet" + "Asana"
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