Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Communication & Reporting: Documentary


Documentary: A Vital Tool in Document Control & Management

In the world of Document Control & Management (DCM), the term "Documentary" takes on a specific meaning. It goes beyond simply referring to a written document, instead encompassing a display of documented information, often presented in a multimedia format. This approach significantly enhances the effectiveness of DCM by facilitating accessibility, clarity, and user engagement.

Beyond the Paper Trail:

Traditional DCM often revolved around managing stacks of physical documents. While this approach has its place, it can be cumbersome, prone to misplacement, and limited in its ability to effectively communicate complex information.

Documentary, however, utilizes a multifaceted approach to information presentation. It leverages various media formats, including:

  • Text: While still essential, textual content is presented in a clear and concise manner, often with formatting techniques that highlight key points.
  • Images: Photographs, diagrams, and illustrations can be incorporated to provide visual clarity and enhance understanding.
  • Audio: Voice recordings, interviews, and audio explanations can offer a more immersive experience and provide valuable context.
  • Video: Short videos, demonstrations, or even full-length documentaries can powerfully convey complex information, processes, and training modules.

Benefits of Documentary in DCM:

  • Enhanced Accessibility: By presenting information in multiple formats, documentary makes it accessible to a wider audience, including those with different learning styles and preferences.
  • Improved Comprehension: The use of visual aids and interactive elements significantly improves comprehension and retention of complex information.
  • Streamlined Communication: Documentary allows for clear and concise communication of information, minimizing confusion and ambiguity.
  • Greater Engagement: Multimedia elements can increase engagement and make the learning process more enjoyable and effective.
  • Improved Efficiency: Documentary facilitates the efficient sharing and management of information, reducing the time and effort required for access and dissemination.

Implementing Documentary in DCM:

To successfully implement a documentary approach in DCM, organizations should:

  • Identify the key information to be documented: Focus on the most critical information that needs to be accessible and shared.
  • Choose appropriate media formats: Select formats that best suit the specific information being presented.
  • Develop a clear structure: Organize information logically and use appropriate visual aids and multimedia elements.
  • Ensure accessibility: Consider the needs of different users and make the documentary readily available across platforms and devices.
  • Continuously evaluate and refine: Regularly review and update the documentary to ensure its accuracy, relevance, and effectiveness.


In the ever-evolving landscape of DCM, documentary offers a powerful and effective approach to managing and presenting information. By leveraging the power of multimedia, organizations can enhance accessibility, improve comprehension, and foster greater engagement with critical documentation. This, in turn, leads to improved efficiency, streamlined communication, and ultimately, a more robust and effective DCM system.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Documentary in Document Control & Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary focus of "Documentary" in the context of Document Control & Management?

a) Creating traditional paper-based documents. b) Displaying documented information using multimedia formats. c) Managing only electronic documents. d) Focusing solely on text-based documentation.


b) Displaying documented information using multimedia formats.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a documentary approach in DCM?

a) Increased accessibility for diverse audiences. b) Improved communication through visual aids. c) Reduced cost of document storage. d) Enhanced user engagement.


c) Reduced cost of document storage.

3. What is a crucial step in implementing a documentary approach in DCM?

a) Scanning all existing paper documents into digital formats. b) Identifying the essential information that needs to be documented. c) Using only video formats for all documentation. d) Hiring a specialist multimedia team.


b) Identifying the essential information that needs to be documented.

4. How can multimedia elements contribute to effective DCM?

a) By making documents visually appealing. b) By providing a more engaging and effective learning experience. c) By reducing the need for physical document storage. d) By creating a more formal and professional look for documents.


b) By providing a more engaging and effective learning experience.

5. What is the primary goal of continuously evaluating and refining a documentary approach in DCM?

a) To ensure that the information is up-to-date and relevant. b) To maintain the visual appeal of the documents. c) To create new multimedia elements for each document. d) To make the documentation more complex and comprehensive.


a) To ensure that the information is up-to-date and relevant.

Exercise: Implementing Documentary in DCM

Scenario: Imagine you are working for a company that manufactures complex machinery. You need to create a new training program for technicians on how to perform routine maintenance on a specific machine.


  1. Identify three key pieces of information that need to be included in the training program.
  2. Choose two different multimedia formats that would be suitable for presenting this information effectively. Explain why you chose these formats.
  3. Describe how you would structure the training program using these formats to maximize clarity, engagement, and comprehension for the technicians.

Exercice Correction

**Possible Answers:**

**1. Key Information:**

  • Step-by-step instructions for performing each maintenance task.
  • Visual representations of machine components and their functions.
  • Safety precautions and potential hazards to be aware of.

**2. Multimedia Formats:**

  • **Video:** To provide clear visual demonstrations of the maintenance process, highlighting key steps and tools. This format allows for a more interactive and engaging learning experience, especially for hands-on tasks.
  • **Interactive 3D Model:** To showcase the machine's components in detail and allow technicians to explore them virtually. This can enhance understanding of the machine's structure and how each component functions.

**3. Training Program Structure:**

  • **Introduction:** Begin with a short video overview explaining the purpose and importance of the maintenance procedures, emphasizing safety protocols.
  • **Step-by-Step Guide:** Utilize the 3D model to visually highlight each component and its function, then use videos to demonstrate the proper procedures for performing maintenance tasks.
  • **Interactive Quiz:** Include a short interactive quiz after each section to reinforce learning and assess comprehension.
  • **Conclusion:** Conclude with a summary video emphasizing key takeaways, safety reminders, and the importance of consistent maintenance.


  • "Document Management: A Practical Guide" by Bruce E. Harris - Covers various aspects of document management, including the use of multimedia and digital content.
  • "The Complete Guide to Document Management" by Dr. Paul J. Gilster - Addresses digital document management and strategies for creating effective document systems.
  • "Information Management for the 21st Century: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques" by James R. Carey - Discusses information management principles and best practices, relevant to DCM and the use of multimedia.


  • "The Power of Video in Document Management" by [Author Name] - Explore the specific benefits and applications of video in DCM.
  • "Multimedia in Document Control: A New Approach to Information Sharing" by [Author Name] - Focuses on the advantages of integrating multimedia into document control systems.
  • "Using Interactive Documents for Enhanced Document Management" by [Author Name] - Explores the use of interactive elements in documents to improve user engagement and understanding.

Online Resources

  • "Document Management System" by Wikipedia - Provides a broad overview of document management systems, including the evolving role of multimedia and digital content.
  • "Document Control" by ISO - Offers official standards and best practices for document control, including relevant information on digital document management.
  • "Document Management Software" by G2 - Explore reviews and comparisons of document management software, including features related to multimedia and digital content.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use combinations like "document control multimedia," "interactive document management," "video document management," and "digital document control" to refine your searches.
  • Explore industry-specific websites: Search for information on websites of organizations related to document management, such as the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) and the Document Management Institute (DMI).
  • Look for case studies and white papers: Search for case studies and white papers that demonstrate successful implementations of multimedia and documentary approaches in DCM.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use Google's advanced search operators like "site:" and "filetype:" to narrow your search results to specific websites or file types.
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