Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety & Environmental Engineering: Concession


Concessions and Waivers in the Oil & Gas Industry: Navigating Non-Conformance

In the high-stakes world of oil and gas, strict adherence to specifications is paramount. But what happens when materials, components, or stores fall short of these rigorous requirements? This is where concessions and waivers come into play, providing a mechanism to navigate non-conformance and keep projects moving.


A concession, in the oil and gas context, is a written authorization that allows for the use or release of materials, components, or stores that do not fully meet the specified requirements. This authorization is granted by the relevant authority, typically the owner or operator of the project.

Key characteristics of a concession:

  • Formal document: A concession is a written document outlining the specific deviation from the standard and the conditions under which the non-conforming material can be used.
  • Justification and analysis: The concession must be accompanied by a thorough justification and analysis of the non-conformity, demonstrating that the deviation does not compromise the safety, functionality, or performance of the project.
  • Risk assessment: A comprehensive risk assessment is crucial, evaluating the potential consequences of using the non-conforming material and mitigating those risks.
  • Limited scope: Concessions are typically granted for specific items or batches of materials.
  • Documentation and traceability: Detailed records must be maintained, documenting the concession process, including the justification, risk assessment, and any associated corrective actions.


A waiver, in contrast to a concession, involves relinquishing a right or claim related to a specific requirement. This can include aspects such as:

  • Quality control procedures: Waiving certain inspection or testing procedures.
  • Technical specifications: Relaxing specific technical parameters.
  • Contractual obligations: Excluding certain contractual clauses.

Waivers must be carefully considered and granted only when:

  • The risk associated with the waiver is adequately mitigated.
  • The potential benefits outweigh the risks.
  • All parties involved are informed and consent to the waiver.

Examples of Concessions and Waivers in Oil & Gas:

  • Concession: A concession might be granted for a batch of pipe that slightly exceeds the allowable tolerance for diameter. If the deviation is minor and doesn't impact structural integrity, the pipe can be used after proper analysis and risk assessment.
  • Waiver: A waiver could be granted to skip a specific stage of a welding inspection process if the project timeline is tight and the risk associated with skipping the inspection is deemed acceptable.

Benefits of Concessions and Waivers:

  • Project continuity: Concessions and waivers can help avoid project delays by allowing for the use of available materials, even if they have minor non-conformities.
  • Cost savings: Using non-conforming materials can potentially reduce costs associated with sourcing replacements or scrapping the non-compliant items.
  • Flexibility: Concessions and waivers offer flexibility in managing project requirements, particularly when faced with unforeseen challenges or changes in circumstances.

Considerations for Concessions and Waivers:

  • Legal implications: Concessions and waivers should be carefully drafted and reviewed by legal counsel to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and contractual agreements.
  • Transparency and accountability: All parties involved should be informed about the concessions and waivers granted, and proper documentation should be maintained for audit purposes.
  • Risk management: A robust risk assessment process is crucial, ensuring that the risks associated with accepting non-conforming materials are minimized and managed effectively.

Concessions and waivers are valuable tools in the oil and gas industry, enabling projects to move forward efficiently even when facing non-conformance challenges. However, they must be carefully implemented, with thorough justification, risk assessment, and proper documentation, to ensure project safety, integrity, and compliance.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Concessions and Waivers in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a concession in the oil and gas industry? a) A formal agreement to lower the price of materials. b) A written authorization to use materials that do not fully meet specifications. c) A request for additional time to complete a project. d) A legal dispute arising from non-compliant materials.


b) A written authorization to use materials that do not fully meet specifications.

2. What is a key characteristic of a concession? a) It is always granted without any justification. b) It is a verbal agreement between parties. c) It involves relinquishing a right or claim. d) It must be accompanied by a thorough risk assessment.


d) It must be accompanied by a thorough risk assessment.

3. What is a waiver in the oil and gas industry? a) A formal request for a change in project specifications. b) A written authorization to use materials that do not meet safety standards. c) A relinquishment of a right or claim related to a specific requirement. d) A financial penalty for using non-compliant materials.


c) A relinquishment of a right or claim related to a specific requirement.

4. Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of using concessions and waivers? a) Project continuity b) Cost savings c) Increased safety standards d) Flexibility in managing project requirements


c) Increased safety standards

5. What is a crucial consideration when granting concessions or waivers? a) Ensuring all parties involved are aware of the risks and benefits. b) Minimizing the use of non-compliant materials. c) Prioritizing the speed of project completion over safety. d) Avoiding any legal or contractual implications.


a) Ensuring all parties involved are aware of the risks and benefits.


Scenario: A pipeline construction project requires a specific type of pipe with a particular tensile strength rating. However, the supplier has accidentally delivered a batch of pipes with a slightly lower tensile strength. The deviation is minor and doesn't significantly impact the overall project safety, but it does fall outside the specified requirements.


  1. Identify whether this scenario calls for a concession or a waiver.
  2. Outline the steps you would take to address this non-conformance, including any necessary documentation and considerations.

Exercice Correction

This scenario calls for a **concession**. Here are the steps to address the non-conformance:

  1. Thorough analysis and justification: Conduct a detailed analysis of the pipe's actual tensile strength compared to the specified requirement. Determine the extent of the deviation and its potential impact on the project. Justify why using the non-conforming pipes is safe and won't compromise the project's integrity.
  2. Risk assessment: Perform a comprehensive risk assessment to evaluate the potential consequences of using the lower tensile strength pipes. Identify potential mitigation measures to address any identified risks.
  3. Concession application: Prepare a formal written application for a concession, outlining the justification, analysis, risk assessment, and proposed mitigation measures.
  4. Approval process: Submit the concession application to the relevant authorities (project owner, operator, or engineer) for review and approval. Ensure all parties involved are aware of the deviation and agree to the concession.
  5. Documentation and traceability: Maintain detailed records of the concession process, including the justification, risk assessment, approval documentation, and any associated corrective actions.


  • Legal implications: Consult legal counsel to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and contractual agreements.
  • Transparency and accountability: Inform all relevant stakeholders about the concession and maintain clear documentation for future audits.
  • Project schedule: Evaluate the potential impact of the concession on the project timeline and adjust accordingly.


  • Project Management in the Oil and Gas Industry: This book, while not specifically on concessions and waivers, would likely cover the broader context of managing non-conformities in projects. You can find various titles with this focus.
  • Oil and Gas Construction Contracts: This would provide insights into contractual clauses relevant to concessions and waivers, including how they are defined and applied.
  • Quality Management in the Oil and Gas Industry: This would delve into the implementation of quality management systems, which are essential for managing concessions and waivers effectively.


  • "Non-Conformance Management in Oil and Gas Projects: A Practical Guide" - Search for articles with this or similar titles in industry journals like "Petroleum Technology Quarterly," "Journal of Petroleum Technology," or "World Oil."
  • "Concessions and Waivers in Oil & Gas: A Balancing Act" - Look for articles discussing the specific challenges and strategies related to concessions and waivers.

Online Resources

  • API (American Petroleum Institute): API standards and guidelines often address quality management and non-conformity handling in oil and gas operations. Check their website for relevant publications and resources.
  • ISO (International Organization for Standardization): Explore ISO standards related to quality management systems (ISO 9001) and risk management (ISO 31000) for broader perspectives on managing non-conformities.
  • Industry Associations: Look for resources on concessions and waivers from organizations like the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), or the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP).

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Concessions oil gas," "Waivers oil gas," "Non-conformity oil gas," "Deviation management oil gas."
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: "Concessions API standards," "Waivers ISO 9001," "Non-conformance SPE guidelines."
  • Search for specific companies or organizations: "Concession policy [company name]," "Waiver process [organization name]."
  • Filter your search: Use filters like "past year," "industry news," or "academic articles" to refine your results.
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