Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Common Carrier

Common Carrier

Common Carrier: Navigating the Pipeline in Oil & Gas

In the complex world of Oil & Gas, the term "Common Carrier" doesn't refer to a mode of transportation. Instead, it holds a crucial role in the legal framework surrounding the movement of oil and natural gas. It denotes a pipeline company that is required to provide transportation services to any party willing to pay for them, regardless of whether they are a competitor or a customer. This concept, rooted in the principles of public utility, ensures fair and equitable access to the infrastructure needed for transporting oil and gas.

Here's a closer look at the key aspects of Common Carriers in the Oil & Gas industry:

1. Regulatory Framework:

  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC): The primary regulatory body overseeing interstate pipelines, FERC sets rules for common carriers, including tariff rates, non-discriminatory access, and open access policies.
  • State Regulatory Commissions: Some states have their own regulatory bodies that oversee intrastate pipelines, adding another layer of legal complexity.
  • Shipper Agreements: These agreements outline the terms and conditions under which shippers (companies transporting oil or gas) utilize the common carrier's pipeline. They typically cover transportation fees, pipeline capacity allocation, and delivery deadlines.

2. Key Features of Common Carrier Pipelines:

  • Open Access: Any party with a viable commercial proposal can access the pipeline for transportation.
  • Non-Discrimination: The common carrier cannot favor one shipper over another in terms of pricing or access.
  • Tariff Rates: Established fees for transportation are regulated and publicly available, ensuring transparency and fairness.

3. Importance of Common Carriers in Oil & Gas:

  • Competition: Common carriers promote competition in the market by ensuring access to pipeline infrastructure for various players, fostering a level playing field.
  • Efficiency: By providing a standardized transportation network, common carriers contribute to efficient movement of oil and gas, streamlining supply chains.
  • Public Interest: The concept ensures public access to energy resources by guaranteeing fair and equitable access to the transportation infrastructure.

4. Challenges and Considerations:

  • Capacity Constraints: Limited pipeline capacity can sometimes create bottlenecks, leading to challenges in allocating space for new shippers.
  • Investment Costs: Maintaining and expanding pipeline infrastructure requires significant investments, which can impact the financial viability of common carriers.
  • Safety and Environmental Concerns: Operating and maintaining pipelines responsibly is crucial to ensure environmental safety and minimize risk of accidents.

In conclusion, Common Carriers are integral to the Oil & Gas industry, playing a vital role in facilitating the transportation of essential energy resources. Their commitment to open access, non-discrimination, and regulated tariffs contributes to a competitive and efficient energy market while ensuring the public's access to vital resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Common Carrier in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which entity is primarily responsible for regulating interstate pipelines in the United States?

a) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) b) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) c) The Department of Transportation (DOT) d) The State Regulatory Commissions


b) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

2. What is a key feature of common carrier pipelines that ensures fair access to transportation services?

a) Ownership by the government b) Exclusive contracts with major oil companies c) Open access to any party willing to pay d) Priority given to existing customers


c) Open access to any party willing to pay

3. How do common carrier tariffs contribute to a fair and transparent market?

a) They are negotiated individually between shippers and carriers. b) They are set by the government and are not subject to change. c) They are established fees publicly available for all shippers. d) They are based on the carrier's cost of operation, regardless of demand.


c) They are established fees publicly available for all shippers.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of common carriers in the Oil & Gas industry?

a) Promotion of competition in the market b) Increased control by major oil companies over transportation c) Efficient movement of oil and gas d) Public access to essential energy resources


b) Increased control by major oil companies over transportation

5. What is a major challenge faced by common carriers in the Oil & Gas industry?

a) Lack of demand for pipeline transportation b) The high cost of maintaining and expanding pipeline infrastructure c) The difficulty in obtaining permits for new pipeline construction d) The limited availability of skilled labor


b) The high cost of maintaining and expanding pipeline infrastructure

Exercise: Common Carrier Scenario


A new independent oil producer, "Green Energy Solutions," has discovered a significant oil deposit in a remote region. They need to transport their oil to a major refinery located hundreds of miles away. However, the nearest pipeline is owned and operated by "Mega Oil," a dominant player in the industry.


Using your knowledge of common carrier principles, explain how "Green Energy Solutions" can leverage the existing pipeline to transport their oil, even though they are a competitor to "Mega Oil." Describe the potential challenges they might face and how they can overcome them.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:

"Green Energy Solutions" can leverage the existing pipeline owned by "Mega Oil" by utilizing the principles of common carriers. As a common carrier, "Mega Oil" is obligated to provide non-discriminatory access to its pipeline to any party willing to pay the established tariffs.

Here's how they can proceed:

  • **Negotiate a Shipper Agreement:** "Green Energy Solutions" can approach "Mega Oil" and negotiate a shipper agreement outlining the terms and conditions for transporting their oil. This agreement will cover aspects such as transportation fees, pipeline capacity allocation, and delivery deadlines.
  • **Pay Established Tariffs:** "Green Energy Solutions" will need to pay the established tariffs for using the pipeline, as determined by "Mega Oil" and potentially regulated by FERC or state commissions. The tariffs should be publicly available and non-discriminatory.
  • **Ensure Viable Proposal:** They need to ensure they have a viable commercial proposal for transporting their oil, including sufficient volume and a schedule that aligns with the pipeline's capacity and operations.

**Potential Challenges:**

  • **Capacity Constraints:** If the pipeline is already operating at full capacity, "Green Energy Solutions" may face challenges securing space for their oil. They might need to negotiate with existing shippers or explore alternative transportation options.
  • **Access Disputes:** There could be disputes or delays in securing access to the pipeline due to potential conflicts with "Mega Oil" or other existing shippers.
  • **Tariffs:** The established tariffs might be high, potentially impacting their profitability. They might need to explore negotiation strategies or seek alternative transportation solutions if the tariffs are deemed unreasonable.

**Overcoming Challenges:**

  • **Early Engagement:** They should engage with "Mega Oil" early in the process to discuss their transportation needs and negotiate a favorable shipper agreement.
  • **Legal Counsel:** They should consult with legal counsel specializing in energy law to understand their rights and obligations as a shipper and to navigate potential disputes.
  • **Alternative Options:** They should explore alternative transportation options such as trucks or rail, particularly if they face significant challenges accessing the pipeline.

By leveraging the common carrier principles and navigating potential challenges effectively, "Green Energy Solutions" can ensure the successful transportation of their oil and contribute to the competitive energy market.


  • Energy Law: Cases and Materials (Author: William H. Rodgers, Jr.) - This comprehensive text explores legal issues surrounding energy, including the regulatory framework for pipelines and common carriers.
  • The Energy Industry: Regulation and Economics (Author: Richard L. Gordon) - Provides a broad overview of the energy sector, focusing on regulatory aspects including common carrier principles.
  • Oil and Gas Law: A Treatise (Author: William P. Hackney) - This multi-volume work offers in-depth legal analysis of oil and gas law, including sections dedicated to pipeline transportation and common carrier regulations.


  • "Common Carrier Obligations of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines" (Author: Richard L. Gordon) - Published in the Journal of Energy Law and Policy, this article discusses the legal and regulatory framework surrounding common carriers in the natural gas industry.
  • "The Role of Common Carriers in the Oil and Gas Industry" (Author: Karen E. Bradshaw) - This article provides an overview of the history, key features, and current challenges facing common carriers in the oil and gas sector.
  • "FERC Regulations and the Future of Common Carrier Pipelines" (Author: John S. Dugan) - This article explores the impact of FERC regulations on the operations and future of common carrier pipelines, including challenges related to capacity and investment.

Online Resources

  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC): - FERC's website provides access to regulations, orders, and other resources relevant to common carrier pipelines.
  • National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC): - NARUC website offers information on state-level regulations of pipelines and common carriers.
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA): - EIA website provides valuable data and analysis on the oil and gas industry, including information on pipeline infrastructure and transportation.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific phrases like "common carrier pipeline regulation," "FERC common carrier rules," or "oil and gas pipeline transportation."
  • Focus on legal resources: Add terms like "legal," "law," "regulation," or "case law" to your search to find relevant legal documents and articles.
  • Target specific timeframes: Use "since 2020" or "before 2010" to refine your search based on the time period of interest.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose key phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches rather than general results.
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