Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Business Case

Business Case

The Business Case: A Vital Tool for Navigating the Oil & Gas Development Landscape

In the dynamic world of oil and gas, the path from initial concept to operational reality is riddled with complexities. To navigate this landscape, a crucial document emerges – the Business Case. This document, typically developed towards the end of Phase 1 - Concept, serves as the bridge between initial exploration and the more detailed Project Phase 2.

More than just a document, the Business Case is a strategic tool that:

  • Defines the Project: It lays out the project's scope, objectives, and key deliverables.
  • Evaluates Viability: It analyzes the technical, financial, and environmental aspects of the project, assessing its feasibility and potential profitability.
  • Establishes Justification: The Business Case provides a compelling argument for moving forward with the project, demonstrating its value and aligning it with the company's strategic goals.
  • Identifies Risks and Opportunities: By analyzing potential challenges and identifying potential benefits, the Business Case guides the decision-making process for risk mitigation and opportunity maximization.
  • Secures Funding: A strong Business Case is essential for attracting investment and securing the necessary funding to move the project forward.

Key Elements of an Oil & Gas Business Case:

  • Project Overview: Describes the project's purpose, location, and key activities.
  • Market Analysis: Examines the current and future market demand for the project's product (oil, gas, etc.), assessing competition and pricing.
  • Technical Feasibility: Evaluates the technical challenges and opportunities associated with the project, including resource availability, technology requirements, and regulatory compliance.
  • Financial Analysis: Presents a detailed financial model, including estimated costs, revenues, profitability, and return on investment.
  • Environmental Impact: Outlines the project's potential environmental impact, including emissions, waste management, and land use, and outlines mitigation strategies.
  • Social Impact: Considers the project's impact on local communities, including employment opportunities, social benefits, and potential disruptions.
  • Risk Assessment: Identifies potential risks and their impact on the project's success, outlining mitigation strategies and contingency plans.
  • Conclusion and Recommendations: Summarizes the key findings and provides a clear recommendation on whether to proceed with the project.

The Importance of a Robust Business Case:

A well-structured and compelling Business Case is essential for the success of any oil and gas project. It provides a roadmap for project development, facilitates communication and alignment among stakeholders, and ultimately, contributes to informed decision-making. By effectively addressing the key elements and providing a clear justification for moving forward, the Business Case serves as the foundation for a successful project journey.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Business Case in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which phase of oil and gas development is the Business Case typically developed in? a) Phase 1 - Concept b) Phase 2 - Project c) Phase 3 - Construction d) Phase 4 - Operations


a) Phase 1 - Concept

2. What is NOT a primary purpose of the Business Case? a) Define the project scope and objectives b) Secure necessary funding for the project c) Conduct detailed engineering designs d) Identify potential risks and opportunities


c) Conduct detailed engineering designs

3. Which of the following is NOT a key element of an Oil & Gas Business Case? a) Market Analysis b) Legal Compliance c) Environmental Impact d) Risk Assessment


b) Legal Compliance

4. Why is a strong Business Case crucial for attracting investment? a) It guarantees project profitability. b) It provides detailed engineering specifications. c) It demonstrates the project's value and potential return. d) It outlines the project's legal framework.


c) It demonstrates the project's value and potential return.

5. What is the main purpose of the Conclusion and Recommendations section of a Business Case? a) Provide detailed financial projections. b) Summarize key findings and advise on project continuation. c) Outline the environmental impact mitigation strategies. d) Present the project's legal and regulatory framework.


b) Summarize key findings and advise on project continuation.

Exercise: Building a Business Case

Scenario: You are working for an oil and gas company considering developing a new offshore oil platform. Your task is to create a simplified outline for the Business Case, highlighting the key elements you would need to include.


  1. Identify at least 5 key elements you would include in the Business Case for this project.
  2. For each element, briefly explain why it is important and what information you would include.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible outline, incorporating the key elements and explanations:

1. Project Overview: * Importance: Provides a clear understanding of the project's purpose, scope, and location. * Information: Project name, location (specific coordinates), type of oil platform, expected production capacity, project timeline, key stakeholders involved.

2. Market Analysis: * Importance: Assesses the demand for the extracted oil, considering global oil prices, competition, and potential future market fluctuations. * Information: Current and projected oil demand, competitor analysis, pricing strategies, potential export markets, potential impact of renewable energy trends.

3. Technical Feasibility: * Importance: Evaluates the technical challenges and opportunities associated with building and operating an offshore platform in that specific location. * Information: Water depth, seafloor conditions, environmental conditions (weather, currents), resource availability, required technology (drilling equipment, production facilities), potential environmental risks.

4. Financial Analysis: * Importance: Presents a detailed financial model that demonstrates the project's profitability. * Information: Capital expenditure estimates (construction, equipment), operating costs, revenue projections (based on oil prices and production), payback period, return on investment, sensitivity analysis considering potential oil price fluctuations.

5. Environmental Impact: * Importance: Outlines the project's potential environmental impact and proposes mitigation strategies. * Information: Potential impact on marine ecosystems, potential for oil spills, emissions from production activities, waste management plan, adherence to environmental regulations, proposed mitigation strategies (e.g., spill containment, wildlife monitoring).

6. Risk Assessment: * Importance: Identifies potential risks that could impact the project's success and proposes mitigation plans. * Information: Technical risks (drilling difficulties, equipment failure), environmental risks (oil spills, weather events), regulatory risks (changes in regulations), financial risks (oil price fluctuations, cost overruns), mitigation strategies for each risk, contingency plans for potential setbacks.

7. Conclusion and Recommendations: * Importance: Summarizes the key findings of the Business Case and provides a clear recommendation on whether to proceed with the project. * Information: Summary of key strengths and weaknesses of the project, overall profitability assessment, recommendation to proceed or not with the project, next steps in the development process.


  • "The Business Case for Oil and Gas Projects" by Gordon J. D. Smith: This book offers a comprehensive guide to developing and evaluating business cases for oil and gas projects.
  • "Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide" by David J. Smith: Covers various aspects of project management in the industry, including the development of business cases.
  • "Financial Management in the Oil and Gas Industry" by John A. Lee: Focuses on the financial aspects of oil & gas projects, offering valuable insights into the creation of a strong financial analysis for the business case.
  • "The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses" by Eric Ries: While not directly focused on oil & gas, this book promotes a data-driven approach to building and evaluating business models, which can be applied to the industry.


  • "Business Case for Oil and Gas Projects" by KPMG: This article provides a practical overview of the key elements of a business case and the importance of a robust financial analysis.
  • "How to Write a Business Case for an Oil and Gas Project" by Oil & Gas 360: This article offers step-by-step guidance on developing a compelling business case, outlining the essential elements and best practices.
  • "The Business Case for Renewable Energy in the Oil & Gas Sector" by IHS Markit: Explores the growing importance of renewable energy integration in the oil & gas industry and the business case for investment in such technologies.

Online Resources

  • "Business Case Development" by the Project Management Institute (PMI): Offers a comprehensive guide to business case development, covering various methodologies and templates.
  • "Oil and Gas Business Cases" by Oil & Gas IQ: Provides a library of resources and articles related to business case development in the oil & gas industry.
  • "The Business Case: A Key Tool for Sustainable Development" by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): Explores the broader application of the business case concept for sustainable development initiatives, which is relevant to the environmental considerations within oil & gas projects.

Search Tips

  • "Oil and Gas Business Case Template": Find templates and examples specifically tailored for oil & gas projects.
  • "Business Case Development Methodology": Explore different methodologies and frameworks for developing a strong business case.
  • "Financial Analysis for Oil and Gas Projects": Discover resources and tools to conduct a robust financial analysis for your business case.
  • "Environmental Impact Assessment for Oil and Gas Projects": Learn how to assess and mitigate the environmental impact of your project.
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