Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Activity Description

Activity Description

Activity Descriptions: The Backbone of Project Planning & Scheduling

In the realm of project management, a well-defined activity description is the cornerstone of effective planning and scheduling. It's the concise and informative language that brings clarity and structure to the entire project lifecycle.

What is an Activity Description?

An activity description is a brief, clear statement that accurately describes a specific task or work package within a project. It's a combination of characters that uniquely identifies an activity to anyone reviewing the schedule.

Why are Activity Descriptions Important?

  • Clarity and Understanding: Clear activity descriptions ensure everyone involved in the project understands the scope and purpose of each task. This minimizes confusion and misunderstandings.
  • Effective Communication: Activity descriptions act as a common language for stakeholders, allowing for seamless communication and collaboration.
  • Accurate Estimation: By defining activities precisely, you can more accurately estimate the time, resources, and effort needed for each task.
  • Efficient Scheduling: Well-defined activity descriptions enable you to sequence tasks logically, leading to a robust and realistic schedule.
  • Improved Tracking and Monitoring: Specific descriptions make it easier to track progress, identify potential delays, and manage resources effectively.

Key Elements of a Strong Activity Description:

  • Conciseness: Keep descriptions brief and focused on the core activity.
  • Specificity: Avoid using vague or ambiguous terms. Clearly define the scope and deliverables of the task.
  • Action-Oriented: Use verbs that describe the action to be taken.
  • Measurable: If possible, include a measurable outcome to indicate completion.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent format and level of detail across all activity descriptions within the project.

Examples of Effective Activity Descriptions:

  • Poor: "Website Design"
  • Good: "Design and Develop Website Home Page"
  • Poor: "Write Report"
  • Good: "Draft a 10-page report summarizing market research findings"

Tools and Techniques for Writing Activity Descriptions:

  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Break down the project into manageable tasks and subtasks, defining each activity's purpose and scope.
  • Task Templates: Utilize templates to standardize the format and elements of activity descriptions.
  • Collaboration: Involve relevant stakeholders in the process of defining activities, ensuring alignment and shared understanding.


Activity descriptions are fundamental to successful project planning and scheduling. By investing time and effort in crafting clear, concise, and accurate descriptions, you set the stage for a well-managed, efficient, and successful project. They are the invisible backbone that supports the entire structure of project execution.

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