Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Reciprocating pump

Reciprocating pump

Reciprocating Pumps: The Heartbeat of Oil & Gas Operations

Reciprocating pumps are workhorses in the oil and gas industry, playing a critical role in moving fluids from reservoirs to processing facilities. These pumps rely on a simple yet effective mechanism: a piston or plunger that reciprocates (moves back and forth) inside a cylinder to create pressure and displace fluids.

How Reciprocating Pumps Work:

  1. Intake Stroke: As the piston or plunger moves away from the cylinder head, a vacuum is created, drawing fluid into the pump chamber.
  2. Compression Stroke: The piston or plunger moves back, compressing the fluid in the chamber.
  3. Discharge: Once the pressure within the chamber exceeds the discharge pressure, the fluid is forced out through a valve into the delivery pipeline.

Types of Reciprocating Pumps:

  • Plunger Pumps: These pumps feature a solid plunger that moves back and forth in a cylinder, pushing the fluid forward. They are commonly used in applications requiring high pressures and low flow rates, such as in artificial lift systems for oil wells.
  • Piston Pumps: These pumps employ a piston that moves within a cylinder, creating a seal with the cylinder walls. Piston pumps are known for their versatility and are suitable for a wide range of applications, including pumping crude oil, natural gas liquids, and water.

Advantages of Reciprocating Pumps:

  • High Pressure Capabilities: Reciprocating pumps can achieve very high pressures, making them ideal for lifting fluids from deep wells or overcoming high-pressure resistance in pipelines.
  • Reliability: They are known for their durability and reliability, having been used for decades in harsh environments.
  • Versatility: They can handle a wide range of fluids, including viscous, corrosive, and abrasive fluids.
  • Efficiency: Reciprocating pumps can achieve high volumetric efficiency, meaning they effectively convert input energy into fluid movement.

Applications in Oil & Gas:

  • Artificial Lift: Used to lift crude oil from wells where natural reservoir pressure is insufficient.
  • Pipeline Pumping: Moving crude oil, natural gas liquids, and water through pipelines.
  • Injection: Pumping water or chemicals into oil reservoirs to enhance production.
  • Gas Processing: Used in various stages of natural gas processing, such as compression and injection.

Choosing the Right Reciprocating Pump:

The selection of a reciprocating pump depends on several factors, including:

  • Fluid properties: Viscosity, density, abrasiveness, corrosiveness
  • Flow rate: The volume of fluid to be pumped
  • Pressure requirements: The pressure needed to overcome pipeline resistance or lift fluids from the reservoir
  • Operating conditions: Temperature, pressure, and environment

Maintenance and Safety:

Reciprocating pumps require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and safety. This includes:

  • Lubrication: Proper lubrication is critical to prevent wear and tear on moving parts.
  • Valve inspection and replacement: Valves are susceptible to wear and tear, and regular inspection and replacement are essential.
  • Packing and seals: These components help prevent leakage and require periodic replacement.
  • Safety procedures: Operating reciprocating pumps requires strict adherence to safety protocols to prevent accidents and ensure worker safety.


Reciprocating pumps are a vital component in oil and gas operations, enabling the efficient and reliable movement of fluids throughout the production and processing chain. Their high pressure capabilities, reliability, and versatility make them indispensable in a variety of applications. Understanding their working principles, types, and maintenance requirements is crucial for maximizing performance and ensuring safe operation in this critical industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Reciprocating Pumps Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism that drives a reciprocating pump?

a) A rotating impeller


Incorrect. Rotating impellers are used in centrifugal pumps, not reciprocating pumps.

b) A reciprocating piston or plunger


Correct. Reciprocating pumps rely on the back-and-forth motion of a piston or plunger.

c) A diaphragm


Incorrect. Diaphragm pumps use a flexible membrane to move fluids.

d) A screw mechanism


Incorrect. Screw pumps use a rotating screw to move fluids.

2. Which type of reciprocating pump is best suited for applications requiring high pressure and low flow rates?

a) Piston pumps


Incorrect. While versatile, piston pumps are not as well suited for extremely high pressure and low flow rate applications.

b) Plunger pumps


Correct. Plunger pumps are ideal for high-pressure, low-flow applications, such as artificial lift systems.

c) Both piston and plunger pumps are equally suited.


Incorrect. While both are reciprocating pumps, their specific designs lead to different applications.

3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of reciprocating pumps?

a) High pressure capabilities


Incorrect. Reciprocating pumps are known for their ability to achieve high pressures.

b) Low maintenance requirements


Correct. Reciprocating pumps do require regular maintenance for optimal performance.

c) Versatility in handling different fluids


Incorrect. They can handle a wide range of fluids, including viscous, corrosive, and abrasive types.

d) High volumetric efficiency


Incorrect. They are known for their efficiency in converting input energy into fluid movement.

4. Reciprocating pumps are commonly used in oil and gas operations for:

a) Artificial lift


Correct. They are a crucial component of artificial lift systems for oil wells.

b) Pipeline pumping


Correct. They are used to move fluids through pipelines.

c) Injection


Correct. They are used to pump fluids into oil reservoirs to enhance production.

d) All of the above


Correct. Reciprocating pumps have diverse applications in oil and gas operations.

5. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered when selecting a reciprocating pump?

a) Fluid viscosity


Incorrect. Fluid viscosity is a critical factor to consider.

b) Operating pressure


Incorrect. Operating pressure is crucial for selecting the appropriate pump.

c) Environmental temperature


Incorrect. Environmental temperature is a factor that can influence pump selection.

d) Fluid color


Correct. Fluid color is typically not a factor when selecting a pump.

Reciprocating Pumps Exercise:

Scenario: An oil well requires an artificial lift system to increase production. The well has a high pressure gradient, and the fluid is highly viscous.

Task: Based on the information provided, which type of reciprocating pump would be most suitable for this application and why? Explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

A **plunger pump** would be the most suitable choice for this application. Here's why:

  • **High Pressure:** Plunger pumps are designed to handle high pressure gradients, making them ideal for wells with significant pressure differences.
  • **Viscous Fluids:** Plunger pumps can effectively handle highly viscous fluids, ensuring efficient fluid displacement.

While piston pumps are versatile, they are generally not as well-suited for extremely high pressure and viscous fluid applications.


  • "Pump Handbook" by Igor J. Karassik, William C. Krutzsch, James P. Fraser, and Joseph P. Messina: A comprehensive guide to pumps, including reciprocating pumps, their design, selection, operation, and maintenance.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: Covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including artificial lift systems where reciprocating pumps are extensively used.
  • "Reciprocating Pumps: Design and Operation" by H.L. Stewart and W.A. Cameron: Focuses specifically on the design and operation of reciprocating pumps, providing detailed information on their mechanical aspects.
  • "Oilfield Pumping Systems: Theory, Design, Application" by John M. Campbell: A book dedicated to pumping systems in oilfields, discussing various pump types including reciprocating pumps.


  • "Reciprocating Pumps: A Review of Design, Applications, and Future Trends" by M.A. Khan and A.K. Sharma: A review paper published in the journal "Petroleum Science and Technology" that covers various aspects of reciprocating pumps, including their working principles, types, and future trends.
  • "Artificial Lift Systems for Oil and Gas Production: A Review" by J.R. Fan and Y.J. Huang: A review paper discussing different artificial lift systems, with a significant focus on reciprocating pumps used for oil well lifting.
  • "Selection and Design Considerations for Reciprocating Pumps in Oil & Gas Applications" by John M. Campbell: An article that delves into the selection and design process for reciprocating pumps used in oil and gas applications.
  • "Optimizing Reciprocating Pump Performance in Artificial Lift Systems" by K.M. Johnson and J.D. Smith: An article discussing various strategies to optimize the performance of reciprocating pumps in artificial lift systems.

Online Resources

  • "Reciprocating Pumps" by Baker Hughes: A website dedicated to reciprocating pumps, providing information on their types, applications, and technical specifications.
  • "Reciprocating Pumps" by Schlumberger: Another website covering reciprocating pumps, with a focus on their use in artificial lift systems for oil production.
  • "Reciprocating Pumps" by Wikipedia: A comprehensive overview of reciprocating pumps, including their history, types, applications, and working principles.
  • "Pumping Systems" by the American Petroleum Institute (API): A website providing information on different pumping systems used in oil and gas production, including reciprocating pumps.

Search Tips

  • "Reciprocating pumps oil and gas": To find articles and resources related to reciprocating pumps specifically in the oil and gas industry.
  • "artificial lift systems reciprocating pumps": To find information about reciprocating pumps used in artificial lift systems for oil wells.
  • "types of reciprocating pumps": To explore different types of reciprocating pumps, their working principles, and suitable applications.
  • "reciprocating pump design selection": To find resources about the selection and design process for reciprocating pumps, considering factors like flow rate, pressure, and fluid properties.
  • "reciprocating pump maintenance": To find information on maintenance procedures for reciprocating pumps, ensuring optimal performance and safety.
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