Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Fractionation column

Fractionation column

Fractionation Columns: The Workhorses of Oil & Gas Refineries

Fractionation columns are essential equipment in oil refineries, playing a crucial role in separating crude oil into its valuable components. These towering vertical vessels are the backbone of refining processes, employing a technique called fractional distillation to achieve precise separation based on the boiling points of different hydrocarbons.

A Closer Look at the Process:

Crude oil is a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons with different boiling points. A fractionation column operates by exploiting this difference. The process begins with heating the crude oil to a high temperature, vaporizing it. This vapor then enters the bottom of the column. As the vapor rises through the column, it encounters trays or packing materials, creating a large surface area for contact with the vapor and liquid phases.

Trays and Packing:

Trays, often made of perforated metal, are horizontal plates within the column. They provide a stage for liquid to pool and vapor to pass through, facilitating mass transfer and separation. Each tray acts like a miniature distillation unit, promoting efficient vapor-liquid contact. Alternatively, some columns utilize packing materials like structured metal mesh or random packing, which provide a larger surface area for efficient separation.

Reflux and Separation:

As the vapor rises, it cools, causing some components to condense. The condensed liquid drips down to the tray below, while the lighter components continue to rise. This continuous process of vaporization, condensation, and reflux allows for the separation of different fractions based on their boiling points.

Collecting the Fractions:

The column is equipped with draw-off points at various heights, each corresponding to a specific boiling point range. This allows for the collection of different fractions, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, and heavy oils. The lighter fractions are collected at the top of the column, while the heavier fractions are collected at the bottom.

Beyond Separation:

Fractionation columns are not just about separating crude oil. They also play a critical role in refining processes like:

  • Separating various gases: Columns are used to separate gases like propane, butane, and natural gas from crude oil.
  • Purifying products: They can refine the collected fractions further, removing impurities and increasing their purity.
  • Separating chemicals: Fractionation columns are essential in various industries, including chemical processing, for separating and purifying different chemicals.

Importance in Oil & Gas:

Fractionation columns are the backbone of oil refineries, making them essential for the production of a wide range of valuable products. Their efficiency and precision ensure optimal utilization of crude oil resources, maximizing profitability and meeting global energy demands.

Understanding the workings of fractionation columns is crucial for anyone involved in the oil and gas industry, from engineers and technicians to investors and policymakers. As the industry evolves and strives for increased efficiency and sustainability, these versatile workhorses will continue to play a critical role in shaping the future of energy production.

Test Your Knowledge

Fractionation Column Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the operation of a fractionation column?

a) Gravity separation b) Magnetic separation c) Fractional distillation d) Chemical reaction


c) Fractional distillation

2. What is the purpose of trays or packing materials inside a fractionation column?

a) To provide support for the column b) To increase the surface area for vapor-liquid contact c) To control the flow of crude oil d) To filter impurities from the crude oil


b) To increase the surface area for vapor-liquid contact

3. Which component of a fractionation column is responsible for directing condensed liquid back down to the tray below?

a) Reflux b) Packing materials c) Draw-off points d) Heating system


a) Reflux

4. What is the primary factor determining the separation of different fractions in a fractionation column?

a) Density b) Viscosity c) Boiling point d) Molecular weight


c) Boiling point

5. Besides separating crude oil, what other applications do fractionation columns have?

a) Separating gases like propane and butane b) Purifying products like gasoline and diesel c) Separating and purifying chemicals d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Fractionation Column Exercise:

Scenario: You are working at an oil refinery and need to determine the optimal height for drawing off gasoline from a fractionation column. The column has a total height of 100 meters. You know that gasoline has a boiling point range of 40°C to 200°C. The temperature profile of the column is as follows:

  • Bottom: 350°C
  • Middle: 250°C
  • Top: 50°C

Task: Based on this information, determine the approximate height range where you should place the draw-off point for gasoline. Explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

The gasoline draw-off point should be placed somewhere between the middle and the top of the column, approximately from 50 meters to 75 meters. This is because:

  • The temperature at the bottom of the column (350°C) is too high, and all hydrocarbons would be in vapor form.
  • The middle of the column (250°C) is still above the boiling point range of gasoline.
  • The top of the column (50°C) is within the boiling point range of gasoline, but it might also include some lighter hydrocarbons.

Therefore, a draw-off point between the middle and the top would capture the gasoline fraction while minimizing contamination from heavier or lighter components.


  • "Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practices, and Economics" by Gavin Towler and Ray Sinnott. This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of chemical engineering topics, including detailed explanations of distillation and fractionation columns.
  • "Distillation Design and Control: Using Aspen Plus and Excel" by James R. Fair, William L. Bolles, and James D. Ball. This practical book provides a guide to designing and controlling distillation columns, with specific examples and case studies.
  • "Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics" by James G. Speight. This book offers a thorough overview of petroleum refining processes, including a dedicated chapter on fractionation columns and their applications.


  • "A Review of Fractionation Column Design and Optimization" by A. K. Mehrotra and S. N. Upadhyay. This journal article provides a detailed review of different aspects of fractionation column design, including tray types, packing materials, and optimization techniques.
  • "Fractional Distillation: A Powerful Technique for Separating Mixtures" by John H. Seinfeld and Frank W. Crowe. This article, published in the journal "Chemical Engineering Science," explores the theoretical principles behind fractional distillation and its applications in various industries.

Online Resources

  • "Fractionation Column Design and Operation" ( This open-access resource provides a detailed explanation of the principles behind fractionation columns, including their design, operation, and troubleshooting.
  • "Distillation Columns: Principles and Applications" ( This article, published in the journal "Chemical Engineering Research and Design," explores the fundamentals of distillation columns, covering various aspects like tray and packing selection, column efficiency, and operating parameters.
  • "Petroleum Refining Process" ( This website offers a comprehensive overview of petroleum refining processes, with a dedicated section on fractionation columns and their role in the production of different fuels and products.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information on fractionation columns, be specific with your search terms. For example, instead of just "fractionation column," try "fractionation column design," "fractionation column operation," or "fractionation column efficiency."
  • Include industry-specific terms: Add terms like "oil refining," "gas processing," or "chemical processing" to your search query to narrow down the results to relevant information.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase, plus (+) or minus (-) signs to include or exclude specific terms, and the "site:" operator to limit your search to a specific website.
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