Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Whipstock


Whipstock: Navigating Sidetracks in the Oil & Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry is rife with specialized terminology, each term representing a crucial element in the complex world of drilling and production. One such term, "whipstock," refers to a critical component used in the process of sidetracking.

What is Sidetracking?

Sidetracking is a technique employed in oil and gas wells to reach new reservoirs or to bypass problematic zones. It involves drilling a new wellbore, known as a lateral, from the existing wellbore. This is often done to:

  • Access previously untapped reserves: Sidetracking can open up new avenues to extract hydrocarbons from an existing well.
  • Bypass obstructions: If the original wellbore encounters a blockage like a collapsed section or a zone of high pressure, sidetracking allows for a new route to the target zone.
  • Improve production: By drilling a lateral, operators can reach areas within the reservoir that were previously inaccessible, leading to increased oil and gas production.

The Role of the Whipstock

The whipstock plays a pivotal role in the sidetracking process. It acts as a hardened steel ramp, strategically placed inside the existing wellbore. This ramp guides a specialized drilling tool, called a mill, as it cuts a hole in the side of the casing.

The Process:

  1. Placement: The whipstock is lowered into the wellbore and positioned at the desired location for the sidetrack.
  2. Mill Operation: The mill, attached to the drill string, is then guided by the whipstock ramp to cut a circular hole through the casing.
  3. Drilling Lateral: Once the hole is made, the drill string is reconfigured to drill the lateral wellbore, guided by the whipstock.

Why is Whipstock Necessary?

The whipstock serves several vital purposes in sidetracking:

  • Precise Hole Placement: The ramped design ensures that the mill cuts the hole at the desired location and angle, crucial for the success of the sidetrack.
  • Guidance and Support: The whipstock provides a stable platform for the mill, allowing for controlled cutting and preventing damage to the existing wellbore.
  • Increased Safety: By providing a dedicated path for the mill, the whipstock minimizes the risk of damage to the drill string and equipment.


The whipstock is an indispensable tool in sidetracking operations. Its unique design and functionality contribute to the efficient and safe creation of lateral wellbores, enabling access to new reserves, bypassing obstacles, and maximizing production from existing oil and gas wells. Understanding the role of the whipstock provides crucial insight into the complex and evolving world of oil and gas exploration and production.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Covers comprehensive information on drilling, production, and wellbore engineering, including sidetracking and whipstock use.)
  • Drilling Engineering by John A. Boubekkour (Provides a detailed explanation of drilling techniques, including sidetracking, and the use of whipstocks.)
  • Modern Petroleum Technology by A. K. Bhattacharjee (Includes chapters on wellbore engineering and drilling operations, discussing sidetracking and whipstock applications.)


  • "Sidetracking: An Overview" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) (Provides a general overview of sidetracking techniques, including whipstock usage, and its applications.)
  • "Whipstock Design and Application in Sidetracking" by A. Sharma and S. Kumar (A technical paper focusing on the design and applications of whipstocks in various sidetracking scenarios.)
  • "Sidetracking of Horizontal Wells: A Case Study" by T. Smith and J. Jones (A case study highlighting the application of sidetracking and whipstock in horizontal well development.)

Online Resources

  • The Society of Petroleum Engineers website offers a wealth of information, including technical papers, research, and industry news related to sidetracking, whipstocks, and other drilling technologies.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This online publication provides up-to-date news, articles, and technical insights into the oil and gas industry, including topics related to drilling and wellbore engineering.
  • Schlumberger: As a leading oilfield service company, Schlumberger offers detailed information on sidetracking techniques, whipstock designs, and their applications in their technical publications and case studies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Whipstock sidetracking," "oil and gas sidetracking," "whipstock design," "sidetrack drilling techniques."
  • Combine keywords with operators: "Whipstock AND sidetracking," "sidetracking OR whipstock," "sidetracking NEAR whipstock."
  • Utilize advanced search filters: Limit your search to specific file types (PDFs, articles, technical papers) or websites (, Oil & Gas Journal).
  • Explore related terms: "Directional drilling," "horizontal drilling," "wellbore deviation," "casing perforation," "mill drilling."
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