Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Weak Point (wireline or CT)

Weak Point (wireline or CT)

The Weak Link in the Chain: Understanding Weak Points in Wireline and CT Operations

In the demanding world of oil and gas exploration and production, wireline and completion tools face immense pressure and stress. To mitigate the risk of catastrophic tool failure and potentially costly wellbore damage, a clever design element comes into play: the weak point. This article delves into the crucial role of weak points in wireline and CT operations.

What is a Weak Point?

A weak point is a specifically designed area in a tool, typically located near the fishing neck, which is engineered to break under excessive tension or axial loads. It acts as a sacrificial component, strategically failing before the tool itself succumbs to the stress, thereby preventing further damage to the wellbore and equipment.

Why Are Weak Points Essential?

Imagine a wireline tool stuck in the wellbore. If the tension on the cable continues to increase, the tool could fail catastrophically, potentially damaging the wellbore, the surrounding formation, or even causing equipment to fall into the well. A weak point, however, acts as a safety mechanism. It fractures at a predetermined load, ensuring that the tool separates cleanly from the cable, minimizing damage and allowing for recovery.

Types of Weak Points:

  • Wireline Weak Points: These are typically found in wireline tools, designed to break under tension on the cable. They are often incorporated into the fishing neck of the tool.
  • CT Weak Points: CT (completion tools) weak points are designed to break under axial loads, such as those experienced during wellbore completion operations.

The Importance of Proper Design:

  • Strategic Placement: Weak points are strategically located to ensure they break before other critical components of the tool.
  • Strength & Breaking Point: The design must ensure a predictable and controlled fracture under the specific load threshold.
  • Accessibility: The broken weak point should be easily accessible and recoverable from the wellbore.

Beyond Safety:

While safety is paramount, weak points also provide practical benefits:

  • Reduced Tool Loss: A broken weak point allows for the recovery of the tool, minimizing tool loss and associated costs.
  • Minimizing Wellbore Damage: Controlled tool separation reduces the risk of wellbore damage, saving time and money on potential repairs.


Weak points are an integral safety feature in wireline and CT operations, ensuring a controlled and predictable failure mechanism that mitigates potential risks and ensures the integrity of the wellbore. The thoughtful design and implementation of these critical components play a vital role in maximizing safety, minimizing costs, and ensuring the success of oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Weak Link in the Chain

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a weak point in wireline and CT operations?

a) To enhance the strength of the tool. b) To prevent tool failure from occurring. c) To act as a safety mechanism by breaking under excessive stress. d) To increase the efficiency of the tool.


c) To act as a safety mechanism by breaking under excessive stress.

2. Where is a weak point typically located in a wireline tool?

a) At the end of the cable. b) Near the fishing neck. c) In the middle of the tool. d) At the connection point to the wellhead.


b) Near the fishing neck.

3. What type of load does a CT weak point typically break under?

a) Tension b) Axial load c) Torsion d) Lateral load


b) Axial load

4. Why is it important that weak points are designed to break predictably?

a) To ensure the tool breaks at the exact desired location. b) To allow for easy and safe recovery of the tool. c) To minimize the risk of wellbore damage. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Besides safety, what practical benefit does a weak point provide?

a) It helps to reduce the cost of the tool. b) It increases the lifespan of the tool. c) It minimizes tool loss and wellbore damage. d) It makes the tool more efficient.


c) It minimizes tool loss and wellbore damage.


Scenario: A wireline tool gets stuck in the wellbore while running a logging operation. The tension on the cable keeps increasing. Explain how the weak point in the tool helps to prevent a catastrophic failure and what steps would be taken to recover the tool.

Exercice Correction

When the tension on the cable reaches the breaking point of the weak point, it will fracture, allowing the tool to separate from the cable. This controlled break prevents further damage to the wellbore, the surrounding formation, and the equipment. To recover the tool: 1. The operator would first confirm the tool has separated by checking the cable tension. 2. A fishing tool would be run down the wellbore to retrieve the separated tool. 3. Once the tool is recovered, the wellbore would be inspected for any damage and repaired as necessary.


  • "Wireline Operations" by Larry W. Lake - This book provides a comprehensive overview of wireline operations, including a detailed discussion of weak points and their role in safety and tool recovery.
  • "Completion Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide" by John A. Lee - This book explores various aspects of well completion, including the use of completion tools and the design of weak points to ensure safe and efficient operations.
  • "Downhole Tools: Design, Operation, and Applications" by D.J. Burton - This book delves into the design and operation of various downhole tools, including a detailed explanation of weak points and their critical function in tool recovery.


  • "The Role of Weak Points in Wireline Operations" by [Author Name] - A specific journal article focusing on the importance of weak points in wireline operations. Search for this phrase in industry journals like SPE Journal, Journal of Petroleum Technology, or World Oil.
  • "Designing for Safe and Efficient Tool Recovery: The Importance of Weak Points in CT Operations" by [Author Name] - Search for articles that specifically discuss the use of weak points in completion tools and their impact on operational efficiency.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: SPE's website offers a wealth of resources, including technical papers, presentations, and discussion forums, where you can find information about weak points in wireline and CT operations.
  • Schlumberger website: As a leading oilfield service company, Schlumberger offers valuable information on their website, including technical papers and case studies on wireline and completion tools, which may include sections on weak point design and implementation.
  • Halliburton website: Similar to Schlumberger, Halliburton's website is a good source of information on wireline and completion technologies, including articles and resources related to weak points.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "weak point," "wireline," "completion tool," "design," "safety," "recovery," and "tool failure."
  • Refine your search with Boolean operators: Use "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to narrow down your search results and find more relevant information. For example, "weak point AND wireline AND safety" will return results specifically focused on weak points related to wireline safety.
  • Explore different search engines: In addition to Google, try searching on specialized platforms like Google Scholar for academic research, or industry-specific websites like SPE's website for technical papers.
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