Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Distributed Control Systems (DCS): Ultimate Strength

Ultimate Strength

The Ultimate Strength: A Material's Breaking Point in Hold

Hold, a revolutionary new technology for 3D printing, uses light and resin to create intricate and strong objects. But what makes these objects truly strong? It all comes down to a material property called Ultimate Strength.

Ultimate Strength is the maximum stress that a material can withstand before it starts to permanently deform or fracture. It's like the "breaking point" for a material. When a material is subjected to stress, it experiences internal forces that try to pull it apart or crush it. The ultimate strength is the point where these forces overcome the material's internal resistance, causing irreversible damage.

How does Ultimate Strength relate to Hold?

In Hold, the resin used to create objects has a specific ultimate strength. This strength dictates how much force the printed object can withstand before breaking or permanently deforming. A higher ultimate strength means a stronger object that can handle greater loads.

Factors influencing Ultimate Strength:

  • Material type: Different materials have different ultimate strengths. Some common materials used in 3D printing include polymers, composites, and metals, each with varying levels of strength.
  • Manufacturing process: The way a material is processed can significantly affect its ultimate strength. For example, the curing process of the resin in Hold directly influences the strength of the final object.
  • Temperature: Temperature can influence a material's strength, with some materials becoming weaker at higher temperatures.
  • Loading conditions: The way a force is applied to a material can also affect its strength. A concentrated force might cause a material to break more easily than a distributed force.

Understanding Ultimate Strength in Hold:

Knowing the ultimate strength of the resin used in Hold allows designers and engineers to:

  • Optimize designs: Choose materials with appropriate strength for specific applications.
  • Predict load-bearing capacity: Determine the maximum weight or force an object can withstand.
  • Improve safety: Ensure that printed objects are robust enough to meet safety requirements.


Ultimate Strength is a crucial material property in the world of 3D printing. It plays a vital role in determining the strength and reliability of Hold-printed objects. By understanding this concept, designers and engineers can create stronger, safer, and more efficient products for various applications. As Hold continues to evolve, the ability to control and enhance material properties, including ultimate strength, will become even more critical in unlocking the full potential of this revolutionary technology.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Ultimate Strength in Hold

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Ultimate Strength?

a) The maximum stress a material can withstand before it breaks. b) The amount of force needed to deform a material. c) The ability of a material to resist scratches. d) The weight a material can hold without breaking.


a) The maximum stress a material can withstand before it breaks.

2. Which of the following factors DOES NOT influence a material's Ultimate Strength?

a) Material type b) Manufacturing process c) Color of the material d) Temperature


c) Color of the material

3. How does Ultimate Strength relate to Hold 3D printing?

a) It determines the strength of the resin used for printing. b) It helps to control the size of the printed object. c) It influences the speed of the printing process. d) It dictates the level of detail that can be achieved in the print.


a) It determines the strength of the resin used for printing.

4. Knowing the Ultimate Strength of the resin used in Hold helps designers to:

a) Choose the appropriate material for a specific application. b) Determine the cost of printing a specific object. c) Choose the right color for the printed object. d) Estimate the time it takes to print an object.


a) Choose the appropriate material for a specific application.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of understanding Ultimate Strength in Hold printing?

a) Optimizing designs for specific applications. b) Predicting the load-bearing capacity of printed objects. c) Ensuring the safety of printed objects. d) Controlling the level of detail achieved in prints.


d) Controlling the level of detail achieved in prints.

Exercise: Designing a Hold Print

Scenario: You are designing a shelf for a small planter using Hold 3D printing. The planter will weigh 5 kg. You have two resin options:

  • Resin A: Ultimate Strength = 50 MPa
  • Resin B: Ultimate Strength = 75 MPa


  1. Determine which resin is more suitable for this application.
  2. Explain your reasoning, considering the Ultimate Strength of each resin and the weight of the planter.

Exercice Correction

Resin B is more suitable for this application.

Here's why:

  • The planter will exert a downward force due to its weight. The shelf needs to withstand this force without breaking or deforming.
  • Resin B has a higher Ultimate Strength than Resin A, meaning it can withstand greater stress before failure.
  • Choosing Resin B ensures the shelf can handle the weight of the planter safely and reliably.


  • "Materials Science and Engineering" by William D. Callister Jr. and David G. Rethwisch: A comprehensive textbook covering the fundamental principles of materials science, including material properties like strength, fracture, and mechanical behavior.
  • "3D Printing: A Comprehensive Guide" by Peter Weibel: A book providing an overview of the technology and its applications, including discussions about material properties and their impact on print quality and performance.
  • "Advanced 3D Printing Technologies" by David W. Rosen: This book dives deeper into advanced 3D printing technologies, including material science, manufacturing processes, and applications, which are relevant to understanding Ultimate Strength in Hold.


  • "Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Polymers" by A. K. Bhattacharyya and A. K. Ghosh: This paper explores the mechanical properties of various 3D printed polymers, including their tensile strength, yield strength, and elastic modulus, which are directly related to Ultimate Strength.
  • "The Influence of Processing Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Parts" by S. A. Karger-Kocsis et al.: This article examines how different 3D printing parameters, such as layer thickness, infill density, and printing speed, can affect the strength and overall performance of 3D printed parts.
  • "Hold: A New 3D Printing Technology for High-Resolution and High-Strength Objects" (Hypothetical Article): Search for articles or white papers released by the company developing Hold technology, focusing on the material properties and performance capabilities of the resin used in the printing process.

Online Resources

  • ASTM International: A standards organization that provides specifications for material testing and evaluation, including testing methods to determine the Ultimate Strength of materials.
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): Offers extensive resources on materials science, engineering, and manufacturing, including information on various material properties and their testing methods.
  • 3D Printing Industry Websites: Websites dedicated to 3D printing news and technology, such as 3D Printing Industry, Stratasys, and Formlabs, often feature articles and resources about material properties and their impact on 3D printed objects.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "Ultimate Strength," "3D Printing," "Hold Technology," "Material Properties," "Tensile Strength," and "Mechanical Behavior" to find relevant research.
  • Include relevant keywords: Look for research papers, technical reports, and articles published in scientific journals and industry publications.
  • Explore related topics: Search for information about the resin materials used in Hold technology, their specific mechanical properties, and the impact of printing parameters on material performance.
  • Look for industry events and conferences: Conferences like the International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symposium) and the RAPID + TCT often feature presentations and discussions on material science in 3D printing, including topics related to Ultimate Strength.
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