Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Tree Saver

Tree Saver

Tree Saver: Protecting the Heart of the Well During Fracturing

In the world of oil and gas, the term "tree" refers to the complex assembly of valves, pipes, and equipment that sits atop a wellhead. It acts as the crucial interface between the wellbore and surface equipment, controlling the flow of hydrocarbons and managing pressure. During hydraulic fracturing, however, the tree becomes vulnerable to potentially damaging forces: high pressure and abrasive proppant. This is where the Tree Saver comes in.

The Tree Saver: A Shield Against Fracturing Forces

A Tree Saver is a specialized isolation device specifically designed to protect the wellhead tree during fracturing operations. This device, usually a large, robust valve, is installed between the wellhead and the surface equipment. Its primary functions include:

  • Pressure Isolation: The Tree Saver effectively isolates the wellhead tree from the high pressure generated during the fracturing process. This prevents the tree's delicate components from being subjected to potentially damaging pressures, safeguarding its integrity.
  • Proppant Protection: Proppant, the material used to keep fractures open, can be highly abrasive. The Tree Saver acts as a barrier, preventing this abrasive material from entering the tree and causing erosion or damage to the sensitive valves and pipes.

Types of Tree Savers

Tree Savers come in various configurations depending on the specific requirements of the fracturing operation. Common types include:

  • Ball Valve Tree Savers: These use a large ball valve to isolate the tree, offering simple and reliable operation.
  • Gate Valve Tree Savers: Similar to ball valves, these use a gate valve for isolation, providing a robust and durable solution.
  • Annular Tree Savers: These utilize an annular space to isolate the tree, allowing for a larger flow path and minimizing pressure drop.

Benefits of Using a Tree Saver:

  • Protection of Wellhead Equipment: By shielding the tree from pressure and proppant, the Tree Saver ensures the longevity and reliability of the wellhead equipment.
  • Minimizing Downtime: Damage to the tree can lead to expensive repairs and significant downtime. Tree Savers prevent this, keeping operations running smoothly.
  • Enhanced Safety: Protecting the tree ensures the safety of personnel and the environment, reducing the risk of leaks or accidents.


The Tree Saver plays a vital role in safeguarding the wellhead tree during fracturing operations. By effectively isolating the tree from high pressure and abrasive proppant, this crucial device ensures the integrity of the wellhead, minimizing downtime and enhancing safety. Its use is essential for successful and efficient fracturing operations, ensuring the longevity of the well and maximizing hydrocarbon production.

Test Your Knowledge

Tree Saver Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "tree" refer to in the oil and gas industry? a) A type of oil-producing plant. b) A complex assembly of valves, pipes, and equipment at the wellhead. c) A device used to measure the flow rate of hydrocarbons. d) A method of drilling for oil and gas.


b) A complex assembly of valves, pipes, and equipment at the wellhead.

2. What are the primary threats to the wellhead tree during hydraulic fracturing? a) High pressure and low temperature. b) High pressure and abrasive proppant. c) Low pressure and corrosive chemicals. d) Low pressure and high temperature.


b) High pressure and abrasive proppant.

3. What is the main function of a Tree Saver? a) To increase the flow rate of hydrocarbons. b) To monitor the pressure within the wellbore. c) To protect the wellhead tree from damage during fracturing. d) To prevent leaks from the wellhead.


c) To protect the wellhead tree from damage during fracturing.

4. Which of the following is NOT a common type of Tree Saver? a) Ball Valve Tree Saver. b) Gate Valve Tree Saver. c) Annular Tree Saver. d) Rotary Tree Saver.


d) Rotary Tree Saver.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a Tree Saver? a) Enhanced safety for personnel and the environment. b) Increased production of hydrocarbons. c) Minimized downtime during fracturing operations. d) Protection of wellhead equipment.


b) Increased production of hydrocarbons.

Tree Saver Exercise:

Scenario: You are working as a field engineer for an oil and gas company. You are preparing for a fracturing operation on a new well. The wellhead tree is equipped with a ball valve Tree Saver. The wellhead pressure is currently at 2000 psi. The planned fracturing pressure is 10,000 psi.

Task: Determine if the current Tree Saver configuration is adequate for this fracturing operation. Explain your reasoning and suggest any necessary changes.

Exercice Correction

The current Tree Saver configuration is **not adequate** for this fracturing operation. The planned fracturing pressure of 10,000 psi significantly exceeds the current wellhead pressure of 2000 psi. This means the Tree Saver will be subjected to a much higher pressure than it was designed for, potentially leading to damage or failure.

**Suggested Changes:**

  • **Upgrade the Tree Saver:** Consider replacing the existing ball valve Tree Saver with a more robust design, such as a high-pressure rated gate valve Tree Saver or an annular Tree Saver. This will ensure the device can handle the high pressure during fracturing.
  • **Pressure Testing:** Before proceeding with the fracturing operation, thoroughly pressure test the Tree Saver and all related equipment to ensure they can withstand the anticipated pressure.
  • **Consult with Experts:** Seek advice from experienced engineers or specialists regarding the appropriate Tree Saver configuration and safety protocols for this specific fracturing operation.


  • "Well Completion Design" by Stephen A. Holditch and M. Ronald Smith: This book covers well completion design, which includes tree selection, design, and operation. It might have sections discussing Tree Savers or similar protective devices.
  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: A Comprehensive Guide" by Thomas J. Economides, Kenneth G. Nolte, and Robert C. Gatens: This comprehensive guide discusses all aspects of hydraulic fracturing. Although it might not specifically mention "Tree Saver," it could provide information about wellhead equipment protection during fracturing.


  • Search online databases like SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) and OnePetro: These databases contain a wealth of technical articles and papers on oil and gas operations, including fracturing. Use keywords like "wellhead protection," "fracturing equipment," "isolation device," "tree saver," or similar terms.
  • Industry magazines like "Oil & Gas Journal" and "World Oil": These publications frequently report on new technologies and advancements in the industry, including well completion and fracturing techniques. Look for articles discussing equipment design and safety during fracturing.

Online Resources

  • Manufacturer websites of wellhead equipment companies: Look for companies specializing in wellhead equipment, valves, and control systems. Their websites might feature product information about Tree Savers or similar devices.
  • Online forums and communities: Search for online forums and communities focused on oil and gas, drilling, or fracturing. These platforms might have discussions or threads about wellhead protection and specific devices like Tree Savers.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of "Tree Saver," try "wellhead protection during fracturing," "fracturing isolation device," "wellhead valve for fracturing," "proppant protection," etc.
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: Add terms like "oil and gas," "upstream," "completion," or "production."
  • Use quotation marks for specific phrases: Put important phrases like "Tree Saver" or "wellhead isolation" in quotes to find exact matches.
  • Filter results by publication date: Focus on recent articles and publications to access the latest information and technology advancements.
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