Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Total GOR

Total GOR

Understanding Total GOR: A Key Metric in Reservoir Engineering

In the world of oil and gas production, understanding the composition of a reservoir is crucial for efficient and profitable extraction. One of the most important metrics used to describe this composition is the Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR). This article will delve into the concept of Total GOR, explaining its significance and how it considers both the dissolved and free gas components of a reservoir.

What is GOR?

GOR represents the volume of gas produced per unit volume of oil at standard conditions. It's a vital parameter that helps engineers determine the type of reservoir, predict production behavior, and optimize production strategies.

Types of GOR:

There are two primary types of GOR:

  • Solution GOR: This refers to the amount of gas dissolved in the oil phase within the reservoir. It represents the gas that is held in solution by the oil due to pressure and temperature conditions.
  • Free Gas GOR: This refers to the amount of gas present in the reservoir as a separate free phase. This gas is not dissolved in the oil and exists as a distinct gas phase within the reservoir.

Total GOR: A Comprehensive View

The Total GOR combines both the solution and free gas GOR to provide a comprehensive picture of the gas content within the reservoir. It is calculated as the sum of the solution GOR and the free gas GOR:

Total GOR = Solution GOR + Free Gas GOR

Why is Total GOR Important?

Total GOR plays a crucial role in reservoir management for several reasons:

  • Reservoir Characterization: It helps determine the type of reservoir, whether it is an oil-dominant or a gas-dominant system.
  • Production Forecasting: Total GOR is used to estimate the amount of gas produced alongside oil, which is important for planning gas processing and disposal.
  • Well Performance: Understanding the Total GOR helps predict well performance and optimize production rates.
  • Facility Design: Total GOR information is essential for designing appropriate surface facilities, such as separators and pipelines, to handle the gas and oil produced from the reservoir.

Factors Affecting Total GOR:

  • Pressure: As reservoir pressure decreases, the amount of gas dissolved in the oil (solution GOR) drops, leading to increased free gas production.
  • Temperature: Higher reservoir temperatures can increase the amount of gas that can be dissolved in the oil, influencing the solution GOR.
  • Reservoir Composition: The composition of the reservoir fluids, including the types of hydrocarbons present, will impact the GOR.
  • Production Rates: High production rates can lead to a decrease in reservoir pressure and an increase in the free gas GOR.


Total GOR is a key metric in reservoir engineering, providing a comprehensive view of the gas content within a reservoir. Understanding the components of Total GOR, solution GOR and free gas GOR, is crucial for accurate reservoir characterization, production forecasting, and efficient production strategies. By considering both the dissolved and free gas aspects, engineers can make informed decisions that maximize production and profitability.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Total GOR

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does GOR stand for?

a) Gas-Oil Ratio b) Gas-Oil Recovery c) Gas-Oil Reserve d) Gas-Oil Relationship


a) Gas-Oil Ratio

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of GOR?

a) Solution GOR b) Free Gas GOR c) Total GOR d) Combined GOR


d) Combined GOR

3. What is the formula for calculating Total GOR?

a) Solution GOR - Free Gas GOR b) Solution GOR + Free Gas GOR c) Solution GOR / Free Gas GOR d) Free Gas GOR / Solution GOR


b) Solution GOR + Free Gas GOR

4. Which of the following factors does NOT affect Total GOR?

a) Reservoir pressure b) Reservoir temperature c) Production rates d) Well depth


d) Well depth

5. Why is understanding Total GOR crucial in reservoir management?

a) To determine the type of reservoir b) To estimate gas production alongside oil c) To predict well performance d) All of the above


d) All of the above



A reservoir has a Solution GOR of 500 scf/bbl and a Free Gas GOR of 1000 scf/bbl.


Calculate the Total GOR for this reservoir.

Exercice Correction

Total GOR = Solution GOR + Free Gas GOR

Total GOR = 500 scf/bbl + 1000 scf/bbl

Total GOR = 1500 scf/bbl


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Covers a broad overview of reservoir engineering concepts including GOR)
  • Petroleum Production Engineering: Principles and Practices by Tarek Ahmed and Zaki (Explains GOR and its application in production engineering)
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John Lee (Provides a detailed explanation of various reservoir parameters like GOR)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Society of Petroleum Engineers (A comprehensive resource with chapters dedicated to reservoir fluid properties and GOR)


  • Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide by Oilfield Glossary (Provides a clear definition and analysis of GOR)
  • Understanding the Relationship between Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) and Production Decline by SPE Journal (Explores the impact of GOR on production rates and decline)
  • Total GOR: Its Significance and Impact on Reservoir Management by Oil & Gas Journal (Focuses on the importance of Total GOR in optimizing reservoir production)
  • Estimating Total GOR: A Case Study of a Complex Reservoir by SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Journal (A practical example of Total GOR calculation and application)

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Specific Keywords: When searching on Google, use specific keywords like "Total GOR," "Solution GOR," "Free Gas GOR," "Reservoir Engineering," "Production Forecasting," and "Reservoir Characterization."
  • Include "PDF": Add "PDF" to your search terms to find downloadable documents, reports, and research papers.
  • Use Quotation Marks: Enclose key phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "Total GOR calculation" will yield more precise results.
  • Utilize Boolean Operators: Use "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search. For example, "Total GOR AND Production Forecasting" will narrow down your results.
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