Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: Tongs


Tongs: The Unsung Heroes of Oil and Gas Operations

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, where heavy machinery and complex processes reign supreme, a simple yet vital tool often goes unnoticed - the tongs. These mechanical marvels are the unsung heroes of pipe connections, playing a critical role in the efficient and safe operation of drilling rigs and pipelines.

What are Tongs?

Tongs are essentially large wrenches, either hand-operated or powered, designed to grip and manipulate pipe sections. They are suspended above the rig floor, ready to make or break connections with remarkable precision and strength.

Types of Tongs:

  • Hand Tongs: These are manually operated tongs, often used for smaller-diameter pipe connections or in situations where power is limited. They require significant manpower and skill to operate effectively.
  • Power Tongs: As the name suggests, these tongs utilize hydraulic or electric power to achieve greater torque and speed. They are essential for handling larger pipe diameters and for operations requiring high efficiency.

The Crucial Role of Tongs:

Tongs play a pivotal role in every stage of oil and gas operations, from drilling to production:

  • Drilling: Tongs are used to connect and disconnect drill pipe sections, allowing for continuous drilling operations.
  • Completion: Tongs are employed to install and secure wellhead equipment, ensuring the safe and efficient production of oil and gas.
  • Production: Tongs are used for connecting and disconnecting production tubing and other equipment, facilitating the flow of hydrocarbons.
  • Pipeline Installation: Tongs are essential for joining and disconnecting pipe sections during pipeline construction and maintenance.

Safety First:

Tongs are powerful tools that must be used with caution. Improper operation can lead to accidents and injuries. Rigorous safety protocols and skilled operators are crucial to ensure the safe and efficient use of tongs.


While often overshadowed by the larger machinery and complexities of oil and gas operations, tongs are critical tools that underpin the entire industry. They are essential for making and breaking pipe connections with precision and safety, ensuring the smooth and efficient flow of oil and gas from the well to the market. Without these seemingly simple but powerful tools, the entire industry would grind to a halt.

Test Your Knowledge

Tongs Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are tongs primarily used for in oil and gas operations? a) Lifting heavy equipment b) Drilling into the earth c) Connecting and disconnecting pipe sections d) Transporting oil and gas


c) Connecting and disconnecting pipe sections

2. Which type of tongs requires manual operation? a) Power tongs b) Hand tongs c) Hydraulic tongs d) Electric tongs


b) Hand tongs

3. In which stage of oil and gas operations are tongs NOT used? a) Drilling b) Completion c) Transportation d) Production


c) Transportation

4. What is a crucial factor in ensuring safe operation of tongs? a) Using the correct type of oil b) Regular maintenance checks c) Skilled operators and safety protocols d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. What is the main reason why tongs are often overlooked? a) They are not very important b) They are too simple to be noticed c) They are overshadowed by larger equipment d) They are rarely used


c) They are overshadowed by larger equipment

Tongs Exercise:


Imagine you are a supervisor on a drilling rig. You need to connect a new section of drill pipe using power tongs. Describe the steps involved in this process, emphasizing safety precautions and the importance of proper technique.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:

  1. Safety First: Before starting, ensure all personnel are aware of the procedure and safety protocols. Clear the area around the tongs and the pipe connections.
  2. Prepare the Pipe: Align the new drill pipe section with the existing pipe, ensuring proper alignment and no obstruction.
  3. Engage the Tongs: Carefully position the power tongs around the pipe connection. Ensure the tongs are securely attached and the jaws are properly aligned.
  4. Apply Torque: Slowly increase the hydraulic pressure to apply torque to the pipe connection. Monitor the pressure gauge and listen for any unusual noises.
  5. Make the Connection: Continue applying torque until the pipe sections are firmly connected.
  6. Check for Leaks: After tightening, carefully inspect the connection for any leaks or signs of damage.
  7. Release the Tongs: Once the connection is secure, release the hydraulic pressure and carefully disengage the tongs.
  8. Final Inspection: Double-check the connection to ensure it is tight and secure before resuming drilling operations.

Remember, throughout the process, maintain constant awareness of safety protocols and use proper communication with other crew members.


  • "Oil Well Drilling Engineering" by John A. Lee - Covers drilling operations in detail, including the use of tongs.
  • "Production Operations" by T.D. Williams - Discusses the various stages of oil and gas production, including the role of tongs in well completion and production.
  • "Pipeline Construction and Maintenance" by C.L. Daugherty - Provides insights on pipeline installation and repair, where tongs are critical for connecting and disconnecting pipe sections.


  • "The Evolution of Pipe Handling Equipment" by (Author Name, Journal Name) - A historical perspective on the development of tongs and their impact on the industry.
  • "Safety Practices for the Operation of Tongs in Oil and Gas Operations" by (Author Name, Journal Name) - Discusses safety protocols and best practices for using tongs.
  • "Power Tongs: Efficiency and Innovation in Pipe Handling" by (Author Name, Journal Name) - Focuses on the advancements in power tongs and their benefits in modern oil and gas operations.

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Journal: ( - This industry publication frequently covers articles on oil and gas technology, including topics related to tongs and pipe handling equipment.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): ( - A professional organization for oil and gas professionals, SPE provides resources and publications related to drilling, completion, and production, where tongs are a significant part.
  • Manufacturer websites: Search for major manufacturers of oil and gas equipment, such as National Oilwell Varco (NOV), Baker Hughes, and Schlumberger. Their websites may offer product information, brochures, and case studies related to tongs.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use phrases like "oil and gas tongs," "pipe handling equipment," "drilling tongs," "completion tongs," "production tongs," or "pipeline tongs."
  • Specify types: Include terms like "power tongs," "hand tongs," or "hydraulic tongs" for more specific results.
  • Focus on safety: Use keywords like "tongs safety," "tongs accidents," or "tongs best practices" to find resources on safe operation.
  • Include location: If searching for local suppliers or service providers, specify your location in the search query.
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