Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Temperature Log

Temperature Log

Temperature Logs: A Vital Tool for Understanding the Wellbore

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, understanding the subsurface environment is paramount. One key tool in this endeavor is the Temperature Log, a specialized measurement that provides invaluable insights into the conditions within a wellbore.

What is a Temperature Log?

A Temperature Log, also known as a Thermal Log, is a record of temperatures measured at various depths along the wellbore. This data is collected using a specialized instrument called a Temperature Probe which is lowered down the wellbore on a wireline.

Why are Temperature Logs Important?

Temperature Logs are used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Determining Temperatures at Any Point: The log provides precise temperature measurements at various depths within the wellbore. This data is crucial for understanding the thermal regime of the reservoir and the surrounding formations.
  • Distinguishing Static and Circulating Temperatures: Temperature Logs can differentiate between the static temperature of the formation (when there is no fluid flow) and the circulating temperature (when fluid is being pumped through the wellbore). This information is essential for optimizing production and identifying potential flow problems.
  • Locating the Top of Cement Column: The temperature gradient in a wellbore is often different above and below the cement column. This difference can be used to accurately determine the top of the cement column, ensuring the integrity of the wellbore and preventing leaks.
  • Identifying Fractures: Following a hydraulic fracturing operation, a Temperature Log run shortly after can help locate the top of the fracture. The temperature disturbance caused by the fracture can be easily detected on the log.

Applications of Temperature Logs:

Temperature Logs are widely used in various aspects of oil and gas operations, including:

  • Exploration: Identifying potential reservoirs and understanding the geothermal gradients of formations.
  • Drilling: Optimizing drilling mud circulation and evaluating the integrity of the wellbore.
  • Production: Monitoring reservoir temperatures, identifying flow patterns, and optimizing production strategies.
  • Well Completion: Ensuring proper cementing, evaluating the success of fracturing treatments, and monitoring wellbore conditions.


Temperature Logs are an essential tool for oil and gas professionals, providing valuable information about the thermal characteristics of the wellbore and surrounding formations. This data is crucial for optimizing well performance, understanding reservoir conditions, and ensuring safe and efficient operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Temperature Logs

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Temperature Log?

a) To measure the depth of a wellbore. b) To record temperatures at various depths within the wellbore. c) To identify the type of rock formations. d) To determine the amount of oil and gas present.


b) To record temperatures at various depths within the wellbore.

2. What is the specialized instrument used to collect Temperature Log data?

a) Seismic Sensor b) Wireline Logger c) Temperature Probe d) Pressure Gauge


c) Temperature Probe

3. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using Temperature Logs?

a) Distinguishing between static and circulating temperatures. b) Locating the top of the cement column. c) Determining the amount of oil and gas in the reservoir. d) Identifying fractures caused by hydraulic fracturing.


c) Determining the amount of oil and gas in the reservoir.

4. In which of these oil and gas operations are Temperature Logs commonly used?

a) Exploration b) Drilling c) Production d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. How do Temperature Logs help locate the top of the cement column in a wellbore?

a) By detecting a sudden change in temperature at the cement interface. b) By measuring the pressure gradient above and below the cement. c) By analyzing the chemical composition of the fluid above and below the cement. d) By using a special tool that directly measures the thickness of the cement.


a) By detecting a sudden change in temperature at the cement interface.

Exercise: Analyzing a Temperature Log


You are an engineer working on an oil well. You have obtained a Temperature Log for the wellbore. The log shows a significant temperature spike at a depth of 2,500 meters. You know that a hydraulic fracturing operation was recently conducted in this well.


  1. Explain what the temperature spike likely indicates.
  2. Describe how this information can be used in further well operations.

Exercice Correction

**1. Explanation of Temperature Spike:** The temperature spike at 2,500 meters likely indicates the presence of a hydraulic fracture. During fracturing, high-pressure fluids are injected into the formation, creating cracks and increasing permeability. This injection causes a localized temperature increase that can be detected by the Temperature Log. **2. Application in Further Operations:** The location of the fracture identified by the temperature spike can be used to optimize future well operations. For instance: * **Production:** Well production can be focused in the vicinity of the fracture to maximize oil and gas recovery. * **Monitoring:** The temperature spike can serve as a baseline for monitoring the effectiveness of the fracture over time. * **Further Fracking:** Understanding the existing fracture network can inform future hydraulic fracturing operations, allowing for more targeted treatments.


  • "Log Interpretation Principles and Applications" by Schlumberger (2015): This comprehensive textbook covers various types of well logs, including temperature logs, and their interpretation.
  • "Well Logging Fundamentals" by John A. Rider (2014): This book provides a foundational understanding of well logging techniques and applications, including temperature log basics.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" edited by Tarek Ahmed (2018): This handbook offers in-depth information on various aspects of reservoir engineering, including the use of temperature logs for reservoir characterization and production optimization.


  • "Temperature Logging: An Important Tool for Production Optimization" by J.S. Payne and R.A. Baria (2004): This article highlights the importance of temperature logs in optimizing production, particularly in identifying fluid movement and flow patterns.
  • "The Use of Temperature Logging to Evaluate Fracturing Treatments" by M.A. Al-Saba and A.A. Al-Ghamdi (2008): This article explores the application of temperature logs in assessing the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing treatments and determining fracture height.
  • "Temperature Logging for Wellbore Integrity and Production Optimization" by A.K. Sharma and S.K. Jain (2015): This article provides a comprehensive overview of the applications of temperature logs in ensuring wellbore integrity, identifying cement top, and optimizing production.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Temperature Log" + "Oil & Gas": This search will narrow down results to relevant information on temperature logs in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Temperature Log" + "Wellbore Integrity": This search will identify resources focusing on the use of temperature logs for evaluating wellbore integrity and detecting leaks.
  • "Temperature Log" + "Fracturing": This search will lead to articles and papers discussing the role of temperature logs in assessing the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing treatments.
  • "Temperature Log" + "Reservoir Characterization": This search will help find information on using temperature logs to understand reservoir properties and fluid flow patterns.
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