Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Televiewer


The Televiewer: A Window into the Wellbore

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the internal structure of the wellbore is crucial for efficient and safe operations. This is where the televiewer comes in, a powerful tool that provides detailed insights into the wellbore's geometry and potential problems.

The term "televiewer" refers to a variety of acoustic imaging devices, often called borehole televiewers, used in well logging. These tools function by emitting sound waves and measuring the reflected signals. The resulting data is then processed to create a detailed acoustic image of the wellbore wall, providing information about:

1. Borehole Geometry: Televiewers accurately map the wellbore diameter, ovality, and any deviations from the planned trajectory. This information helps identify potential risks like borehole collapse or stuck pipe.

2. Fracture Identification: The acoustic image reveals the presence and orientation of fractures, which can be critical for understanding reservoir properties and predicting fluid flow.

3. Rock Type Analysis: Televiewers can differentiate between different rock types by analyzing the acoustic properties of the wellbore wall. This helps in identifying potential pay zones and geological formations.

4. Casing Integrity: By analyzing the reflections from casing, televiewers can identify any corrosion, damage, or other anomalies that could compromise the integrity of the well.

5. Cement Bond Evaluation: Televiewers can measure the quality of cement bonding behind the casing, revealing potential leaks or voids.

Working Principle of a Borehole Televiewer:

The borehole televiewer operates on the principle of acoustic reflection. It comprises a transducer that emits high-frequency sound waves into the wellbore wall. The waves travel through the formation and reflect back to the transducer. These reflected signals are then processed and used to generate an acoustic image.

Key Types of Televiewers:

  • Acoustic Televiewers: These tools use the reflection of sound waves to create images. They are commonly used for fracture detection, borehole geometry analysis, and cement bond evaluation.
  • Electromagnetic Televiewers: These tools utilize electromagnetic waves to create images. They are particularly useful for identifying conductive features like metal casing and metallic objects in the wellbore.

Benefits of Using a Televiewer:

  • Enhanced Wellbore Understanding: Televiewers provide a detailed visual representation of the wellbore, enabling better decision-making.
  • Improved Well Safety: By identifying potential risks like borehole collapse and casing integrity issues, televiewers help ensure safer well operations.
  • Optimized Production: Accurate data on fracture networks and reservoir properties can lead to more efficient oil and gas production.


The televiewer has revolutionized wellbore imaging, providing invaluable insights for exploration, production, and well integrity. By capturing the acoustic and electromagnetic properties of the wellbore wall, these tools offer a powerful window into the subsurface, enabling better decision-making and ultimately, more efficient and successful oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Televiewer Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a televiewer in well logging?

a) Measuring the temperature of the formation b) Determining the chemical composition of the rock c) Creating an acoustic image of the wellbore wall d) Analyzing the electrical conductivity of the formation


c) Creating an acoustic image of the wellbore wall

2. Which of the following information can a televiewer provide about the wellbore?

a) The presence of hydrocarbons in the formation b) The depth of the well c) The orientation of fractures d) The type of drilling mud used


c) The orientation of fractures

3. What is the principle behind the operation of a borehole televiewer?

a) Magnetic resonance imaging b) X-ray diffraction c) Acoustic reflection d) Electrical conductivity measurement


c) Acoustic reflection

4. What is the primary advantage of using a televiewer in wellbore analysis?

a) It is a non-invasive technique b) It provides a detailed visual representation of the wellbore c) It is relatively inexpensive d) It can be used in both horizontal and vertical wells


b) It provides a detailed visual representation of the wellbore

5. Which type of televiewer is best suited for identifying metal casing in the wellbore?

a) Acoustic Televiewer b) Electromagnetic Televiewer c) Both are equally effective d) Neither is suitable for this purpose


b) Electromagnetic Televiewer

Televiewer Exercise


Imagine you are an oil and gas engineer working on a well that has experienced a sudden drop in production. Based on previous logs, you suspect a fracture may have been induced during drilling operations. You have access to a televiewer and want to use it to confirm your suspicions.

1. How would you use the televiewer to identify potential fractures?

2. What specific features in the televiewer image would indicate the presence of a fracture?

3. How could you use the televiewer data to determine the orientation and extent of the fracture?

4. What other information can the televiewer provide that could be relevant to troubleshooting the production issue?

5. How could the televiewer data be used to improve well operations and optimize production?

Exercice Correction

1. How would you use the televiewer to identify potential fractures?
You would run the televiewer downhole, ensuring it traverses the suspected fracture zone. The televiewer will record acoustic or electromagnetic data as it moves, capturing the wellbore wall's characteristics. 2. What specific features in the televiewer image would indicate the presence of a fracture?
Fractures often appear as linear discontinuities in the televiewer image, with variations in the acoustic or electromagnetic response. This might manifest as: - A change in the acoustic reflectivity, showing a brighter or darker area along the fracture. - A change in the borehole geometry, showing a widening or narrowing of the borehole at the fracture. 3. How could you use the televiewer data to determine the orientation and extent of the fracture?
By analyzing the linear pattern of the discontinuity in the televiewer image, you can determine the fracture's orientation (vertical, horizontal, or dipping). The length of the discontinuity indicates the extent of the fracture. 4. What other information can the televiewer provide that could be relevant to troubleshooting the production issue?
The televiewer can also reveal: - Borehole geometry, which could indicate wellbore stability issues. - Cement bond quality, identifying potential leaks or voids that might affect fluid flow. - The presence of other geological features (like bedding planes) that might affect production. 5. How could the televiewer data be used to improve well operations and optimize production?
The information from the televiewer can be used to: - Design effective stimulation treatments (like hydraulic fracturing) to increase production from the fracture zone. - Improve wellbore stability by identifying and mitigating potential issues. - Optimize well completion techniques to maximize fluid flow from the reservoir.


  • Well Logging and Formation Evaluation: By Schlumberger (2008) - Provides a comprehensive overview of well logging techniques, including televiewer applications.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Edited by William D. McCain Jr. (2007) - Contains a section on well logging and formation evaluation, offering insights into televiewer principles and applications.
  • Applied Geophysics: By John M. Reynolds (2011) - Explores various geophysical methods, including borehole acoustic imaging, offering theoretical and practical insights into televiewer technology.


  • "Borehole Imaging in the Oil Industry" by John A. Locke, et al. (SPE Journal, 2000) - Discusses the history, principles, and applications of borehole imaging tools, including televiewers.
  • "The Use of Borehole Televiewers in Fractured Reservoirs" by David L. Campbell (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1994) - Demonstrates the effectiveness of televiewers in characterizing fracture networks and their impact on production.
  • "Televiewer Applications in Wellbore Integrity Assessment" by Michael J. S. Jackson (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2012) - Focuses on the role of televiewers in evaluating casing integrity and identifying potential risks.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Borehole televiewer" OR "Acoustic televiewer" OR "Electromagnetic televiewer" - To find general information and articles related to televiewers.
  • "Televiewer applications in [specific area of interest]" - Replace "[specific area of interest]" with your desired topic (e.g., fracture analysis, casing integrity, reservoir characterization) to find relevant resources.
  • "Televiewer data interpretation" - To locate information on how to interpret televiewer data and its application in decision-making.
  • "Televiewer software" - To find information on software tools used for processing and visualizing televiewer data.
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