Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Tank Battery

Tank Battery

Tank Batteries: The Heart of Oil and Gas Production

In the world of oil and gas extraction, tank batteries are not merely large metal containers; they are the crucial hubs where raw hydrocarbons undergo initial processing and storage. Located near wellheads, these facilities play a vital role in the smooth operation of oil and gas production.

What is a Tank Battery?

A tank battery is a collection of tanks, usually arranged in a specific configuration, used for:

  • Storing crude oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs): Produced oil and gas are transported from the wellhead to the battery for temporary storage before further processing or transportation.
  • Separating oil, water, and gas: The raw mixture coming from the wellhead contains various components. The battery uses gravity and other separation techniques to separate oil, water (produced water), and natural gas, making them ready for individual treatment and handling.
  • Measuring and monitoring production: Each tank is equipped with level gauges, pressure sensors, and other instrumentation to measure and monitor the volume and quality of oil and gas produced. This data is crucial for production optimization and reporting.

Components of a Tank Battery

Tank batteries typically include:

  • Storage tanks: These tanks hold the separated oil, water, and gas. They are often constructed from steel and come in various sizes depending on the production rate of the well.
  • Separators: These vessels facilitate the separation of oil, water, and gas through gravity and pressure changes.
  • Gas processing equipment: For processing and treating natural gas, the battery may include equipment like scrubbers, dehydrators, and compressors.
  • Piping and valves: A network of pipes and valves connects the tanks, separators, and other components, allowing the flow of fluids and gas throughout the battery.
  • Instrumentation and controls: Gauges, sensors, and control systems monitor the operation of the battery, ensuring safe and efficient performance.

Importance of Tank Batteries

Tank batteries are essential for oil and gas production for several reasons:

  • Efficient Production: They allow for the continuous flow of production from the wellhead, preventing downtime and maximizing production efficiency.
  • Quality Control: The separation process ensures that oil and gas are properly treated and meet quality standards for further processing and transportation.
  • Safety and Environmental Protection: Properly designed and operated tank batteries minimize the risk of spills and leaks, ensuring environmental protection and worker safety.
  • Cost Reduction: Tank batteries enable efficient storage and handling, minimizing transportation costs and optimizing the flow of production.


Tank batteries are an integral part of oil and gas production. By providing storage, separation, and measurement capabilities, these facilities streamline the process, ensuring efficient and environmentally responsible operations. Understanding the role of tank batteries is crucial for anyone involved in the oil and gas industry, as it is a vital link in the chain of hydrocarbon production.

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