Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Sweep


Understanding "Sweep" in Production Facilities: A Guide to Fluid Displacement

The term "sweep" in production facilities refers to the displacement of one fluid by another, often within a reservoir or wellbore. This concept plays a crucial role in both oil and gas extraction and wellbore maintenance.

Sweep in Reservoirs: Optimizing Production

In the context of reservoir production, sweep refers to the displacement of hydrocarbons (oil or gas) from the reservoir rock by a flooding fluid. This flooding fluid can be water, gas, or a mixture of both.

The effectiveness of a sweep is measured by how much of the reservoir is contacted by the flooding fluid, leading to the extraction of the hydrocarbons. A high sweep efficiency indicates that the flooding fluid has successfully reached a large portion of the reservoir, resulting in a higher production rate.

Factors that influence sweep efficiency include:

  • Reservoir heterogeneity: The presence of different rock types and permeability variations can hinder the movement of the flooding fluid.
  • Injection strategy: The method of injecting the flooding fluid, such as vertical or horizontal wells, can impact the sweep pattern.
  • Fluid properties: The viscosity and density of the flooding fluid and the hydrocarbons influence their relative mobility and mixing.

Sweep in Wellbores: Maintaining Well Integrity

In the wellbore, sweep refers to the circulation of a viscous pill (a fluid with high viscosity) to clear the wellbore of cuttings, debris, or other unwanted materials. This is often done after drilling, completion, or workover operations.

The viscous pill, typically consisting of a mixture of water, polymers, and sometimes chemicals, acts as a piston, pushing the unwanted materials towards the surface. This process is essential for maintaining wellbore integrity and ensuring efficient production.

Understanding the Concept of Sweep for Enhanced Production

A thorough understanding of sweep efficiency in both reservoirs and wellbores is crucial for optimizing production. Engineers utilize various techniques and technologies to improve sweep efficiency, including:

  • Waterflooding: Injecting water into the reservoir to displace oil.
  • Gas injection: Injecting gas into the reservoir to maintain pressure and increase oil recovery.
  • Enhanced oil recovery (EOR): Utilizing advanced techniques like chemical flooding or microbial injection to enhance oil recovery.
  • Wellbore cleaning: Regular circulation of viscous pills to maintain wellbore integrity.

By understanding the concept of sweep and its associated factors, production facilities can effectively manage fluid displacement and maximize hydrocarbon extraction while maintaining efficient wellbore operation.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Reservoir Simulation by D. W. Peaceman (Provides a comprehensive overview of reservoir simulation, including sweep efficiency and fluid displacement mechanisms)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by William C. Lyons (Contains chapters dedicated to reservoir engineering, wellbore operations, and fluid flow, providing information relevant to sweep concepts)
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by J. S. Archer (Explains fundamental concepts related to reservoir characterization, fluid flow, and production optimization, including sweep efficiency)
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery by D. L. H. Katz and R. L. Gates (Focuses on various EOR techniques, which directly impact sweep efficiency and oil recovery)
  • Wellbore Hydraulics by G. R. Fayers (Covers the principles of fluid flow in wellbores, addressing aspects of wellbore sweep and cleaning)


  • "Sweep Efficiency and Its Impact on Oil Recovery" by J. D. Gidley (Journal of Petroleum Technology)
  • "Waterflooding: A Review of Sweep Efficiency" by P. M. Dranchuk (Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology)
  • "Impact of Wellbore Cleaning on Production Efficiency" by M. J. Economides (SPE Production and Operations)
  • "Reservoir Heterogeneity and Its Impact on Sweep Efficiency" by D. A. Wood (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering)
  • "A Review of Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques" by S. M. Mobbs (Journal of Petroleum Technology)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): (
  • Schlumberger: (
  • Halliburton: (
  • Baker Hughes: (
  • Chevron: (
  • ExxonMobil: (
  • ConocoPhillips: (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "sweep efficiency," "fluid displacement," "reservoir simulation," "wellbore cleaning," "waterflooding," "gas injection," "EOR."
  • Combine keywords: "sweep efficiency oil recovery," "reservoir heterogeneity sweep," "wellbore cleaning techniques."
  • Use quotation marks: "sweep efficiency" to find exact matches.
  • Add specific filters: "filetype:pdf" to find research papers, "" to search for academic websites.
  • Explore related topics: "reservoir characterization," "fluid flow modeling," "production optimization," "wellbore hydraulics."
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