Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Structural Model (seismic)

Structural Model (seismic)

Unraveling the Earth's Secrets: Structural Models in Seismic Exploration

Understanding the hidden structure of the Earth is crucial for various geological applications, from locating valuable resources to predicting natural hazards. Seismic exploration, a powerful tool for peering beneath the surface, heavily relies on structural models to interpret the complex patterns revealed by seismic waves.

What are Structural Models?

A structural model is a digital representation of the Earth's subsurface, encompassing its geological features and their spatial arrangement. Imagine it as a 3D map of the underground, showcasing formations like faults, folds, and layers of different rock types.

2D, 2.5D, and 3D: A Spectrum of Complexity

The complexity of structural models varies depending on the scale and desired detail:

  • 2D (Two-Dimensional) Models: These models represent a vertical slice through the Earth, capturing the geological features along a single line. They are useful for preliminary interpretations and for understanding the basic geometry of the subsurface.
  • 2.5D (Two-and-a-Half-Dimensional) Models: These models extend the 2D concept by incorporating variations in the third dimension (depth) along a specific profile. They provide a more realistic view of the geological structures within a defined area.
  • 3D (Three-Dimensional) Models: The most comprehensive representation, 3D models capture the entire subsurface volume. They offer the most accurate and detailed depiction of geological structures and are essential for complex reservoir characterization and risk assessment.

Building Blocks of Structural Models: Density and Susceptibility

Seismic waves interact with different rock types based on their physical properties like density and magnetic susceptibility. Therefore, structural models leverage these properties to define the subsurface:

  • Density Models: These models assign different densities to each rock type, reflecting their mass per unit volume. Higher density contrasts between formations create stronger seismic reflections, aiding in their identification.
  • Susceptibility Models: These models focus on the magnetic susceptibility of rocks, representing their ability to be magnetized. Magnetic anomalies in seismic data can be used to map out magnetically distinct formations.

Advantages of Structural Models:

  • Improved Interpretation: Structural models provide a framework for understanding seismic data, helping to identify and interpret key geological features.
  • Resource Exploration: By accurately mapping out reservoirs and their properties, structural models guide the exploration and exploitation of oil, gas, and geothermal resources.
  • Hazard Mitigation: Models can pinpoint fault zones and unstable formations, aiding in risk assessment and the development of mitigation strategies for earthquakes, landslides, and other geological hazards.

Limitations and Challenges:

  • Data Quality: The accuracy of structural models is heavily reliant on the quality and resolution of seismic data.
  • Interpretation Bias: Subjective interpretations can introduce inaccuracies into the modeling process.
  • Computational Complexity: Building complex 3D models requires advanced computational resources and expertise.


Structural models are vital tools in seismic exploration, offering a window into the Earth's hidden structures. By combining seismic data with geological knowledge and advanced modeling techniques, we can gain invaluable insights into the subsurface, leading to better resource management, informed risk assessment, and a deeper understanding of our planet's history.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unraveling the Earth's Secrets

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a structural model in seismic exploration?

a) A physical representation of the Earth's subsurface.


Incorrect. Structural models are digital representations.

b) A digital representation of the Earth's subsurface geological features and their arrangement.


Correct! This is the accurate definition of a structural model.

c) A collection of seismic data used for interpreting the subsurface.


Incorrect. Seismic data is used to build structural models, not the model itself.

d) A theoretical framework for understanding seismic waves.


Incorrect. While structural models contribute to understanding seismic waves, they are not a theoretical framework.

2. Which type of structural model provides the most detailed representation of the subsurface?

a) 2D model


Incorrect. 2D models offer limited detail, only depicting a single slice.

b) 2.5D model


Incorrect. While more detailed than 2D, 2.5D models are still limited to a specific profile.

c) 3D model


Correct! 3D models capture the entire subsurface volume for the most comprehensive representation.

d) All models are equally detailed.


Incorrect. Different model types offer varying levels of detail.

3. What property of rocks is primarily used in density models?

a) Magnetic susceptibility


Incorrect. This property is relevant for susceptibility models.

b) Elasticity


Incorrect. While elasticity plays a role in seismic wave propagation, density models primarily focus on mass per unit volume.

c) Density


Correct! Density models assign different densities to various rock types.

d) Porosity


Incorrect. Porosity is a significant property for reservoir characterization but not the primary focus of density models.

4. What is a key advantage of structural models in resource exploration?

a) They can predict future earthquake activity.


Incorrect. While models can identify fault zones, earthquake prediction is a complex process.

b) They can identify potential resource deposits and their properties.


Correct! Structural models play a crucial role in mapping reservoirs and their characteristics.

c) They can create synthetic seismic data.


Incorrect. Structural models interpret seismic data, not generate it.

d) They can determine the age of geological formations.


Incorrect. While geological age is important for understanding the subsurface, structural models primarily focus on geometry and properties.

5. What is a significant limitation of structural models?

a) They cannot be used for interpreting geological data.


Incorrect. Structural models are essential tools for interpreting seismic data.

b) They are too expensive to create.


Incorrect. While complex models can require resources, they are a valuable tool for various applications.

c) They are always inaccurate due to the complexity of the subsurface.


Incorrect. While limitations exist, models are valuable and can be refined with improved data and techniques.

d) Their accuracy depends on the quality of seismic data.


Correct! Poor data quality directly impacts the reliability of structural models.


Task: Imagine you are an exploration geologist tasked with finding a potential oil reservoir. You have access to 2D, 2.5D, and 3D structural models of a region. Explain why you would choose each model type for different stages of your exploration.

Exercice Correction

Here's a breakdown of how different structural models could be used during oil exploration: * **2D Model (Initial Stage):** A 2D model would be useful for a preliminary assessment of the region. It could quickly highlight potential structures like anticlines (folds that trap oil) or fault zones that might indicate a potential oil reservoir. The 2D model allows for a quick and cost-effective initial evaluation. * **2.5D Model (Further Investigation):** After identifying potential areas of interest using the 2D model, a 2.5D model could provide a more detailed view along specific profiles. This allows for a more refined understanding of the subsurface geometry, including potential reservoir thickness and structural complexities within the chosen areas. * **3D Model (Detailed Analysis and Decision-Making):** The most detailed 3D model would be crucial for final reservoir characterization. It would provide a comprehensive picture of the reservoir's shape, size, and potential for oil production. This information is essential for making informed decisions about drilling locations and the feasibility of extracting oil from the identified reservoir.


  • Seismic Interpretation: By A.G. Calvert (2005) - Provides a comprehensive overview of seismic interpretation, including structural modeling techniques.
  • Seismic Exploration: By J.P. Castagna & M.W. Backus (2018) - Covers the fundamentals of seismic exploration, focusing on data acquisition, processing, and interpretation, including structural modeling.
  • Seismic Reservoir Characterization: By J.D. Miller & D.H. Johnston (2008) - Focuses on using seismic data to characterize hydrocarbon reservoirs, incorporating structural modeling and reservoir simulation.
  • Fundamentals of Structural Geology: By R.W. Suppe (1985) - Provides a comprehensive understanding of structural geology principles that are essential for building accurate structural models.
  • Applied Geophysics: By K. Kearey, P. Brooks & I. Hill (2002) - Covers various aspects of applied geophysics, including seismic exploration and structural modeling.


  • "Structural Modeling in Seismic Exploration: A Review" by S. Chopra & J.D. Miller (2003) - Provides an overview of different structural modeling approaches and their applications in seismic exploration.
  • "Building a 3D Structural Model of a Complex Basin: The Role of Seismic Data and Geologic Interpretation" by R.L. Hardage & J.R. Jensen (2006) - Discusses the process of building a 3D structural model from seismic data and incorporating geological information.
  • "The Use of Structural Models in the Exploration and Development of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs" by D.J. Law (2005) - Highlights the importance of structural models in understanding reservoir architecture and production strategies.

Online Resources

  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG): - A professional organization for geophysicists, offering resources, publications, and conferences on seismic exploration and structural modeling.
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): - A leading organization in the petroleum industry, providing resources on exploration, production, and reservoir characterization, including structural modeling.
  • OpenGeoSys (OGS): - A free and open-source software platform for simulating subsurface processes, including structural modeling and seismic wave propagation.
  • GeoModeller: - A commercial software package designed for building structural models and interpreting seismic data.

Search Tips

  • "Seismic Structural Modeling": This general query will lead you to various resources on structural modeling using seismic data.
  • "3D Seismic Structural Modeling": Focus your search on 3D models, which are widely used in modern exploration.
  • "Structural Modeling Software": This query will return information on available software packages for building structural models.
  • "Structural Modeling Case Studies": Explore real-world examples and applications of structural modeling in seismic exploration.
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