Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Stack (seismic)

Stack (seismic)

Stacking the Odds: Understanding Seismic Stacks in Oil & Gas Exploration

In the world of oil and gas exploration, seismic data is the foundation upon which decisions are made. But the raw data, as captured by seismic surveys, is often noisy and difficult to interpret. This is where the concept of "stacking" comes into play, a crucial processing step that dramatically improves the quality and clarity of seismic data.

What is a Seismic Stack?

A seismic stack is a composite of traces from different seismic records, carefully aligned and combined to produce a single, enhanced image. This process involves acquiring multiple seismic traces over the same area, but at slightly different positions or times. The individual traces are then "stacked" together, with each trace contributing to a single point in the final image.

Why Stacking Matters:

  1. Signal Enhancement: Seismic waves are often weak and can be obscured by noise. Stacking multiple traces effectively increases the signal-to-noise ratio, highlighting the true reflections from underground formations.
  2. Improved Resolution: Stacking allows for a more precise location of geological features by averaging out random errors and inconsistencies between individual traces.
  3. Enhanced Continuity: Stacking helps to create a continuous image of underground structures, even where individual traces might be incomplete or disrupted.

Types of Seismic Stacks:

  • Common Depth Point (CDP) Stack: The most common type, where traces acquired along different seismic lines are stacked together if they share a common depth point. This improves the signal quality and reduces the effects of acquisition geometry.
  • Common Offset Stack: Traces with the same offset distance from the source are stacked, revealing variations in seismic reflectivity based on different angles of reflection.
  • Angle Stack: Data is stacked based on the angle at which the seismic wave is reflected from the subsurface, aiding in the identification of different geological layers.

Beyond Stacking:

While stacking is a fundamental step in seismic data processing, it is often followed by further processing techniques like migration, which positions reflections at their true geological locations, and amplitude analysis, which helps interpret the reflectivity of different rock formations.


Seismic stacking is a powerful tool that enhances the quality and interpretability of seismic data, providing valuable insights for oil and gas exploration. By combining multiple traces into a single, cohesive image, stacking significantly improves the chances of discovering and extracting valuable resources from the earth.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Stacking the Odds

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of seismic stacking?

a) To create a single, enhanced image from multiple seismic traces. b) To eliminate all noise from seismic data. c) To identify the exact location of oil and gas reservoirs. d) To generate a 3D model of the subsurface.


a) To create a single, enhanced image from multiple seismic traces.

2. How does stacking enhance the signal-to-noise ratio in seismic data?

a) By removing all noise from the data. b) By combining multiple traces, increasing the strength of the signal relative to noise. c) By filtering out specific frequencies associated with noise. d) By averaging the data, eliminating random variations.


b) By combining multiple traces, increasing the strength of the signal relative to noise.

3. Which type of seismic stack is most commonly used?

a) Common Offset Stack b) Common Depth Point (CDP) Stack c) Angle Stack d) Time Stack


b) Common Depth Point (CDP) Stack

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of seismic stacking?

a) Improved resolution of geological features b) Enhanced continuity of subsurface structures c) Reduced acquisition costs d) Increased signal strength


c) Reduced acquisition costs

5. What is the next step in seismic data processing after stacking?

a) Interpretation b) Migration c) Amplitude analysis d) Both b and c


d) Both b and c

Exercise: Understanding Stacking Types

Instructions: Describe the key difference between Common Depth Point (CDP) stacking and Common Offset Stacking. Explain how each type of stacking is used to improve the understanding of subsurface structures.

Exercice Correction

**Common Depth Point (CDP) Stacking:** Combines traces that share a common depth point, regardless of their acquisition position. This is the most common type of stacking, as it significantly improves signal quality and reduces the effects of acquisition geometry. It allows for a more accurate representation of the subsurface, especially in areas with complex geological structures. **Common Offset Stacking:** Stacks traces with the same offset distance from the source. This type of stacking highlights variations in seismic reflectivity based on different angles of reflection. It is particularly useful for understanding the composition and characteristics of different rock formations, as different rock types reflect seismic waves at different angles.


  • Seismic Data Processing: An Introduction by Ian Russell (2010) - Provides a comprehensive overview of seismic data processing, including stacking, migration, and amplitude analysis.
  • Seismic Exploration: Fundamentals and Applications by Robert E. Sheriff (2002) - A classic text covering various aspects of seismic exploration, with a dedicated section on stacking and other processing techniques.
  • Fundamentals of Seismic Data Processing by Charles H. Thurber (2013) - This book provides a detailed explanation of seismic data processing, including the fundamentals of stacking and its importance.


  • Seismic Stacking and Migration: A Review by S. D. Singh (2015) - A comprehensive review of seismic stacking and migration techniques with an emphasis on their impact on seismic data quality.
  • The Role of Seismic Stacking in Oil and Gas Exploration by J. A. Jackson (2008) - An article explaining the importance of stacking in oil and gas exploration and highlighting its advantages.
  • Seismic Stacking: A Historical Perspective by B. L. Brown (1989) - A historical review of the evolution of seismic stacking techniques and their significance.

Online Resources

  • The Seismic Stack by WesternGeco (Schlumberger) - A concise explanation of seismic stacking with illustrations and real-world examples.
  • Seismic Data Processing by the University of Texas at Austin - A comprehensive online resource covering various aspects of seismic data processing, including stacking.
  • Seismic Stacking and Migration by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate - An online resource explaining the principles and techniques of seismic stacking and migration.

Search Tips

  • "Seismic Stacking" + "oil and gas exploration" - This search will help you find articles and resources specific to the application of seismic stacking in oil and gas exploration.
  • "Seismic Stacking" + "tutorials" - This search will bring up tutorials and guides explaining the concepts and practical applications of seismic stacking.
  • "Seismic Stacking" + "case studies" - This search will provide you with real-world examples of how seismic stacking has been successfully used in various projects.
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