Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Squeeze Cementing

Squeeze Cementing

Squeeze Cementing: A Powerful Tool for Repairing Cementing Defects

Cementing, the process of injecting cement slurry into a wellbore to isolate different zones, is a critical part of well construction. However, imperfections in the primary cementing process can leave behind channels or gaps, potentially compromising well integrity and leading to production problems. Squeeze cementing is a remedial technique used to address these imperfections by injecting cement under pressure to fill these channels and restore a solid cement sheath.

Understanding the Problem:

During primary cementing, various factors can contribute to incomplete cement placement, including:

  • Poorly designed casing strings: Insufficient spacing between casing sections can lead to cement bypassing and leaving gaps.
  • Uneven cement slurry flow: Variations in density or viscosity of the slurry can result in inconsistent filling.
  • Presence of formations with high permeability: Fluid can escape through the formation, leading to incomplete cement placement.

The Squeeze Cementing Solution:

Squeeze cementing is a robust technique that involves the following steps:

  1. Locating the defect: Well logs and other diagnostic tools are used to identify the location and extent of the cementing deficiency.
  2. Preparing the well: The well is prepared for squeezing by removing fluids from the zone where the cement will be injected.
  3. Injecting the cement: A specially formulated cement slurry is pumped into the wellbore under high pressure. This pressure forces the cement into the channels and gaps, effectively sealing them.
  4. Monitoring the squeeze: Pressure and flow rate are carefully monitored during the injection process to ensure efficient cement placement.

Benefits of Squeeze Cementing:

  • Well integrity restoration: Squeeze cementing effectively repairs cementing defects, improving wellbore integrity and preventing fluid migration.
  • Enhanced production: By sealing off channels, squeeze cementing improves the effectiveness of production zones, leading to increased oil and gas recovery.
  • Reduced risk of wellbore collapse: A strong cement sheath provides structural support, reducing the risk of wellbore collapse or formation instability.
  • Cost-effective solution: Squeeze cementing can be a cost-effective alternative to re-drilling or other complex remedial measures.

Challenges of Squeeze Cementing:

  • Pressure control: Maintaining accurate pressure during the squeeze is crucial to ensure effective filling without fracturing the formation.
  • Cement slurry selection: Selecting the right cement slurry with appropriate properties (density, viscosity, setting time) is essential for successful squeeze operations.
  • Equipment limitations: Specialized equipment and experienced personnel are required to perform a successful squeeze operation.


Squeeze cementing is a valuable technique for addressing cementing deficiencies in oil and gas wells. It provides a robust and cost-effective solution for restoring well integrity, enhancing production, and minimizing risks. Understanding the process and its advantages allows operators to make informed decisions about using squeeze cementing when necessary.

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