Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Cybersecurity: Sonic Amplitude Log

Sonic Amplitude Log

Sonic Amplitude Log: Unveiling the Hidden Fractures in Oil & Gas Formations


In the oil and gas industry, finding and extracting hydrocarbons efficiently hinges on understanding the complex structure of subsurface formations. One crucial element in this understanding is identifying fractures, which act as pathways for fluid flow and can significantly impact reservoir productivity. A powerful tool used to locate and characterize these fractures is the Sonic Amplitude Log.

The Sonic Amplitude Log: A Sound Approach to Fracture Detection:

The Sonic Amplitude Log is a specialized well logging technique that measures the amplitude of sound waves as they travel through the formation. This measurement is directly related to the acoustic impedance of the rock, a property influenced by its density and elastic properties.

How it Works:

  • Sonic Transmitter: A sonic transmitter sends sound waves into the formation.
  • Sonic Receiver: A receiver picks up the returning sound waves.
  • Amplitude Measurement: The log measures the amplitude (strength) of the received sound waves.

Fracture Detection:

The presence of fractures within a formation significantly alters the acoustic impedance. Fractures are often filled with fluids, which have a different acoustic impedance than the surrounding rock. This difference causes attenuation (weakening) of the sound waves as they pass through the fractures. The Sonic Amplitude Log records this attenuation, creating a pattern that highlights the presence of fractures.

Key Applications of Sonic Amplitude Logs:

  • Fracture Characterization: Sonic Amplitude Logs can provide valuable information about fracture density, orientation, and aperture (size). This information is crucial for reservoir engineers to optimize production strategies.
  • Reservoir Management: Understanding the location and distribution of fractures helps in optimizing well placement, stimulation techniques, and production schedules.
  • Geomechanical Analysis: The data from Sonic Amplitude Logs can be integrated with other well logs to assess rock mechanical properties, critical for safe and efficient drilling and completion operations.

Advantages of Sonic Amplitude Logs:

  • Improved Fracture Detection: Offers a reliable method for detecting fractures, even those that are not visible on other types of logs.
  • Complementary Data: Provides valuable information that complements other well log data, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the formation.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to other fracture characterization techniques, Sonic Amplitude Logs offer a relatively cost-effective solution.


  • Limited Depth Penetration: The effectiveness of Sonic Amplitude Logs is limited by the depth of penetration of sound waves, which can vary depending on the rock type.
  • Interpretation Complexity: The interpretation of Sonic Amplitude Logs requires expertise in geophysics and reservoir engineering.


The Sonic Amplitude Log is a powerful tool that plays a vital role in understanding and characterizing fractures in oil and gas reservoirs. By capturing the subtle changes in sound wave amplitude, this technology provides valuable information for optimizing production, managing reservoirs, and ensuring safe and efficient drilling operations. As the industry continues to seek out new and unconventional hydrocarbon resources, the application of Sonic Amplitude Logs will become increasingly important in unlocking the potential of these complex formations.

Test Your Knowledge

Sonic Amplitude Log Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Sonic Amplitude Log primarily measure to detect fractures?

a) The speed of sound waves through the formation. b) The amplitude (strength) of sound waves through the formation. c) The frequency of sound waves through the formation. d) The direction of sound waves through the formation.


b) The amplitude (strength) of sound waves through the formation.

2. How does the presence of fractures affect the acoustic impedance of a formation?

a) It increases the acoustic impedance. b) It decreases the acoustic impedance. c) It has no effect on the acoustic impedance. d) It can either increase or decrease the acoustic impedance depending on the fracture type.


d) It can either increase or decrease the acoustic impedance depending on the fracture type.

3. Which of these is NOT a key application of Sonic Amplitude Logs?

a) Fracture characterization. b) Reservoir management. c) Identifying the type of hydrocarbons present. d) Geomechanical analysis.


c) Identifying the type of hydrocarbons present.

4. What is a major advantage of using Sonic Amplitude Logs for fracture detection?

a) They are the only method that can detect fractures. b) They are always more accurate than other fracture detection methods. c) They can detect fractures that may not be visible on other types of logs. d) They are very inexpensive and easily accessible.


c) They can detect fractures that may not be visible on other types of logs.

5. What is a limitation of Sonic Amplitude Logs?

a) They cannot be used in deep wells. b) They can only detect fractures that are filled with fluids. c) The effectiveness is limited by the depth of penetration of sound waves. d) They are not compatible with other well logging techniques.


c) The effectiveness is limited by the depth of penetration of sound waves.

Sonic Amplitude Log Exercise:


A geologist is analyzing a Sonic Amplitude Log from a well drilled in a shale gas formation. The log shows a significant decrease in amplitude at a specific depth interval. The geologist suspects this is due to the presence of fractures.


  1. Explain why a decrease in sound wave amplitude on the Sonic Amplitude Log would indicate the presence of fractures.
  2. What additional information would the geologist need to confirm the presence of fractures and understand their characteristics?
  3. Discuss how this information could be used to optimize production from the shale gas reservoir.

Exercice Correction

**1. Explanation of Amplitude Decrease:** A decrease in sound wave amplitude on the Sonic Amplitude Log indicates a loss of energy as the sound waves travel through the formation. This energy loss, or attenuation, occurs when sound waves encounter a medium with different acoustic impedance. Fractures, often filled with fluids, have a different acoustic impedance than the surrounding shale, causing the sound waves to lose energy as they pass through them. **2. Additional Information:** To confirm the presence of fractures and understand their characteristics, the geologist would need additional information, including: * **Other Well Logs:** Comparing the Sonic Amplitude Log with other logs like the Gamma Ray, Density, and Neutron logs can help correlate the amplitude anomalies with potential fracture zones. * **Core Analysis:** Analyzing rock cores obtained from the well can provide direct evidence of fractures, their orientation, and fluid content. * **Seismic Data:** Seismic data can be used to map the larger scale fracture network across the reservoir. **3. Optimization of Production:** Understanding the location, orientation, and density of fractures is crucial for optimizing production from the shale gas reservoir: * **Well Placement:** Targeting wells in areas with a higher density of fractures can significantly increase well productivity. * **Hydraulic Fracturing:** Knowledge of fracture distribution can help determine the optimal placement and design of hydraulic fracturing stages to effectively stimulate the reservoir and enhance gas production. * **Production Scheduling:** Understanding the connectivity of fractures can help optimize production strategies, ensuring efficient drainage of the reservoir.


  • Well Logging for Petroleum Exploration and Production by Schlumberger (2016): Provides a comprehensive overview of various well logging techniques, including Sonic Amplitude Logging, with detailed explanations and applications.
  • Applied Geophysics by Kearey, Brooks, and Hill (2013): Covers fundamental principles of geophysics, including acoustic wave propagation and its application in exploration and reservoir characterization, relevant to understanding Sonic Amplitude Log data.
  • Reservoir Characterization by Martin and Brigham (2005): Explores reservoir properties and techniques for their evaluation, including the role of seismic and well logs like Sonic Amplitude Logs in understanding fracture networks.


  • Fracture Characterization Using Sonic Amplitude Log: A Case Study by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] ([Year]): This kind of article, focusing on a specific case study, will provide practical insights into the application of Sonic Amplitude Logs in fracture analysis.
  • Acoustic Properties of Fractured Reservoirs by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] ([Year]): This article will delve into the scientific basis of how fractures affect acoustic wave propagation, crucial for understanding the principles behind Sonic Amplitude Logs.
  • Integrated Analysis of Sonic Amplitude Log and other Well Logs for Fracture Detection by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] ([Year]): This article will demonstrate how Sonic Amplitude Logs are integrated with other well log data to gain a more complete picture of fracture networks.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger: Sonic Amplitude Log ([Website Link]): This webpage provides information on the specific Sonic Amplitude Log service offered by Schlumberger, including its applications and technical aspects.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Keyword Search "Sonic Amplitude Log": Searching SPE's online database will yield research papers and technical presentations on Sonic Amplitude Log applications.
  • Search "Sonic Amplitude Log" on Google Scholar: This will provide access to a wide range of academic research papers focusing on the theory and practical use of Sonic Amplitude Logs.

Search Tips

  • "Sonic Amplitude Log" AND "Fracture Characterization": To narrow down your search to articles specifically on the use of Sonic Amplitude Logs in detecting and characterizing fractures.
  • "Sonic Amplitude Log" AND "Case Study": To find articles presenting real-world examples of Sonic Amplitude Log application.
  • "Sonic Amplitude Log" AND "Reservoir Simulation": To explore research on integrating Sonic Amplitude Log data into reservoir simulation models.
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