Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Solution GOR

Solution GOR

Understanding Solution Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) in Oil & Gas

The Solution Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) is a crucial parameter in the oil and gas industry, providing valuable insights into the composition and properties of an oil reservoir. It represents the volume of natural gas dissolved in a barrel of oil at reservoir conditions. This dissolved gas plays a vital role in the flow of oil, impacting production and overall reservoir performance.

Understanding the Concept:

Imagine a bottle of carbonated water. The dissolved carbon dioxide creates pressure within the bottle, pushing the water out when the bottle is opened. Similarly, in an oil reservoir, dissolved natural gas exerts pressure, influencing the flow of oil towards the wellbore.

Solution GOR in Reservoir:

The solution GOR of an oil reservoir is determined by:

  • Reservoir pressure: Higher pressure leads to a greater amount of gas dissolved in the oil.
  • Reservoir temperature: Higher temperature reduces the gas solubility, resulting in a lower solution GOR.
  • Oil composition: The type of oil and its composition affect its gas solubility.

Why Solution GOR Matters:

The solution GOR has significant implications for:

  • Oil production: A higher solution GOR indicates a greater volume of gas available to drive the oil towards the wellbore, potentially leading to higher production rates.
  • Reservoir pressure maintenance: As oil is produced, the pressure in the reservoir declines. This decline reduces the solubility of gas, causing it to evolve out of solution and potentially affecting production.
  • Well design and flow assurance: Understanding the solution GOR helps engineers design efficient wells and manage flow conditions to prevent gas-related issues such as wellbore choking and pipeline flow instability.

Factors Affecting Solution GOR:

  • Reservoir depth: Deeper reservoirs typically have higher pressure and therefore higher solution GORs.
  • Reservoir rock type: Porosity and permeability of the reservoir rock affect the storage and flow of gas.
  • Fluid properties: The composition and properties of the oil and gas determine the gas solubility.

Calculating Solution GOR:

Solution GOR is typically measured at reservoir conditions and expressed as scf/STB (standard cubic feet of gas per stock tank barrel of oil). It can be calculated using various methods, including:

  • Laboratory analysis: Analyzing samples of reservoir fluid in the lab to determine the gas content.
  • Production data: Analyzing production data to estimate the amount of gas produced with the oil.


The solution gas-oil ratio is a fundamental parameter in oil and gas reservoir engineering, providing valuable insights into the reservoir's behavior and production potential. Understanding the factors influencing solution GOR and its implications for production and flow assurance is crucial for efficient and sustainable reservoir management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Solution Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Solution Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) represent? a) The volume of oil dissolved in a barrel of natural gas at reservoir conditions.


b) The volume of natural gas dissolved in a barrel of oil at reservoir conditions.

c) The ratio of gas produced to oil produced from a well. d) The pressure exerted by dissolved gas in an oil reservoir.

2. Which of the following factors does NOT influence the solution GOR of an oil reservoir? a) Reservoir pressure


d) Wellbore diameter

b) Reservoir temperature c) Oil composition d) Wellbore diameter

3. A higher solution GOR typically indicates: a) Lower oil production rates.


b) Higher oil production rates.

c) Lower reservoir pressure. d) Lower gas solubility in oil.

4. How is solution GOR typically expressed? a) kg/m3


b) scf/STB

c) m3/s d) psi

5. Which of the following methods can be used to determine the solution GOR? a) Laboratory analysis of reservoir fluid samples


c) Both a) and b)

b) Analysis of production data c) Both a) and b) d) None of the above

Exercise: Calculating Solution GOR


A reservoir has an oil production rate of 1000 barrels per day (bbl/d) and a gas production rate of 5000 standard cubic feet per day (scf/d). Calculate the solution GOR for this reservoir.


  1. Use the formula: Solution GOR = Gas Production Rate (scf/d) / Oil Production Rate (bbl/d)
  2. Plug in the given values.
  3. Calculate the solution GOR.

Exercise Correction

Solution GOR = 5000 scf/d / 1000 bbl/d = 5 scf/STB


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (This is a comprehensive resource for reservoir engineering, with chapters dedicated to fluid properties and reservoir pressure analysis.)
  • Petroleum Production Handbook by H.J. Ramey, Jr. and J.H. Buckley (This book covers various aspects of petroleum production, including well testing and reservoir fluid analysis.)
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John C. Donaldson and Henry H. Ramey, Jr. (This classic textbook delves into reservoir fluid properties and their impact on reservoir performance.)
  • Natural Gas Engineering: Production, Processing, and Transport by James A. Friehauf (While focusing on natural gas, this book provides insights into gas-oil ratios and their implications.)
  • Petroleum Geology by John C. Selley, Arthur J. Matthews, and Charles H. Hartley (This book explores the geological context of oil and gas reservoirs, including the formation and properties of hydrocarbon fluids.)


  • "Solution GOR and Its Impact on Reservoir Production" by J.S. Lee (This article discusses the concept of solution GOR and its influence on oil production.)
  • "A Comprehensive Study of Solution Gas-Oil Ratio in Oil Reservoirs" by R. Kumar (This paper explores the factors affecting solution GOR and its significance for reservoir management.)
  • "The Role of Solution GOR in Well Design and Flow Assurance" by D. W. Smith (This article focuses on the practical implications of solution GOR in well design and production optimization.)
  • "Gas Solubility in Oil and Its Impact on Reservoir Performance" by A. B. Dake (This article examines the relationship between gas solubility and oil reservoir behavior.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE provides a wealth of resources on reservoir engineering, including technical papers, journals, and online courses. You can search for relevant articles by keywords like "Solution GOR", "Reservoir Fluid Properties", or "Gas Solubility".
  • PetroWiki: This online encyclopedia offers definitions, explanations, and technical articles related to the oil and gas industry. You can find information on solution GOR, reservoir fluid properties, and well testing.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger's website includes technical articles and case studies on reservoir engineering, production optimization, and flow assurance. Search for articles using keywords like "Solution GOR", "Reservoir Simulation", or "Production Optimization".

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "Solution GOR", "Reservoir Fluid Properties", "Gas Solubility", "Oil Production", and "Well Design" in your searches.
  • Combine keywords: Combine different keywords to refine your search. For example, search for "Solution GOR and Reservoir Pressure" or "Solution GOR and Production Rates".
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, search for "Solution GOR in Reservoir Engineering" to get more precise results.
  • Include relevant websites: Add or to your search to limit results to specific websites.
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