Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Slippage


Slippage: A Key Concept in Two-Phase Flow in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas, understanding the behavior of fluids is paramount. Especially when dealing with mixtures of oil, gas, and water, the concept of slippage becomes crucial. Slippage refers to the phenomenon where two phases, such as oil and gas, flow in the same direction but at different velocities. This difference in velocities can significantly impact production, transportation, and even safety in oil and gas operations.

Understanding the Basics:

Imagine a pipe filled with both oil and gas. Due to their different densities and viscosities, these two phases will not flow at the same rate. The lighter gas phase, with lower viscosity, will tend to flow faster than the heavier oil phase. This difference in flow velocities is known as slippage.

Factors Influencing Slippage:

Several factors influence the magnitude of slippage in two-phase flow:

  • Density difference: The greater the density difference between the two phases, the higher the slippage.
  • Viscosity difference: A significant viscosity difference between the phases also contributes to higher slippage.
  • Flow rate: Higher flow rates can exacerbate slippage.
  • Pipe size and geometry: The diameter and shape of the pipe can affect the flow patterns and influence slippage.
  • Fluid properties: The properties of the individual fluids, such as compressibility and surface tension, play a role in slippage.

Consequences of Slippage:

Slippage can have various consequences in oil and gas operations:

  • Production: High slippage can lead to inaccurate measurement of individual phase production rates, as the faster-moving phase might not be fully captured.
  • Transportation: Slippage can cause uneven flow distribution in pipelines, potentially leading to pressure drops and inefficient transportation.
  • Safety: In some cases, high slippage can create unstable flow regimes, potentially leading to flow instability and even pipe damage.

Addressing Slippage:

Several strategies can be implemented to mitigate the effects of slippage:

  • Flow modeling: Using sophisticated software to accurately predict and model flow patterns, including slippage, can optimize pipeline design and operation.
  • Flow control devices: Devices like separators, cyclones, and multiphase meters can be employed to separate and control the flow of different phases, minimizing slippage.
  • Flow optimization techniques: Techniques like slug flow management and the use of appropriate flow regimes can help minimize slippage and ensure efficient transportation.


Understanding slippage is essential for efficient and safe operations in the oil and gas industry. By carefully considering the factors influencing slippage and employing appropriate mitigation strategies, we can ensure optimal production, transportation, and overall safety in two-phase flow applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Slippage Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing slippage in two-phase flow?

a) Density difference between phases b) Viscosity difference between phases c) Temperature of the surrounding environment d) Flow rate


c) Temperature of the surrounding environment

2. What is the primary consequence of high slippage in production?

a) Increased pressure drop in pipelines b) Reduced oil production rates c) Increased risk of pipe damage d) Inaccurate measurement of individual phase production rates


d) Inaccurate measurement of individual phase production rates

3. Which of the following is NOT a strategy to address slippage?

a) Using flow control devices b) Optimizing flow regimes c) Increasing the flow rate d) Employing flow modeling software


c) Increasing the flow rate

4. What happens to slippage as the density difference between two phases increases?

a) Slippage decreases b) Slippage remains constant c) Slippage increases d) Slippage becomes unpredictable


c) Slippage increases

5. Which of the following best describes the phenomenon of slippage?

a) The mixing of two phases in a pipeline b) The separation of two phases in a pipeline c) The difference in velocities between two phases flowing in the same direction d) The pressure difference between two phases in a pipeline


c) The difference in velocities between two phases flowing in the same direction

Slippage Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a pipeline transporting oil and natural gas. The pipeline has a diameter of 10 inches and is carrying oil with a density of 800 kg/m³ and gas with a density of 1 kg/m³. You notice that the gas phase is flowing significantly faster than the oil phase, leading to inaccurate production measurements.

Task: Suggest two practical measures to address the slippage issue and explain how each measure would mitigate the problem.

Exercice Correction

Here are two practical measures to address the slippage issue:

  1. **Install a separator:** A separator can be installed along the pipeline to physically separate the gas and oil phases. This will allow for more accurate measurement of individual phase production rates, as the faster-moving gas phase will be collected separately.
  2. **Adjust the flow rate:** By reducing the overall flow rate in the pipeline, the velocity difference between the gas and oil phases can be decreased. This can lead to a reduction in slippage and more accurate production measurements.

These measures would mitigate the problem by addressing the root cause of slippage, which is the difference in flow velocities between the two phases. Separating the phases eliminates the problem of inaccurate measurements, while reducing the flow rate reduces the velocity difference and thus reduces slippage.


  • Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow by G.F. Hewitt, G.L. Shires, and T.R. Bott (This classic text provides an in-depth understanding of multiphase flow phenomena, including slippage.)
  • Multiphase Flow in Pipes by D.L. Katz, et al. (Covers the fundamentals of multiphase flow in pipelines, including the effects of slippage.)
  • Multiphase Flow Handbook by A.E. Dukler, et al. (Provides comprehensive coverage of multiphase flow, including slippage in various flow regimes.)


  • "Slippage in Two-Phase Flow: A Review" by S.K. Bhattacharjee (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 2000) (A review article focusing on the different aspects of slippage and its impact on production and transportation.)
  • "Prediction of Two-Phase Flow Patterns and Slippage in Horizontal Pipelines" by S.L. Sarma and A.K. Mohanty (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2011) (A study on predicting slippage in horizontal pipelines based on flow patterns and various factors.)
  • "Influence of Slippage on Multiphase Flow Metering in Oil and Gas Pipelines" by M.R. Islam and A.K. Datta (Measurement Science and Technology, 2007) (Focuses on the impact of slippage on multiphase flow metering, which is crucial for accurate production measurement.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Explore their publications, technical papers, and conferences to find a wide range of research on multiphase flow and slippage.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This publication offers articles and news covering various aspects of the industry, including multiphase flow and its challenges.
  • Schlumberger: This major oilfield services company offers resources and publications on multiphase flow and related technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "slippage" with "two-phase flow," "oil and gas," "pipeline," "production," and "transportation."
  • Use Boolean operators: "slippage AND two-phase flow" to refine your search.
  • Explore academic databases: Utilize databases like Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science to find relevant research articles.
  • Target specific journals: Search for articles in journals like SPE Journal, Journal of Petroleum Technology, and Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
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