Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Sigma values (fracturing)

Sigma values (fracturing)

Understanding Sigma Values in Fracturing: A Look at Hsiao's Work

In the realm of hydraulic fracturing, understanding the stresses acting on the wellbore and the surrounding rock is crucial for successful fracture propagation and maximizing well productivity. One critical concept in this context is the "Sigma" value, a term that represents the effective stress acting on the rock at various points around the wellbore. This article explores the concept of Sigma values, drawing insights from the seminal work of Hsiao (SPE 16927) to elucidate their importance in fracture design.

Sigma Values: A Breakdown

Hsiao's work introduces three key Sigma values:

  • σ'r: Radial effective stress, representing the stress acting perpendicularly to the wellbore wall.
  • σ'θ: Circumferential effective stress, representing the stress acting tangentially along the wellbore wall.
  • σ'z: Vertical effective stress, representing the stress acting vertically along the wellbore axis.

The Significance of Sigma Values in Fracturing

The interplay of these Sigma values directly impacts fracture initiation, growth, and direction. Here's how:

  • Fracture Initiation: The difference between the minimum horizontal stress (σhmin) and the effective stress at the wellbore (σ'r) determines the pressure required to initiate a fracture. Higher σ'r values translate to higher required fracturing pressures.
  • Fracture Growth: The magnitude of the Sigma values influences fracture geometry and propagation. Higher σ'θ values promote wider fracture widths, while higher σ'z values favor vertical fracture growth.
  • Fracture Direction: The relative magnitudes of σ'hmin, σ'hmax (maximum horizontal stress), and σ'z influence the fracture azimuth (direction) and its tendency to turn towards a vertical or horizontal plane.

Hsiao's Model and its Applications

Hsiao developed a mathematical model to predict the Sigma values around the wellbore, considering factors like:

  • Formation Stress Anisotropy: The difference between the horizontal stresses (σhmin, σhmax) influences the Sigma values and fracture growth.
  • Borehole Diameter and Depth: These factors directly impact the stress distribution around the wellbore.
  • Fluid Pressure: The pressure exerted by the fracturing fluid influences the effective stresses acting on the rock.

Hsiao's model offers valuable insights for:

  • Fracture Design Optimization: By analyzing the Sigma values, engineers can predict fracture geometry and optimize the injection strategy to maximize fracture growth and well productivity.
  • Understanding Fracture Complexity: The model helps predict fracture branching, turning, and interaction with pre-existing fractures, leading to more realistic and informed fracture simulations.


Understanding the Sigma values and their influence on fracturing is critical for successful well stimulation and reservoir development. Hsiao's model provides a foundational framework for analyzing the complex stress interactions around the wellbore, enabling engineers to make informed decisions regarding fracture design and optimize well performance. As the field of hydraulic fracturing continues to evolve, understanding these fundamental concepts remains crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of this important technology.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Sigma Values in Fracturing

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following Sigma values represents the stress acting perpendicularly to the wellbore wall? a) σ'r b) σ'θ c) σ'z

Answera) σ'r

2. What is the primary factor that determines the pressure required to initiate a fracture? a) The difference between the minimum horizontal stress (σhmin) and the effective stress at the wellbore (σ'r). b) The magnitude of the circumferential effective stress (σ'θ). c) The vertical effective stress (σ'z).

Answera) The difference between the minimum horizontal stress (σhmin) and the effective stress at the wellbore (σ'r).

3. How do higher σ'θ values influence fracture geometry? a) They promote wider fracture widths. b) They favor vertical fracture growth. c) They cause the fracture to turn towards a horizontal plane.

Answera) They promote wider fracture widths.

4. Which factor is NOT considered in Hsiao's model for predicting Sigma values around the wellbore? a) Formation stress anisotropy b) Borehole diameter and depth c) Wellbore fluid temperature

Answerc) Wellbore fluid temperature

5. Hsiao's model can be used to predict all of the following EXCEPT: a) Fracture geometry b) Fracture branching and turning c) Reservoir pressure depletion

Answerc) Reservoir pressure depletion

Exercise: Fracture Design Optimization

Scenario: You are designing a hydraulic fracturing treatment in a shale formation with the following parameters:

  • Minimum horizontal stress (σhmin): 3000 psi
  • Maximum horizontal stress (σhmax): 3500 psi
  • Vertical stress (σv): 4000 psi
  • Borehole diameter: 12 inches


  1. Using Hsiao's model, determine the approximate values of σ'r, σ'θ, and σ'z at the wellbore.
  2. Based on these values, what is the expected fracture azimuth (direction)?
  3. Explain how these values could influence the fracturing treatment design, including potential adjustments to the injection strategy.

Exercice Correction

This exercise requires a detailed calculation using Hsiao's model. Here's a simplified approach for the analysis:

1. Sigma values:

  • Hsiao's model involves complex equations, and the exact values will depend on the specific stress distribution in the formation. However, we can make some general observations:
    • σ'r will be influenced by the difference between σhmin and σv, likely resulting in a higher value than σhmin.
    • σ'θ will be higher than σ'r due to the confinement effect of the wellbore.
    • σ'z will be influenced by the vertical stress (σv) and the wellbore diameter.

2. Fracture Azimuth:

  • Since σhmax > σhmin, the fracture is expected to propagate in a direction close to the maximum horizontal stress (σhmax) direction. However, the exact azimuth can be influenced by the interplay of all three Sigma values. If σ'z is significantly higher than σhmax, the fracture might turn towards a vertical plane.

3. Influence on Fracturing Treatment Design:

  • Injection Strategy: Knowing the Sigma values can inform the design of the injection strategy. For example:
    • If the fracture is expected to be wide (higher σ'θ), a higher injection volume might be required.
    • If the fracture is expected to turn towards a vertical plane (higher σ'z), the injection rate and proppant concentration might need to be adjusted to control vertical growth.
  • Wellbore Integrity: The Sigma values can be used to assess the potential for wellbore instability during the fracturing treatment.


This exercise demonstrates the importance of understanding the Sigma values in designing a successful fracturing treatment. By using Hsiao's model and accounting for the influence of these stresses, engineers can optimize the injection strategy and maximize well productivity.


  • "Fractured Reservoirs" by John A. Warpinski: Provides a comprehensive overview of hydraulic fracturing, including detailed explanations of stress fields, fracture mechanics, and the role of Sigma values.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Jerry J. S. Lee: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including a dedicated section on hydraulic fracturing and stress analysis, where Sigma values are discussed.
  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: Concepts and Applications" by Michael J. Economides and Kamal A. S. Sayarpour: A detailed book focused on the theory and practice of hydraulic fracturing, providing insights into fracture mechanics, stress analysis, and the importance of Sigma values in fracture design.


  • "Analysis of Stresses Around a Wellbore" by Hsiao (SPE 16927): The seminal work by Hsiao, providing the foundation for understanding Sigma values and their influence on fracture initiation and growth. This article is a must-read for anyone interested in the concept.
  • "The Effects of Stress Anisotropy on Hydraulic Fracture Geometry" by Warpinski et al. (SPE 13287): This article delves deeper into the impact of stress anisotropy on Sigma values and how they affect fracture behavior.
  • "Fracture Propagation in Anisotropic Rocks" by Jeffrey R. Rutledge and Michael J. Economides: A comprehensive analysis of fracture propagation in anisotropic rock formations, highlighting the significance of stress anisotropy and Sigma values in predicting fracture geometry.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: A valuable resource for research papers, technical presentations, and other publications related to hydraulic fracturing and Sigma values. You can search their database using keywords like "Sigma values," "fracturing," and "stress analysis."
  • OnePetro: A comprehensive online database for petroleum engineering resources, including articles, technical papers, and case studies related to hydraulic fracturing and Sigma values.
  • Google Scholar: A powerful tool for searching for academic research papers and publications related to Sigma values and hydraulic fracturing.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching for "Sigma values," refine your search by using specific keywords like "Sigma values fracturing," "Sigma values stress analysis," or "Hsiao Sigma values."
  • Combine keywords: Combine keywords to narrow down your search, such as "Sigma values AND hydraulic fracturing."
  • Use advanced search operators: Use quotation marks to search for specific phrases (e.g., "Sigma values" in fracturing) or the minus sign (-) to exclude specific words from your search.
  • Filter your results: Google Scholar allows you to filter your search results by publication date, author, and publication type.
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