Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Shut-in Casing Pressure

Shut-in Casing Pressure

Understanding Shut-in Casing Pressure in Oil & Gas Operations

In the world of oil and gas production, understanding the pressures involved is critical for safe and efficient operations. One such pressure measurement, particularly important during well workovers, is the Shut-in Casing Pressure (SICP).

What is Shut-in Casing Pressure?

Shut-in Casing Pressure, as the name suggests, is the pressure measured in the annulus of a well when the well is completely shut-in. This means all production valves are closed, and no fluids are flowing in or out of the wellbore. This pressure reading provides valuable insights into the well's condition and can be used to diagnose potential problems.

Why is SICP Important?

SICP plays a crucial role in several aspects of oil and gas operations:

  • Well Integrity Assessment: A steady SICP indicates a well's integrity is sound and the annulus is effectively isolated from the formation. Fluctuations or sudden drops in SICP can signal potential issues like casing leaks, tubing leaks, or formation communication.
  • Reservoir Analysis: SICP can be used to assess reservoir pressure and fluid characteristics. The rate at which SICP builds up can reveal the reservoir's productivity and the presence of gas or water influx.
  • Workover Planning: SICP is essential in planning well workovers, especially those involving stimulation treatments or well interventions. Understanding the pressure in the annulus allows for safe and effective operations, preventing potential risks associated with uncontrolled pressure.
  • Production Optimization: In some cases, SICP can be used to optimize production by adjusting wellhead pressure based on reservoir characteristics.

How is SICP Measured?

SICP is typically measured using a pressure gauge installed on the casing head. The gauge is typically located above the annulus pressure monitoring point. The measurement is taken after the well has been shut-in for a predetermined period, allowing the pressure to stabilize.

Factors Affecting SICP:

Several factors can influence the SICP reading, including:

  • Reservoir pressure: Higher reservoir pressure generally results in higher SICP.
  • Fluid properties: The density and compressibility of the fluids in the formation can affect SICP.
  • Wellbore geometry: Wellbore depth, casing size, and annulus volume can influence pressure build-up.
  • Production history: Previous production activities can influence SICP readings.


Shut-in Casing Pressure is a vital parameter in oil and gas operations, providing valuable information about well integrity, reservoir characteristics, and production potential. By monitoring and understanding SICP, operators can ensure safe and efficient well operations, optimize production, and address potential problems proactively.

Test Your Knowledge

Shut-in Casing Pressure Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does SICP stand for? a) Shut-in Casing Production b) Shut-in Completion Pressure c) Shut-in Casing Pressure d) Surface Casing Pressure


c) Shut-in Casing Pressure

2. Where is SICP measured? a) Inside the tubing b) Inside the casing c) In the annulus between the casing and tubing d) At the wellhead


c) In the annulus between the casing and tubing

3. What is the primary reason for measuring SICP? a) To determine the flow rate of the well b) To assess the well's integrity and potential problems c) To calculate the reservoir's total volume d) To predict future production


b) To assess the well's integrity and potential problems

4. Which of the following factors DOES NOT affect SICP? a) Reservoir pressure b) Fluid viscosity c) Wellbore depth d) Atmospheric pressure


d) Atmospheric pressure

5. A sudden drop in SICP could indicate: a) Increased production b) Reservoir depletion c) Casing leak or tubing leak d) Both b and c


d) Both b and c

Shut-in Casing Pressure Exercise:


A well is shut-in for a routine pressure check. The SICP is measured at 2500 psi. After 24 hours, the SICP is re-measured and found to be 2400 psi.


Analyze the situation and explain the possible reasons for the decrease in SICP. Consider the factors that might have contributed to the change in pressure.

Exercise Correction

The decrease in SICP from 2500 psi to 2400 psi over 24 hours suggests a potential problem with the well's integrity. Here are some possible reasons:

  • Minor leak: A small leak in the casing or tubing could be releasing pressure from the annulus. This could be caused by corrosion, wear and tear, or a faulty connection.
  • Reservoir pressure depletion: If the reservoir pressure is declining due to production or natural processes, the SICP would reflect this decrease over time. This is more likely if the well is producing at a significant rate.
  • Fluid influx: If there is a communication between the formation and the annulus, fluid could be flowing into the annulus, leading to a decrease in pressure over time.
  • Changes in temperature: Temperature fluctuations can affect the pressure in the annulus. A decrease in temperature could result in a slight decrease in pressure.

Further investigation is required to determine the exact cause of the pressure decline. Monitoring the SICP over time, running pressure tests, and inspecting the well for potential leaks will provide more information to diagnose the issue.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by Adams, J.A. and S.B. Garg: A comprehensive textbook that covers well completion practices including SICP analysis.
  • "Petroleum Production Systems" by M.B. Donaldson, W.J. Lee, and J.A. Dykstra: This book delves into the intricacies of oil and gas production, including well monitoring and pressure management, which often involve SICP analysis.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: A detailed resource covering reservoir characterization and well testing, providing insights into how SICP relates to reservoir pressure and fluid properties.


  • "Shut-in Casing Pressure - A Valuable Diagnostic Tool" by M.T. Smith, published in the Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT): Focuses on practical applications of SICP in well diagnostics and troubleshooting.
  • "Analyzing Shut-in Casing Pressure for Well Integrity Assessment" by S.P. Jones, published in the SPE Journal: Explores the use of SICP in evaluating wellbore integrity and identifying potential issues.
  • "Impact of Wellbore Geometry on Shut-in Casing Pressure" by R.K. Sharma, published in the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology: Investigates the relationship between wellbore design and SICP readings.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: The SPE website offers a vast repository of technical papers, conferences, and publications covering various aspects of oil and gas production, including well engineering and SICP.
  • "Shut-in Casing Pressure" article on Wikipedia: Provides a concise overview of SICP, its applications, and factors influencing its measurement.
  • "Wellbore Integrity" section on the Schlumberger website: Provides information on wellbore integrity assessment techniques, including SICP monitoring.
  • "Understanding Shut-in Casing Pressure (SICP)" article on the PetroWiki website: Offers a detailed explanation of SICP, its measurement, interpretation, and significance in well operations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "shut-in casing pressure," "SICP," "well integrity," "reservoir pressure," and "well testing."
  • Refine your search with operators: Utilize operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to narrow down your search results. For example, "shut-in casing pressure AND well integrity AND reservoir pressure."
  • Utilize advanced search features: Utilize advanced search features like "site:" to restrict your search to specific websites like SPE or Schlumberger.
  • Search for specific file types: Use the "filetype:" operator to find specific file types, such as PDF, DOC, or PPT. For example, "shut-in casing pressure filetype:pdf."
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