Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Shunt Tube

Shunt Tube

Shunt Tube: A Lifeline for Gravel Packing Operations

Shunt Tube is a crucial piece of equipment used in oil and gas operations, specifically during the gravel packing process. It serves as an alternate path for the gravel packing slurry, enabling the process to continue even when encountering a bridge-out in the wellbore.

What is Gravel Packing?

Gravel packing is a well completion technique where a layer of gravel is placed around the production casing in a well to prevent sand production and maintain wellbore stability. This gravel layer enhances the productivity of the well by improving the flow of oil and gas.

The Challenge of Bridge-Outs

During the gravel packing process, a bridge-out can occur, where the gravel packing slurry becomes stuck in the wellbore, forming a blockage. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as debris, uneven wellbore diameter, or improper slurry viscosity.

The Shunt Tube Solution

A shunt tube is a specialized tubing system designed to bypass the blockage. It is typically made of high-strength steel or other durable materials and inserted into the wellbore alongside the production casing.

Here's how it works:

  1. Installation: The shunt tube is installed prior to the gravel packing process, positioned strategically near the anticipated bridge-out zone.
  2. Bridge-Out Occurs: If a bridge-out occurs, the slurry is redirected through the shunt tube, bypassing the blockage.
  3. Continued Gravel Packing: The shunt tube allows the gravel packing process to continue uninterrupted, minimizing downtime and ensuring a successful completion.

Benefits of Shunt Tubes

  • Reduced Downtime: Prevents delays and expensive rework associated with bridge-outs.
  • Enhanced Gravel Packing Success: Ensures a complete and effective gravel pack, improving well productivity.
  • Cost Savings: Minimizes operational costs by reducing the need for remedial work.
  • Increased Wellbore Integrity: Maintains the integrity of the wellbore by preventing damage from repeated attempts to clear the bridge-out.


Shunt tubes are essential tools in modern oil and gas well completion practices, offering a reliable solution to the challenges posed by bridge-outs during gravel packing. By providing an alternative path for the slurry, they ensure efficient and successful gravel packing operations, maximizing well productivity and minimizing downtime.

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