Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Shear Rate

Shear Rate

Shear Rate: A Crucial Factor in Oil & Gas Viscosity Measurements

In the oil and gas industry, understanding the flow behavior of fluids is critical. This knowledge influences everything from pipeline design to drilling efficiency. One key parameter that defines this behavior is shear rate, which measures the rate at which a fluid is deformed under stress.

Understanding Shear Rate:

Imagine two parallel plates, one stationary and the other moving at a constant velocity. A fluid is sandwiched between these plates. As the moving plate exerts a force on the fluid, it causes the fluid layers to slide past each other, resulting in a shear stress. The shear rate is defined as the rate of change of this velocity gradient, effectively measuring how quickly the fluid is being deformed.

Significance in Oil & Gas:

Shear rate plays a crucial role in determining the viscosity of oil and gas fluids. Viscosity, a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow, is not always constant and can vary significantly depending on the applied shear rate.

  • Non-Newtonian Fluids: Many oil and gas fluids exhibit non-Newtonian behavior, meaning their viscosity changes with shear rate. For example, drilling muds become thinner (less viscous) at higher shear rates, allowing them to flow more easily through drill pipes.
  • Viscosity Measurement: The shear rate applied during viscosity measurement is a critical factor in obtaining accurate results. Different instruments and methods apply different shear rates, so understanding the specific conditions is crucial for comparing viscosity data.

Measuring Shear Rate:

Shear rate can be measured using various techniques, including:

  • Rotational Rheometers: These instruments use rotating geometries, like concentric cylinders or cones, to apply controlled shear stress and measure the resulting shear rate.
  • Capillary Viscometers: In this method, the fluid flows through a narrow tube, and the shear rate is calculated based on the flow rate and tube dimensions.

Impact on Oil & Gas Operations:

Understanding shear rate and its impact on viscosity is critical for various oil & gas operations:

  • Drilling: Correctly managing mud viscosity at different shear rates ensures optimal drilling performance and reduces the risk of borehole instability.
  • Production: Knowing how crude oil viscosity changes with shear rate is vital for designing pipelines and optimizing production rates.
  • Transportation: Understanding the flow behavior of crude oil and natural gas at various shear rates enables efficient transportation through pipelines.


Shear rate is a fundamental concept in oil and gas engineering, directly influencing fluid viscosity and flow behavior. By understanding the relationship between shear rate and viscosity, engineers can optimize various operations, from drilling to transportation, ensuring efficient and safe production and processing of oil and gas resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Shear Rate Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is shear rate?

a) The rate at which a fluid flows through a pipe.


Incorrect. Shear rate measures the deformation of a fluid under stress, not its flow rate through a pipe.

b) The force applied to a fluid.


Incorrect. Shear rate is the rate of change of the velocity gradient, not the force itself.

c) The rate of change of the velocity gradient within a fluid.


Correct. Shear rate measures how quickly the fluid is being deformed under stress.

d) The resistance of a fluid to flow.


Incorrect. That describes viscosity, not shear rate.

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a non-Newtonian fluid?

a) Drilling mud


Incorrect. Drilling muds exhibit shear-thinning behavior, becoming less viscous at higher shear rates.

b) Water


Correct. Water is a Newtonian fluid, meaning its viscosity remains constant regardless of shear rate.

c) Crude oil


Incorrect. Crude oil can exhibit non-Newtonian behavior, with viscosity changing based on shear rate.

d) Polymer solutions


Incorrect. Polymer solutions often exhibit non-Newtonian behavior, with viscosity changing based on shear rate.

3. Why is shear rate important for viscosity measurements?

a) It determines the type of viscometer used.


Incorrect. While different viscometers apply different shear rates, shear rate is a factor in the measurement itself, not the choice of instrument.

b) It influences the viscosity of the fluid being measured.


Correct. Non-Newtonian fluids exhibit varying viscosity based on the shear rate applied, so it's crucial for accurate measurement.

c) It allows for the calculation of the fluid's density.


Incorrect. Shear rate is not related to density.

d) It determines the flow rate of the fluid.


Incorrect. Shear rate is related to the deformation of the fluid, not its flow rate.

4. Which of the following techniques is commonly used to measure shear rate?

a) Thermometer


Incorrect. Thermometers measure temperature, not shear rate.

b) Rotational Rheometer


Correct. Rotational rheometers use controlled shear stress and measure the resulting shear rate.

c) Pressure Gauge


Incorrect. Pressure gauges measure pressure, not shear rate.

d) Flow Meter


Incorrect. Flow meters measure flow rate, not shear rate.

5. How does understanding shear rate impact oil & gas operations?

a) It helps predict the lifespan of oil wells.


Incorrect. While shear rate plays a role in flow behavior, it doesn't directly predict well lifespan.

b) It aids in designing efficient pipelines and optimizing production rates.


Correct. Knowing how viscosity changes with shear rate allows for better pipeline design and production optimization.

c) It determines the best drilling location.


Incorrect. While drilling mud behavior is important, shear rate doesn't determine drilling locations.

d) It helps identify the type of oil extracted.


Incorrect. Shear rate is related to flow behavior, not the type of oil.

Shear Rate Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a drilling project and need to choose the right drilling mud for optimal performance. The drilling mud you are considering exhibits shear-thinning behavior. Explain how this property affects your choice of drilling mud and what considerations are important.

Exercise Correction

A shear-thinning drilling mud will become less viscous (thinner) at higher shear rates. This property is beneficial for drilling operations because:

  • **Improved Circulation:** The mud will flow more easily through the drill pipe at higher shear rates, ensuring good circulation and removal of cuttings.
  • **Reduced Friction:** The lower viscosity at higher shear rates reduces friction between the mud and the borehole wall, minimizing energy loss and improving drilling efficiency.
  • **Stability:** The mud's rheological properties can help maintain borehole stability, preventing collapse or caving.

However, considerations for choosing a shear-thinning mud include:

  • **Shear Rate Range:** The mud's shear-thinning behavior should be appropriate for the specific drilling conditions, ensuring optimal viscosity at the relevant shear rates.
  • **Mud Weight:** Maintaining the correct mud weight is crucial for borehole stability and well control.
  • **Additives:** Adding appropriate additives can tailor the mud's rheological properties to meet specific drilling requirements.
  • **Monitoring:** Regularly monitoring the mud's properties is essential to ensure its effectiveness and adjust as needed.

By understanding the effects of shear-thinning behavior and carefully considering these factors, you can choose the best drilling mud for optimal performance in your project.


  • "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics" by Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard: Provides a comprehensive overview of fluid mechanics, including shear rate and its significance.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by Adam, J. and others: Covers the role of shear rate in drilling fluids and well completion operations.
  • "Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production" by Speight, J.G.: Contains chapters dedicated to fluid mechanics and viscosity, with relevant discussions on shear rate.


  • "Rheological Properties of Drilling Fluids" by J.F. Steiger: Discusses the importance of shear rate in drilling fluid design and performance.
  • "Shear Rate Effects on Crude Oil Viscosity" by M.R. Kamal: Investigates the relationship between shear rate and crude oil viscosity.
  • "Viscosity of Crude Oils and Bitumen" by M.R. Kamal: Delves deeper into the complex viscosity behavior of crude oils and bitumen at various shear rates.

Online Resources

  • "Shear Rate" article on Wikipedia: Provides a basic introduction to shear rate and its applications.
  • "Viscosity Measurement Techniques" on the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) website: Offers detailed information on different viscosity measurement techniques and their respective shear rates.
  • "Rheology and Viscosity" on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) website: Explains the fundamental principles of rheology and viscosity, including the impact of shear rate.

Search Tips

  • "Shear rate and oil viscosity": This search query will yield relevant articles and research papers on the topic.
  • "Rheology of drilling fluids": This search will provide information on the rheological properties of drilling fluids, including their response to shear rate.
  • "Viscosity measurement techniques for oil and gas": This query will lead you to resources describing different viscosity measurement methods and their associated shear rates.
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