Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: SDR


SDR in Oil & Gas: Understanding the Size Diameter Ratio for Plastic Liner Pipe

In the oil and gas industry, where every component must withstand high pressure and demanding conditions, SDR (Size Diameter Ratio) is a crucial parameter for evaluating the strength and integrity of plastic liner pipe. This article delves into the concept of SDR, its importance, and its applications in the context of plastic liner pipe.

What is SDR?

SDR, or Size Diameter Ratio, is a dimensionless number that expresses the ratio of the outside diameter (OD) of a pipe to its wall thickness (WT).


Why is SDR Important?

SDR is a critical factor in determining the pressure rating and structural integrity of plastic liner pipe. A higher SDR value indicates a thinner pipe wall, leading to lower pressure capacity. Conversely, a lower SDR value means a thicker wall, resulting in greater pressure resistance.

SDR in Plastic Liner Pipe

Plastic liner pipe, commonly used in oil and gas pipelines for its corrosion resistance and ease of installation, relies heavily on SDR for determining its performance. The SDR value helps engineers and contractors select the appropriate pipe for specific applications and pressure requirements.

Understanding SDR Values

Here's a breakdown of common SDR values used in plastic liner pipe and their implications:

  • Low SDR (e.g., SDR 9): These pipes have a thick wall, offering high pressure resistance and strength. They are suitable for demanding applications like high-pressure gas pipelines and oil transportation.
  • Medium SDR (e.g., SDR 11): These pipes offer a balance between strength and flexibility. They are commonly used in low-pressure gas pipelines and water distribution systems.
  • High SDR (e.g., SDR 17): These pipes have a thin wall, making them lightweight and easy to install. They are typically used for low-pressure applications like irrigation systems and drainage lines.

Choosing the Right SDR

Selecting the appropriate SDR for a specific project requires careful consideration of various factors:

  • Operating pressure: The pressure the pipe will be subjected to determines the required wall thickness and, subsequently, the SDR.
  • Fluid type: Different fluids have varying properties, impacting the pressure and stress on the pipe.
  • Environmental conditions: Extreme temperatures and corrosive environments can affect pipe performance, requiring careful SDR selection.
  • Installation methods: Different installation techniques, such as trenching or horizontal directional drilling, necessitate specific SDR values.


SDR plays a fundamental role in the design, selection, and performance of plastic liner pipe in the oil and gas industry. Understanding the relationship between SDR, wall thickness, and pressure capacity is crucial for ensuring the safe and reliable operation of pipelines. By carefully considering the factors discussed above, engineers and contractors can choose the appropriate SDR for their specific project requirements, guaranteeing a robust and durable pipeline system.

Test Your Knowledge

SDR in Oil & Gas: Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does SDR stand for? a) Size Diameter Ratio b) Standard Diameter Rating c) Structural Design Rating d) Strength Diameter Ratio


a) Size Diameter Ratio

2. How is SDR calculated? a) SDR = WT / OD b) SDR = OD x WT c) SDR = OD / WT d) SDR = WT + OD


c) SDR = OD / WT

3. A higher SDR value indicates: a) Thicker pipe wall b) Higher pressure capacity c) Thinner pipe wall d) Lower operating temperature


c) Thinner pipe wall

4. Which of the following is NOT a factor to consider when selecting the appropriate SDR for a project? a) Operating pressure b) Fluid type c) Pipe material d) Installation methods


c) Pipe material

5. Which SDR value is typically used for high-pressure gas pipelines? a) SDR 17 b) SDR 11 c) SDR 9 d) SDR 26


c) SDR 9

SDR in Oil & Gas: Exercise

Task: You are tasked with selecting the appropriate SDR for a new pipeline transporting natural gas. The operating pressure is 1000 psi, the environment is a desert with extreme temperatures, and the installation method is trenching.


  1. Explain why SDR is important for this specific application.
  2. Based on the provided information, propose an appropriate SDR range for the pipeline.
  3. Justify your choice by considering the factors discussed in the article.

Exercice Correction

1. **Importance of SDR:** SDR is crucial for this application due to the high operating pressure and extreme environmental conditions. A suitable SDR will ensure the pipeline can withstand the pressure, maintain integrity against temperature fluctuations, and prevent leaks or failures. 2. **Appropriate SDR Range:** Considering the high pressure of 1000 psi and the harsh environment, an SDR range of 9 to 11 would be appropriate for this pipeline. 3. **Justification:** * **Operating pressure:** SDR 9 offers a thick wall for high-pressure resistance. * **Environment:** The extreme temperatures might require additional consideration for the material's temperature resistance, but SDR 9 to 11 should offer sufficient strength. * **Installation:** Trenching is a standard method, and the chosen SDR range should be compatible with this installation technique.


  • "Pipeline Design and Construction: A Practical Guide" by M.J. Mesloh: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of pipeline design, including materials selection and SDR considerations.
  • "Plastic Pipes for Water Supply and Drainage: Design, Installation, and Applications" by R.P. Singh: This book focuses on plastic pipes, including information on SDR and its importance in different applications.
  • "The Pipe Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Pipe and Piping Systems" by D.H. White: This handbook offers a detailed overview of pipe materials, standards, and design principles, including sections on SDR.


  • "Understanding SDR: A Guide to Plastic Liner Pipe Selection" by [Author Name] (if applicable): A specific article focused on SDR in the context of plastic liner pipe for oil and gas applications would be valuable.
  • "The Role of SDR in Ensuring Pipeline Integrity" by [Author Name] (if applicable): This article could explore the relationship between SDR and pipeline safety, highlighting its importance for preventing failures.
  • "Choosing the Right SDR for Your Oil and Gas Pipeline Project" by [Author Name] (if applicable): An article discussing the factors to consider when selecting the appropriate SDR for various oil and gas pipeline scenarios.

Online Resources

  • The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Website: ASTM develops and publishes standards for various materials, including plastic pipes. Their website offers access to relevant standards related to SDR and plastic liner pipe.
  • The Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI): PPI is a trade association that promotes the use of plastic pipe. Their website provides resources and technical information on plastic pipe, including SDR values and application guidelines.
  • The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE): SPE is a professional organization dedicated to advancing the science and engineering of plastics. Their website offers access to research papers and technical publications related to plastic pipe properties.

Search Tips

  • "SDR plastic liner pipe oil and gas": This search will yield relevant articles, technical documents, and manufacturer information related to SDR and plastic liner pipe in the oil and gas industry.
  • "ASTM SDR plastic pipe standards": This search will help you find specific ASTM standards relevant to SDR and plastic pipe.
  • "SDR calculation plastic pipe": This search will provide resources on how to calculate the SDR of a plastic pipe and interpret its value.
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