Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Scale Inhibition Squeeze

Scale Inhibition Squeeze

Scale Inhibition Squeeze: A Powerful Tool for Preventing Formation Damage in Oil & Gas Production


Scale formation is a common issue in oil and gas production, leading to decreased production rates, increased operating costs, and even premature well abandonment. This problem arises when dissolved minerals in the produced water precipitate out and form hard, mineral deposits on the surfaces of production equipment, pipelines, and reservoir formations. To combat this issue, a technique called Scale Inhibition Squeeze (SIS) has proven highly effective.

The SIS Process:

SIS involves the strategic placement of a scale inhibitor chemical directly into the formation, effectively targeting the root cause of scaling. This process generally involves the following steps:

  1. Well Preparation: The production well is typically shut-in and prepared for the squeeze operation. This may involve cleaning and flushing the wellbore to ensure optimal conditions for the inhibitor injection.

  2. Inhibitor Selection: The selection of the scale inhibitor is crucial and depends on the specific mineral composition of the formation water and the desired treatment strategy. Common scale inhibitors target calcium carbonate (CaCO3), barium sulfate (BaSO4), and strontium sulfate (SrSO4).

  3. Injection Process: The chosen scale inhibitor is typically dissolved in a compatible fluid and injected into the formation under pressure. The injection process can be performed through different methods, including:

    • Conventional Squeeze: The inhibitor is injected into the formation and allowed to soak for a specified time before production is resumed.
    • Diverted Squeeze: This technique allows for more precise targeting of the inhibitor into specific zones within the formation.
    • Matrix Acidizing: This method combines acid stimulation with scale inhibition to remove existing scale and prevent future scaling.
  4. Post-Squeeze Evaluation: After the SIS operation, the well is monitored closely to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Production parameters such as flow rate and water cut are closely monitored, and the concentration of scale inhibitors in produced fluids is measured to assess the treatment's efficacy.

Mechanism of Scale Inhibition:

Scale inhibitors work by various mechanisms, which can include:

  • Absorption: The inhibitor molecules are adsorbed onto the surfaces of the forming scale crystals, preventing further growth and aggregation.
  • Adsorption: The inhibitor molecules bind to the mineral surfaces within the formation, creating a protective barrier that inhibits scale formation.
  • Precipitation: The inhibitor reacts with the dissolved minerals, causing the formation of a soluble complex that prevents precipitation and scale formation.

Benefits of SIS:

  • Improved Production Rates: By preventing scale formation, SIS can increase oil and gas production rates by ensuring unobstructed flow through production equipment and formations.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: Reduced scaling minimizes the need for costly maintenance and well workovers, leading to significant cost savings.
  • Extended Well Life: Preventing formation damage extends the productive life of wells, maximizing economic returns.
  • Environmental Benefits: Reduced scaling can minimize the need for chemical treatments to remove scale, leading to a more environmentally friendly production process.


Scale Inhibition Squeeze is a proven and effective technique for combating scale formation in oil and gas production. By strategically placing scale inhibitors directly into the formation, SIS offers significant advantages in terms of improved production, reduced costs, and extended well life. Proper inhibitor selection, well preparation, and post-treatment monitoring are essential for achieving optimal results and maximizing the benefits of this valuable technology.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Scale Inhibition Squeeze

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a common scale inhibitor target mineral?

a) Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) b) Barium sulfate (BaSO4) c) Sodium chloride (NaCl) d) Strontium sulfate (SrSO4)


c) Sodium chloride (NaCl)

2. What is the primary purpose of the Scale Inhibition Squeeze (SIS) technique?

a) To increase well pressure b) To remove existing scale deposits c) To stimulate the formation for increased oil production d) To prevent the formation of scale deposits


d) To prevent the formation of scale deposits

3. Which of the following is NOT a method of SIS injection?

a) Conventional Squeeze b) Diverted Squeeze c) Matrix Acidizing d) Hydraulic Fracturing


d) Hydraulic Fracturing

4. How do scale inhibitors work?

a) By dissolving the scale deposits b) By increasing the pressure in the formation c) By preventing the growth and aggregation of scale crystals d) By stimulating the production of oil and gas


c) By preventing the growth and aggregation of scale crystals

5. What is a key benefit of using SIS?

a) Reduced production rates b) Increased well workovers c) Extended well life d) Increased environmental impact


c) Extended well life



A production well is experiencing a decrease in production rate due to scale formation. You are tasked with designing a Scale Inhibition Squeeze treatment plan for this well.


  1. Identify the scale type: Analyze the formation water composition to determine the dominant scale-forming mineral (e.g., CaCO3, BaSO4, SrSO4).
  2. Select the appropriate scale inhibitor: Research and select a scale inhibitor specifically designed to target the identified scale mineral.
  3. Design the injection strategy: Choose an appropriate injection method (conventional squeeze, diverted squeeze, or matrix acidizing) based on the well characteristics and desired treatment objectives.
  4. Define the monitoring plan: Outline the post-treatment monitoring steps (production parameters, inhibitor concentration) to assess the effectiveness of the SIS treatment.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

The correction to the exercise will depend on the specific information you provide regarding the formation water composition, well characteristics, and desired treatment objectives. For example, if the formation water contains primarily calcium carbonate (CaCO3), you might select a scale inhibitor specifically designed for calcium carbonate inhibition. The injection strategy could involve a conventional squeeze for a simple treatment or a diverted squeeze for more targeted inhibition in a specific zone. The monitoring plan should include measuring production parameters like flow rate, water cut, and inhibitor concentration in produced fluids to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. Remember, this is a simplified example. A real-world SIS treatment plan would require a detailed analysis of various factors and collaboration with experts in the field.


  • "Formation Damage: Mechanisms and Mitigation" by G.V. Chilingar, T.F. Yen, and J.F. Zumberge. This comprehensive book covers various aspects of formation damage, including scale formation and mitigation techniques like SIS.
  • "Oilfield Chemistry: An Introduction to Chemistry in the Oil Industry" by John Buckley. This book provides a good overview of chemical treatments in the oil industry, including scale inhibition.
  • "Production Operations: A Handbook for Oil and Gas Engineers" by M.E. Krauss and H.H. Al-Hussainy. This practical handbook offers detailed information on various production operations, including SIS procedures.


  • "Scale Inhibition Squeeze: A Review" by B.K.G. Theng. This article provides a comprehensive overview of SIS technology, including different types of inhibitors, injection methods, and effectiveness evaluation.
  • "The Use of Squeeze Treatments to Control Scale in Oil and Gas Production" by D.J. Buckley. This article explores the application of SIS in different production scenarios and discusses the benefits and challenges of the technique.
  • "Scale Inhibition Squeeze: Case Studies and Optimization Strategies" by J.D. Lawson and D.W. Webb. This article presents case studies demonstrating the success of SIS in various oil and gas fields, highlighting optimization strategies for different geological and chemical conditions.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: SPE offers a wealth of information on scale inhibition and SIS through its publications, technical papers, and online resources. (
  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger, a major oilfield services company, provides comprehensive information on their SIS services and technologies, including case studies and technical specifications. (
  • Halliburton website: Halliburton, another leading oilfield services company, provides insights on their SIS offerings, including various inhibitor types, application methods, and best practices. (

Search Tips

  • Specific terms: Use specific search terms like "scale inhibition squeeze," "scale inhibitor squeeze," "chemical squeeze," "scale prevention," and "formation damage" to target relevant results.
  • Combine terms: Combine specific terms with the names of key industry players like "Schlumberger scale inhibition squeeze," "Halliburton scale inhibitor squeeze," or "Baker Hughes chemical squeeze."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "scale inhibition squeeze technology" or "benefits of scale inhibitor squeeze" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Filter results: Utilize Google search filters like "articles," "PDFs," or "websites" to refine your search results based on your specific needs.
  • Use advanced search: Use Google's advanced search operator to narrow your search by specifying specific websites, file types, or date ranges.
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